Chapter Twenty-Seven

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"Listen up Hashira! Don't pull your punches, throw every attack even if I am in the line of fire!" (Y/N) shouted. Tengen nodded, charging back into the fight along with (Y/N).

Tanjiro stayed glued to the ground, trying to get control of his breathing. He couldn't be this useless, he couldn't just sit back and let others die because he wasn't strong enough. He didn't want to watch (Y/N) continuesly hurt.

"You are a reckless fool!" Daiki shouted at (Y/N). Said Demon stood a few feet away from the upper rank six. (Y/N) licked the blood off her claws, eyes glowing dangerously bright.

"Your blood is fowl, even among Demons. As for being reckless, maybe but this is my job. I vowed I wouldn't be a hindrance. I do have to hand it to you Twelve Kizuki. Seems you guys have gotten a little better in my absence." (Y/N) said, blipping from sight.

Daiki begun to feel a twinge of fear. She silently gasped to herself, she had never felt afraid of any Demon other than Muzan himself. (Y/N) appeared behind her, gripping the back of her neck with both hands and digging her claws deep.

(Y/N) sturdied her grip then pulled back. Sloshing and cracking rang through the air. Daiki screamed in pain, her entire spine being torn from her body along with her head. (Y/N) punted the head a few feet away and watched it reform a few moments later.

Daiki sat there and began throwing a fit. " it's no fair, why won't you die?!" She cried. Tengen looked at the scene in confusion, looking over at (Y/N) asking what the hell was going on.

"You wonder why detaching her head isn't killing her, right? Allow me to help clarify." (Y/N) said, slicing her arm open. The trickling blood surrounded Daiki and began raining over her.

Within seconds it stopped however. (Y/N) smirked. A form emerged from Daiki, a thin deathly looking Demon. "How dare you pick on my sister." The Demon spoke, a blood colored sickle in hand.

"You sure took your time showing yourself. Not excited to see me?" (Y/N) asked.

"'s been a while. You are so irritating." He said, charging at (Y/N). She went to grab the sickle, her fingers being sliced off but she grabbed it with the other hand.

"I think this is a touching reunion, don't you?" (Y/N) smirked, her blood sizzling through the weapon. (Y/N)'s face laxed, catching a blade that was chucked her way. Before the second Demon could flinch his head was cut off.

"It must have been too long, if don't remember how to kill me." (Y/N) chuckled, catching the detached head by stabbing her claws through its eyes.

"No. I didn't forget, just need to blow off some steam." She said, flicking the head away again. The Demon reformed, evident irritation on his face.

"You are so damn annoying." He tsk'd.

"Suck it up boys, I've got a plan! These two are a real pain in the ass to kill but not impossible. What we have to do is cut off their heads at the exact same time. This one is dense while the belt witch is soft. You three go handle her while we deal with this one." (Y/N) ordered before vanishing from sight again. The Demon had tried to slash at her from behind with his sickle.

"You may be the Master's favorite pet but don't think you are stronger than me." He said with a twisted grin. The Demon went for an up close fight, slashing again and again but any wound he inflicted regenerated just as quickly as his did.

(Y/N) defended and blocked so that way Tengen could attack and counter. A belt came flying towards them, bypassing Inosuke, Zenitsu and Tanjiro. (Y/N) quickly moved to take the hit and grabbed the belt before it could retreat back. There was a fuzz fogging over her mind and she knew exactly why. After every big boost of power, of adrenaline, came the fatigue. "Stay in your own fight, Bitch." She growled. The portion of the belt she had in her grasp exploded and her attention went back to Lord Tengen. He was already dealing with some wounds, any more to the head might do him in permanently.

(Y/N) blipped back up close to the Demon, going to reach for his throat but he was faster and was able to slice her arm xompletely off. Her arm lagged a moment before regenerating and grabbing the Demon by the hair. Tengen saw an opening thanks to this and tried to go for its head. The skin was too tough however. (Y/N) tried to keep him held down but what Tengen couldn't see was one of the bloodcycles we being shoved deep in her chest.

The Demon finally flung the two off, already charging in to attack once more. Tengen's eyes could barely keep up with the fast moving Demon but he still was managing to dodge some of the attacks. (Y/N) was flung back, hitting mounds of xement with her back and out of rage to quickly get back in the fight. She groaned, not enjoying the pain. Her eyes caught the boy's fight with Daiki. Tanjiro was in a bad state, barely able to keep up.

(Y/N) pulled herself up, running quickly. Tanjiro was jnae to hold back an attack from one of the belts and was sent flying towards the ground. (Y/N) grabbing the fabric of his jacket once she reached him and pulled him closer to her form.  "This is gonna suck." She said, finally hitting the ground and tumbling.

The two groaned, (Y/N) being the first to get to her feet even while staggering. She looked back at Tanjiro, seeing the layers of pain going though his mind. He was trying to get up, to use his ultimate move.

"That's a real bad idea right now." She whispered only loud enough for him to hear.

"I have fight!" Tanjiro exclaimed, going into a coughing fit almost immediately after.

"Lord Tengen!" A female's voice shouted. (Y/N)'s eyes darted to the Hashira's fight and saw how much more damage Tengen was enduring. Tengen just barely dodged another swing and scooted a few more feet back. (Y/N) grit her teeth. Killing either of them wouldn't be difficult, what's chapping her ass  about this fight is the way you have to go about killing the two.

"Stay put, got it?" (Y/N) asked Tanjiro who was trying to control the pain he was in. (Y/N) launched herself back into the fight, trying to help Tengen from getting his ass whooped.

"Control your breathing." Tanjiro kept repeating in his head.

Everyone else was fighting so hard yet he has barely been able to aid those around him.

"I'm just weighing everyone else down." Was his next thought.

He was drowning in the self doubt that had been piling up, especially since the death of Rengoku.

"Hinatsuru!!!" I scream ripped through the air, brining Tanjiro's attention to Tengen's fight. The lanky Demon was seconds, inches away from killing one of Tengen's wives.

"Damnit, move!" He shouted at himself.

Then in a blink Tanjiro came up with a way to get to Hinatsuru.

(Y/N) and Tengen watched with wide eyes. Tanjiro had managed to be faster than the Demon.
Tanjiro panted heavily, shaky grip on his sword ready to defend against the Demon.

Tanjiro had mended his newly developed Sun Breathing together with his Water Breathing techniques.

(Y/N) and Tengen leaped from the ground to where the Demon stood.

"I don't know what you just did but I owe you my gratitude!" Tengen shouted, engaging against the Demon once more. "Get them somewhere safer!" Tengen ordered (Y/N).

Tanjiro was ready to fall over again but was held up by (Y/N). "That's a new trick, nicely done." She smirked.


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