Chapter Eighteen

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(Y/N) excitedly got to work, ideas flying through her head almost too fast to completely understand. The (H/C)-nette turned to the Insect Hashira while tying on an apron. "Would you like to lend me a hand? The things I plan to do aren't terribly hard but it is always more enjoyable to do with others." (Y/N) smiled, offering over another apron. Shinobu looked at her for a moment then nodded with a small smile. Shinobu hung up her coat on the tack by the aprons and tied on the dirty looking cloth that would protect her uniform.

"Alright! We should probably start with what will take the longest to make." (Y/N) thought aloud. She scurried around, looking for something to write with. Finding a pen and paper, she jotted down a few thoughts and directions that she would need to remember then sifted through the cabinets for mixing bowls. The two danced around the kitchen, grabbing the ingedients for the first item they would be making. Sugar cookies and this recipe would call for the dough to be chilled for two hours which would allow them to move on to other pastries. Shinobu handed (Y/N) ingredients after locating a metal mixing bowl and whisk. Machines were helpful yes but (Y/N) quite enjoyed the feeling of mixing it by hand.

- 3 cups of Flour

-3/4 teaspoon Baking Powder

-1/4 teaspoon Salt

-1 cup Sugar

-1 Egg

-1 tablespoon Milk

Those were the needed ingredients to make Sugar Cookies. Using the measuring appliances and cracking an egg, (Y/N) poured the dry ingredients with the wet ones and began to whisk away. Shinobu watched the girl as she made baking seem so effortless and noticed the soft smile that rested on her features. It was unlike the smirks and cocky expressions Shinobu would receive any other day. (Y/N) looked content. With how much more hectic the Demon Girl's life had become, baking was probably therapeutic. "Can you grab me some plastic wrap? This dough will need to sit in the Fridge." (Y/N) asked. Shinobu had helped around the kitchen in the past, which benefited the duo considering (Y/N) was just guessing where things were located.

Shinobu grabbed the plastic wrap, ripping off a piece and securing it over the metal bowl full of dough, placing it in the fridge afterwards. (Y/N) looked at the time that was displayed by the oven, making a mental note of when to turn her attention the the chilling dough. "What else do you plan on baking?" Shinobu asked, watching the girl tap her chin in thought. Her eyes sparkled as she started roaming the cabinets once more.

"We will start on the second pastry before making the frosting for the cookies. Having a small variety is always nice in case one of the goodies isn't quite liked. I decided on Lemon Bread for the next one, it requires glaze which we can make when we make the frosting for the cookies." (Y/N) informed Shinobu, then handed her a list of what is needed next. (Y/N) gathered dirtied utensils and cleaned them thoroughly to use again. She then slipped across the tiled floor, sliding to a stop at the large variety of fruits sitting on one of the counters.

(Y/N) browsed the fresh looking fruits, her smile widening finding a couple bright yellow lemons. Grabbing two she then went to find the juicer and a grater. It was slightly annoying being in a foreign kitchen where the layout was different, (Y/N) was constantly searching for things. The Demon Girl let out a relieved sigh once she found the materials, setting everything down on the counter where the rest of her ingredients had been put. Skidding to an abrupt stop in front of the double ovens, she pressed a few buttons and set the oven to preheat at 325 degrees. Next was to gather a tablespoon of lemon zest then after, would be to juice the lemon enough for 1/4 cup.

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