Chapter 13

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Almost immediately after Tanjiro and Inosuke were done dealing with one Demon, there was another to take care of. This one however, was on a different level. Just like in video games, the enemies only get stronger 'til you make it to the final boss of this floor. 

"Damn it! I am no match for this guy in my condition!!" Inosuke growled, his grip tightening around the hilts of his swords. Before Inosuke could get his bearings again, the giant spider like Demon rushed at him. Tanjiro was quick to try and stop the Demon.

"Water Breathing, Second Form: Water Wheel!" Tanjiro chanted, lodging his sword in the Demon's thick skin. "I couldn't cut through!" Tanjiro exclaimed, then realizing he was having difficulty pulling the sword back out. What was this Demon made of? Taking advantage that Tanjiro couldn't move, the Demon swung his other arm. Tanjiro was on the verge of panic, many ideas on how to prevent himself from getting punched to hell. Inosuke, in a split second decision, blocked the giants fist with his swords.

The Demon roared then flung Inosuke back into the shallow creak they all were fighting in. Tanjiro was flung as well, less force but just enough to unstick his sword from the Demon's flesh. Tanjiro skidded through the water but still remained on his feet, unlike Inosuke who tumbled chaotically. The Demon went for Insouke again. The Boar Headed male stumbled backwards, dodging a punch then dashing behind the Demon, swords in hand.

"Keep running!" Tanjiro shouted from the trees, keeping up with Inosuke and his pursuer. Tanjiro tried to keep a steady pace with them, setting a plan in motion as he ran. "Improved, Second Form: Lateral Water Wheel!" Tanjiro chanted, teeth grinding with a concentrated look on his face. Using the improved attack, Tanjiro cut down one of the large trees, it coming down between Inosuke and the Demon. The tree collapsed right on top of the Demon's neck, bubbles rising as it struggled to get its head above water. 

'How is this guy so fast?' Inosuke thought to himself, looking at his comrade. 'The entire air around him has even changed.' Inosuke observed. He continued watching Tanjiro, seeing him ready another attack quickly.  Tanjiro held his sword tightly. ready to use his final form of Water Breathing. He charged at the immobile enemy, ready to cut off the Demon's head when the said Demon quickly found its way back to its feet. The Demon roared, it rippling through the air. Tanjiro's breath hitched for a moment, quickly changing his attack to help block the giant tree being used as a bat to swat him away. Tanjiro grunted on impact, gritting his teeth in concentration. 

"Kentaro!!!!" Inosuke shouted, watching his comrade skyrocket through the air. 

"Inosuke! Stay alive till I get back!!!" Tanjiro said, turning his attention to what was happening currently. He divised a plan to try and land safely. As he got closer to the ground, Tanjiro used his Water Wheel techinwue to soften his landing. Just barely managed to pull it off, tumbling slightly on the ground. Tanjiro got back on his feet, dusting himself off when he heard screaming. 

"P-Please! Stop!" The female voie pleased. 

"Really? What the hell kind of family is this Rui? What you are doing is wrong!" A familiar voice shouted. Tanjiro quietly made his way to where the voices were, Rui spotting him instantly.

"This is some show for you to watch." Rui said, glaring at Tanjiro and he stopped what he was doing. Tanjiro's eyes wondered over the area and saw (Y/N) strung up, blood and gashes covering her body. The girl just smiled at him as their eyes met. 

"I was wondering when you would be showing up." (Y/N) said then looked back to the other two Demons. Tanjiro looked at them as well. They were family right? 

"Why would you treat her like that?!" Tanjiro shouted. Rui looked at him.

"We are family, I am merely putting her back in line." Rui said. (Y/N) rolled her eyes at what he said. 

"Did you take pointers from your ever so great Overlord? He doesn't know how to treat people or conduct a family! You are sick and twisted!" (Y/N) shouted, pulling against the sharp threads tying her up.

"You are annoying." Rui said, clenching his fist to tighten the threads. The spider threads dug deeper into her skin but she didn't flinch. This guy has no idea what she has endured.

"Your ways of thinking is wrong! Family or even your comrades who have a string bond with you will give off the scent of trust but all I get from you two is the scent of terror, repulsion and hatred!!" Tanjiro exclaimed. "That isn't any sort of bond, it is just fake!" Tanjiro added. Rui didn't like those words.

The female spider Demon kneeling on the ground froze, eyes wide. "What did you say?" Rui asked, his aura becoming dangerous.

"Your bonds are forged! That isn't a real family." Tanjiro said sternly. Before more could be said, another Demon Slayer entered the area. He was cocky because he saw Rui's size. A kid Demon? Really shouldn't judged a book by its cover. 

"Wait!" Tanjiro shouted, wanting to stop the higher ranked Demon Slayer. 

"That is just suicide, you idiot." (Y/N) sighed, then watched him turn into shredded human meat. 

"Now, back to what I was saying. Take it back." Rui said, glaring hard at Tanjiro. 

"I won't! What you have here is forged and that's the truth!!!" Tanjiro retaliated. 

"Fine then." Rui said, starting his attack with his spider threads. There were too many scents in the air to precisely pick up where the threads were coming from and where they  would strike. Honing in on the scent of the strings, Tanjiro hardened his stance ready to cut the death threads.

"Tanjiro, wait!" (Y/N) shouted, tugging against the threads that threatened to split her into pieces. Knowing if she fought any harder against the threads they would slice open and cut off her limbs, she managed to break free of them. She let out a groan as she fell back to the ground but sucked it up and shot ice at the thread that had cut through Tanjiro's sword and was about to cut off his head. The ice held it in place long enough for (Y/N) to grab it and move Tanjiro out of the way.

"(Y/N)!! Why did you do that?!" Tanjiro exclaimed in shock and terror.

"Because....I can heal my severed limbs ." (Y/N) said, heavy breaths leaving her as she tried to heal her wounds. Her healing abilities were slower than a normal Demon's most of the time, unfortunately it was hard to focus on healing and trying not to die.

"You don't have to sacrifice yourself like this." Tanjiro said, helping her stand with an arm wrapped around her shoulders.

"I believe it is a part of my new job, Hun." (Y/N) heaved with a tired smirk.

"Why does Master want you back so much? You are nothing." Rui said, venom laced within those words.

"The reason being." (Y/N) said, more of her limbs slowly mending back together. "With me on the other side I'm his worst God damn nightmare." (Y/N) said, the air turning cold and frosty. Tanjiro stepped back, weilding his broken blade. He was ready to fight alongside her

-The chapter is a bit short, not much happens but I wanted to get something out for you guys since I have gotten so many comments on how much everyone loves this book! I will start working on another chapter ASAP!!!!


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