Chapter Thirty-One; Part Two

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Everyone's injuries proved to be a lot more worse than originally predicted. Suddenly Tanjiro fell into a deep sleep a few days into everyone's recovery, like his body just shut down.

Day after day passed and still Tanjiro didn't wake up. The only way you could even tell he was still alive was by the rise and fall of his chest from his breathing. The group began to grow more worried every day Tanjiro stayed asleep. The three began their own training as they furthered their recovery and apart from her own training, (Y/N) would help Zenitsu and Inosuke with theirs as well.

The days soon turned into a week, then another and another, eventually turning into a month. One month turned to two and now it was reaching into the third month where Tanjiro slept.

(Y/N) kept quiet, helping the other two recover and often visiting Tanjiro in the infirmary. The solace and silence in the room Tanjiro stayed in cutting her deeply. 

She dared not to speak up about the inner turmoil happening within her. Zenitsu could hear it, the sounds her heart gave off more confusing than before. Not only was she suppressing her hunger, she had the hunger for Muzan's blood. This new craving rattled her thoughts endlessly, what did this mean? What was going to happen next?

(Y/N)'s wounds were less severe, mostly just light bruises and scratches she'd forget about. As she helped the boys train she also endured rigorous training herself. Sparring intensified between her and her handlers, Shinobu and Tomioka. They had back to back training sessions to which (Y/N) never complained about. Their training sessions usually were held at night in the outside training arena or the indoor training room.

However, recently, she was given another sparring partner. He was pretty ruthless in comparison. Shinazugawa was tasked with very ruthlessly pushing (Y/N) passed her limits. Seeing as how she was able to fight the Hashira in daylight, the two would start in the late afternoon and train till the sun went down.

Her skin sizzled and every movement felt utterly strained but she always still got back up. Zenitsu and Inosuke sat and watched the session today, having a day to relax unlike (Y/N). Luckily though, these sessions weren't daily like her other ones.

"She's stupid." Inosuke huffed beside Zenitsu. The blonde boy sighed as well.

"Can't exactly argue there." Zenitsu agreed.

"They're stupid." Inosuke said, referring to the superiors.

"I agree with that as well." Zenitsu whispered quieter. Inosuke huffed loudly again. The two's lackluster conversation was cut short when (Y/N) was nearly thrown directly at them. "Hey, what the hell?!?" Zenitsu exclaimed.

(Y/N) groaned standing up. "That really sucked." She grumbled.

"GET UP AND KICK HIS ASS!!" Inosuke shouted, completely contradicting his words before. Zenitsu whacked his friend upside the head and scolded him.

(Y/N) got back up on her feet, shaking off the aches and pains. She picked up her sword and jumped back into the fight. Shinazugawa looked unamused. Yes this Demon was advancing in her abilities but then you could see she was holding herself back. "Do we need to make this more difficult? Why the hell are you being so weak!" Shinazugawa exclaimed, sending a heavy kick to the Demoness' gut. 

(Y/N) stopped her tumble by sticking her sword in the ground, lightly panting. Yeah, she saw it too. She wasn't making much progress within the last week or so and now she is just getting her ass beat for nothing. Her frustration was building more. Frustration with herself and it was beginning to seep out the cracks. 

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