Chapter Eight

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The boys instantly tried to get the guards off of the exhausted Demon girl, shouting she wasn't any sort of threat. Tomioka tried to order the guards to stop but they didn't listen. 

"My, my, what have brought us this time, Tomioka?" A female voice asked, appearing in front of the group.

"Miss Shinobu! Please, tell the guards to release her!!" Tanjiro pleaded. The female Senior Demon Slayer rose a questioning brow at the boys request.

"And why should I do that? You brought yet another Demon to our base, Mister Kamado." Shinobu said. With a gesture from the authorative woman, the guards pulled the girl up to her knees, gripping the once smooth locks on her head tightly. 

" want an explanation....I would be happy to give you one, Miss." (Y/N) was able to utter out, one eye tightly shut in response to the intense pain her scalp was currently feeling. "But it is a proposition more for your boss to carry out. I don't give a damn if you decide to kill me now or not. I didn't come here with any ill intentions." The girl added, her hue visible and glowing. Shinobu looked over at Tomioka and they had a silent conversation then she sighed and told the guards to let go of the girl. 

"You three, secure her and follow me." Shinobu ordered then turned to walk off in another direction. Tanjiro helped (Y/N) up, her body was overworked and didn't want to move but she pushed on the best she could. "Tomioka, gather the other Hashira and inform the Master." Shinobu said and then Tomioka was gone in the next second. The group continued walking till they made it to where the rest of the Hashira was gathered, where they met up when they needed to speak to the Master. 

"What the hell is this Demon doing here? Her presence isn't right." A man with white hair and abnormal fuchsia eyes asked bluntly. His question went unanswered as the doors were slid open and revealed a man with a very evident scar displayed over half his face. Two almost identical girls stood next to him, serving as his guides. 

"What is this I have been told about a proposition being made by a Demon?" The man asked. It was clear he was the person all other Demon Slayer's bowed down to. (Y/N) was pushed forward suddenly, causing her to tumble in the gravel. The girl groaned then respectfully bowed in front of the man.

"If I am aloud to speak now, I will explain why I am risking my life for this." (Y/n) started. The man nodded, gesturing for her to proceed. (Y/N) staggered to her feet, keeping her hands visible. "We have a common enemy here, that Demon king bastard. I came here hoping to team up with the Demon Slayer's to finally eradicate the man causing such chaos." (Y/N) said.

"Why in the world would a Demon want to kill her own kin?" A dual haired man question, he had bright blonde hair that faded into red tips.

"For one reason, I was sold to him so my creatin parents may live longer. Having a human to toy with gave him ideas on expirimentation, which lead to him forcing me to drink his blood every day for centuries. I am that man's biggest pride...." (Y/N) trailed off. "The thing is, even if you decide I am not worth the consideration, I could also finally die successfully. No Demon army preventing a Demon Slayer from getting close and no eyes on me constantly to watch if I try to take my own life. Sure, it would be amazing if he finally got what he deserves but I am sure his time will come even years after I am gone." (Y/N) added.

"You are a Demon like the rest of them, are you not? Why should we help you out when you are just as much of a murderer as your kin?" A man with two different colored hues and a hidden face asked.

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