Chapter 11

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Almost there, just a few more hours and they would be at their destination. They were currently stopped to get fuel again, it was a rough drive. (Y/N) leaned against her vehicle beside the gas cap, patiently waiting for the fuel to flow into the tank. The drive was relatively easy besides the bickering between everyone in the cab while driving. It almost felt like it was too easy. (Y/N)'s eyes narrowed behind her dark tinted shades. Something was for sure off about this. She knew they weren't just getting lucky.

Ah that explains it. 

She figured it out, a highly skilled Demon was tailing them the entire trip. So she did slip up during that fight, one lone Demon fell through her cracked composure. "Well can't do anything about it now. Just gotta kick ass." (Y/N) mumbled to herself then placed the nozel back on the gas pump once she heard the click signaling it was done. It was late afternoon which meant once they arrived at the base of the mountain it would be nightfall. Not to mention dangerous as hell.  "Shinobu can you drive for a little while?" (Y/N) asked her handler. 

"I guess since you have been driving all day." Shinobu gave the Demon a smile and got into the drivers seat. As to not tip off the Demon trailing them, (Y/N) got in the back seat, sending Zenitsu to sit in the passenger seat, to which he didn't object. 

"We are being followed, don't make any obvious movements." (Y/N) spoke softly then climbed over the back seat and into the trunk with a small thud as she didn't land gracefully. (You know like how a SUV is built?) Keeping low she started crafting a weapon from her ice. 

"When did you figure that out?" Tanjiro asked. 

"I found the Demon trailing us not that long ago but I realized that this entire trip has been way too easy. Yes, Demon's like to attack more at night but even last time we got attacked more than once in the day time. I slipped up during that last fight. One mangey Demon slipped through my fingers and told their Boss." (Y/N) explained while crafting each piece for her weapon. 

"Wow, you are crafting an entire sniper riffle? You must know it from the inside out." Inosuke commented as he peered over the back seat to what the girl was doing. 

"Been alive a long time remember? I can craft any weapon I want now just because I have memorized each and every ones tricks and gimmick's that make them powerful." (Y/N) explained, putting together the icy parts that made the giant gun. "They know my location so killing this guy won't help us lose them but it will make me happy." (Y/N) said with a smirk. She popped open the rear window to the trunk of the moving car and positioned the sniper riffle comfortably. With the bullets loaded she cocked it and closed the one eye while the other looked through the scope. 

Taking a deep breath in to steady her aim, (Y/N) pulled the trigger. She was using her other senses to pinpoint the Demon, only relying on her sight to get the general area. There was an explosion not too far down the highway and the Demon's presence was gone. (Y/N) stared out the window a little surprised. "I wasn't expecting an explosion but hey, makes the kill all the more satisfying in my opinion." (Y/N) mumbled. 

"Some of your personality traits really suit a Demon...." Inosuke mumbled to himself. (Y/N) chucked the gun out the back window and melted it on the pavement then closed it.

"Yeah, I am aware. I may not want to exterminate most of the human race and eat them alive but my personality is a little sick and twisted like theirs. No one will automatically call me out for being demonic though, just think I need to go check myself into a looney bin. Been there, done that just for kicks. It was quite a lot of fun." (Y/N) said then climbed over the seat into the back seat once more. 

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