Chapter Twenty

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The car jerked to a stop as it parked in the large parking lot across from the train station. "How the hell did we manage to still run late?!" (Y/N) groaned, running to catch the train that had begun moving without them boarding. (Y/N) pulled down the cloth that had been protecting her from the sun all day and quickly used the lightning ropes to grab hold of the rear end guard rail of the train. She jolted herself forward, landing on the train safely. Using the same rope, she readied the lasso and split it off in three seperate pieces to grab her companions, then yanking them forward to join her on the train.

"Gosh, let's never do that again." Zenitsu panted, catching his breath.

"At least we made it nonetheless. Next time, Boar Boy, conceal your weapons a tad bit better." (Y/N) said, patting his shoulder as she walked past him. They all had previously purchased tickets and all that was left currently was to meet up with the Flame Hashira. The moment she had entered the train, everything shifted. Somewhere, she sensed a high ranking Demon. This was  Demon she had never encountered before, however. So she had no way of knowing how tough the battle was ahead of them. The group made their way down the train cars, not yet seeing the Demon Slayer that would stand out among the other people.

Passing from one car to another once more, they instantly found who they were looking for. The Flame Hashira Kyojuro Rengoku. The senior Demon Slayer sat in a booth with mounds of bento's stacked beside him. "Delicious!" Rengoku exclaimed after taking another bite. Everyone was staring at the man, bewildered by his behavior. Rengoku paused, turning his attention to the Demon that had entered the space. His red and yellow eyes going from relaxed to serious as they gazed upon (Y/N). The others felt the sudden tension instantly. (Y/N) raised her hands up to where he could see, showing she was in no way a threat to him. 

"Mr. Rengoku, my companions and I were given orders to come and supply you with backup." Tanjiro explained their appearance on the train then introduced everyone. 

"The girl and the person residing in that box are both Demon's, correct?" Rengoku asked. (Y/N) placed a hand on Tanjiro's tensed shoulder, reassuring everything was fine. 

"If I may speak, you are correct. I am a Demon but I am on quite the tight leash. I am only here to be a useful tool." (Y/N) spoke with an unknown emotion in her tone but it felt cold. 

"The Master accepted you so I won't decline your offer but don't get me wrong, I don't trust you." Rengoku said. 

"I wouldn't expect you to. Demon's are a slimey decietful race." (Y/N) agreed, sitting in the adjacent booth with Zenitsu and Inosuke. Now having time to breath, she began discarding her coverings she wouldn't be needing till sunrise. Tanjiro was offered to sit next to Rengoku, the two starting a conversation. Tanjiro had been curious about fire style fighting, since he used an unknown flame power while fighting against the spider Demon. Inosuke and Zenitsu were bickering over god knows what across from (Y/N) but she paid them no mind, just listened to everything going on around her. Neatly, she folded her trench coat and other cloth coverings, piling them beside her. The small jingle that came from her bracelet alerted her to the piece of jewelry. (Y/N) place it safely in one of her coat pockets. This upcoming battle was going to get messy, that much she knew.

The conductor came around, punching a hole in everyone's tickets. The man looked sickly and his presence reeked of despair along with a knotted mess of other conflicting emotions. Once the conductor was gone, (Y/N) sat there with her arms crossed and her eyes shut as she rested in her seat but never let her guard down. Another dot made itself apparent on her radar. Not a very high level Demon but enough to have a proper conscience. She stood, her once concealed weapon strapped to her back being drawn. "So you noticed it too. It is headed our way." Rengoku spoke, unsheathing his sword. 

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