Chapter Three

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(Y/N) looked in her review mirror to see the Zenitsu and Inosuke leaning against each other as they slept, making her chuckle. It was now probably late afternoon, still having quite a way to go still. 

"Hehe, I forgot how far I had to travel. At least this time I am traveling more comfortably." Tanjiro muttered to mostly himself with a small smile.

"Do you guys really not invest in cars? Wait do you even know how to drive?" (Y/N) asked, still looking at the road ahead of her.

"I can drive! Er- well....not very well, no." Tanjiro said quietly, a light pink dusting his cheeks. The (H/C) haired girl side-eyed Tanjiro for a second before cracking a grin with a small series of snickers.

"If I live past meeting the higher ups I can teach you. Seems easier than having to walk or take public transportation at least." (Y/N) suggested.

"That would be great! I can't say I really enjoy public transportation. Some people you meet along the way are grumpy or rude." Tanjiro said, sighing at a few fragmented memories that popped up when thinking about it.

(Y/N) groaned slightly seeing the E-light blink on, signaling she need gas. "Guess we are making a pit stop." The girl grumbled as she entered another town and pulled into the nearest gas station. 

"Anybody need anything while we are stopped?" (Y/N) asked the two in the back, seeing them groggily start to wake up.

"I want some food." Zenitsu yawned. Tanjiro nodded in agreement and then hopped out the passenger seat. 

"I can go get us all some snacks and drinks while you get gas." Tanjiro offered. (Y/N) looked over at him from by the gas pump and simply nodded and tossed her wallet at the boy. 

"Get me some energy drinks, I have a feeling this is going to be a long drive." (Y/N) said, trying to cover up the large yawn she let out. Tanjiro nodded with his usual smile displayed and wondered off into the slightly old looking gas station. (Y/N) turned back to the gas pump and after paying she put the gas nozzle into the opening for the gas tank of the vehicle. (Y/N) leaned against the side of the vehicle waiting for the gas tank to fill up, guard only slightly lowered because she was growing tired.

In an instant two metal objects clashed right in front of (Y/N)'s out of no where. Inosuke had woken up fully in time to block a lightning flash attack aimed for the female demon. (Y/N)'s eyes widened and her breath hitched for a moment. Her eyes moved from the blades in front of her face and to the demon who had attacked them. It was nearing sundown, this was only the beginning of the troubles they would be facing on their journey. 

(Y/N) narrowed her steadily glowing eyes. "You really should have turned this job down." (Y/N) said, freezing the demon in place then with another swift move let Inosuke cut off its head.

"A 'thank you' would much appreciated. I just protected your demon ass." Inosuke grumbled getting back into the back seat. (Y/N) sigh with a small chuckle. Before he could slam the door shut she caught it and leaned down slightly to look at Inosuke.

"Thank you, for watching my back. Crazy boar man." (Y/N) snickered closing the door in his face before he could say anything more. (Y/N) went and took the gas nozzle and put it back, then twisting the gas cap back in place.

"Hey, did something happen?" Tanjiro asked walking back to the vehicle with a slightly confused face. (Y/N) smiled at him and took an energy drink from the full bag. 

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