Chapter Six

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The road trip was reaching its final hours. The group of Demon Slayer's and Demon companions were reaching the town leading up to the base for the Demon Slayer's. Three hours left, (Y/N) had to admit she was a little nerve racked. For all she knew the Demon Slayer's would sense her in town and execute her then and there. In all reality she was alright with it, if it was her fate so be it.

The ride was silent for the most part, the others knew the girl must be feeling something but just weren't sure what it was or how to respond. They had faith the higher ups would see it as they did but they were very close to even killing Nezuko so in actuality anything could occur when they get there. The group entered the town within the next hour and went to park the vehicle somewhere until they came back for it.

"We have a little time to spare, shall we go get some food?" Tanjiro asked his Demon companion who stood beside him. (Y/N) glanced over at Tanjiro then took a look at what was around her. 

"Yeah, getting another meal together sounds nice." (Y/N) said, putting on a small smile. The boys around her could easily tell that was being forced. The Demon girl was pushing her fears deep down as to not show she actually cared some if she died now. The last hour of their trip, (Y/N) started to notice how much she started to enjoy the company of these guys. She truly thinks if she weren't a Demon she might have befriended them at some other point in life. 

"I know this one place over by the lake, a bunch of other Demon Slayer's have said it is a great place to go!" Tanjiro said cheerily. Zenitsu nodded vigorously and agreed, pulling (Y/N) along. The two talked, Zenitsu trying his hardest to cheer up the girl because he too, started to think of her as a friend. 

"Do you think they are going to kill her?" Inosuke asked from beside Tanjiro as they walked a few feet behind the other two.

"They pardoned Nezuko, why couldn't they do the same for (Y/N)? She hasn't killed a human for her own hunger and she is a victim in this, forced into being a Demon. It wouldn't be right to kill her just for the fact she is not human." Tanjiro said, brows furrowed. 

"You sure have taking quite the liking to her." Inosuke mumbled, just barely reaching Tanjiro's ears. His face flared in a light pink, in which he tried to cover up.

"Well yeah- like a friend! (Y/N) has proven she isn't a bad person so of course I would like her in a friendly way." Tanjiro said. Inosuke didn't buy it. After knowing Tanjiro for so long, he could tell the difference in his friendly nature to everyone and friendly nature to someone he was growing feelings for. 

(Y/N) and Zenitsu had stopped quite a ways ahead of the other two, to stare at the lake that was reflecting the lovely early evening colors of the sky. 

"How are you doing?" Zenitsu asked. (Y/N) sighed and leaned against the railing that lined the lake. 

"I honestly don't know. I had wanted to die since the day I became a Demon but then Tanjiro came into my life and offered me hope.... I want to live just as a human. Thinking today may be my last day to live is crazy. I am walking into the hornets nest." (Y/N) said, looking down at the shimmering water.

"Tanjiro just has that effect on people, always out there making new friends." Zenitsu said. (Y/N) nodded in agreement.

"Let's forget about all of that for now, I want to have fun!" (Y/N) said, looking away from the sunset reflected on the water and grabbed Zenitsu' s hand and twirled him around to the soft music playing around the shops.  

"I-I'm not a good dancer!" Zenitsu exclaimed but went along with his friend anyways.

"Just cause I'm old doesn't mean I am a good dancer either." (Y/N) laughed, twirling the blonde around some more. Zenitsu smiled and started dancing at the same rhythm as the girl next to him.

Inosuke and Tanjiro finally caught up with the two and smiled seeing them dancing around carelessly. (Y/N) the two and pulled them in too. She didn't care if they were out of place, she wanted to enjoy the rest of the evening as much as she could. Soon others joined in as well, the streets becoming busier as people wanted to be a part of the fun.

(Y/N) sat back and watched with a smile as her companions danced with the other dancing people. It was a good night but she had a feeling something was about to interrupt it real quick. (Y/N) was back leaning against the railing, back to the water behind her. She quickly created a long ice spike to block the sudden attack. A man, black hair and traditional looking kimono as well as the Demon Slayer uniform, held a sword to the ice spike. The unknown Demon Slayer hardened his eyes at the irregular Demon in front of him.

"I was waiting for one of you to finally come and get me. For your information I am here with those three idiots over there." (Y/N) said, pointing out the happy trio. The three were grabbing a table and that was when they noticed they didn't see (Y/N) around. "Do you wish to hear them out or just try and chop off my head?" The Demon girl asked, glancing back at the raven haired man. 

Tanjiro spotted (Y/N) and the nameless Demon Slayer and immediately broke into a sprint over to them. Zenitsu and Inosuke looked at each other quizzically then in the direction their friend ran off in. That was when they too, noticed the situation their Demon friend was in and started running as well.

"Tomioka, she isn't an enemy!!" Tanjiro exclaimed, slightly out of breath as he arrived in front of the pair. Tomioka narrowed his eyes at Tanjiro and in a flash pointed the Demon slaying sword at Tanjiro's throat, causing him to stop in his tracks.

"Why don't you explain what is going on here then, she is obviously a Demon and yet you are accompanying her." Tomioka said. "I thought you were sent on a mission to kill the Demon's not bring one back?" Tomioka asked sternly.

"I was- a-and I did. The thing is, she wasn't the Demon causing distress in that city. It was the Demons following her. This girl isn't like the others." Tanjiro said, beads of sweat slowly rolling down his face. Tomioka shifted his gaze back to the patiently waiting Demon. She was leaning against the rail, a confident smirk on her face. 

"Then tell me, why shouldn't I kill you?" Tomioka asked her. (Y/N) opened her eyes, letting them glow their demonic hue and exhaled. 

"I think I could help get you the head of the bastard overlord's head. That is something you Demon Slayer's want right?" (Y/N) asked.

"And how will you do that?" Tomioka asked.

"I am that man's pet, he has been keeping me close and on constant surveillance for years. Feeding me his blood no matter how many times I try to refuse. I am a toy he cherishes quite a lot because I have survived centuries without tasting a single drop of a humans blood." (Y/N) said, looking Tomioka dead in the eyes.

"You were drawn to her because she is similar to your sister and you think you can actually revert these Demons back to their human forms? We will see what the others have to say about this." Tomioka said, sheathing his blade and gesturing the others to follow him. Now they had to venture up the mountain.


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