Chapter Twenty-Five

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-There will be spelling errors cause I'm lazy-

The Entertainment district.

"You are tracking a Demon and want me to go under cover with three cross-dressed dumbasses? Are you an idiot, Sir?" (Y/N) asked bluntly. The other three gawked at the woman's bluntness.

"Are you?" Tengen responded. (Y/N) sighed pinching the bridge of her nose.

"You Demon Slayer's are intelligent right? 'Cause this is stupendous. It doesn't matter what Demon we come across they all know exactly who I am and are clearly informed who I aligned with most recently. I'm sure they are expecting you nonetheless but dangling me out there will now help anything." She explained. Te gen smirked.

"On the contrary, I believe using you as bait will be the right move to make." Tengen said with a smirk smeared over his face. (Y/N) growled but flailed her hands up in surrender. The four were soon after dressed up to be traded to the houses who were looking for new young woman. Tanjiro went one way, Inosuke departing with Tengen to try and find another place that might take him. (Y/N) remained with Zenitsu. Zenitsu was given the device to the collar around(Y/N)'s neck seeing as how he was the one who was grouped with her.

"This house smells rotten." (Y/N) growled. She looked over to the blonde. "Let's investigate quickly, we shouldn't stay here long." (Y/N) said. Zenitsu nodded, going to search the other end of the house. (Y/N) felt the sensation of snakes slithering around her form. There was no doubting she was in the right place. However, if she knew this then the Demon knew she was here as well. (Y/N) walked around with her guard up but even so, she didn't sense her pursuer.

"My, Lord Muzan is going to be very pleased with this." A woman's voice said from behind her. (Y/N) was constricted, some sort of belt material keeping her from moving. Then in a blink of an eye, both Demons were gone.


The next day came, everything seemed normal. Aside from one thing.

"(Y/N)?! Where are you?!" Zenitsu shouted in a whisper as to not arouse suspicion. There was no trace of the girl he was paired with. Zenitsu was quickly put to work in the house, cutting into his search. The thing that made it even weirder was no one brought up the fact one of their new girls was no where to be found.

Zenitsu found a moment later in the day where he could slip away and look around. He kept his ears open, focusing on anything that may be concerning.

That was when he picked up on a girl's sobs. He followed the sound till he came upon a room. The inside was wrecked, surprising him. "What happened here?! Did you get in a fight, your rooms a mess!!!!" He shouted then instantly calmed down seeing a girl inside crying with scratches on her face. Zenitsu quietly knelt beside the crying girl, rubbing her back to sooth her as he asked what happened.

"What are you doing in here, Girl?" A menacing voice spat. Zenitsu froze, the Sound this person was giving off was a clear indicator there was a Demon behind him. He hadn't even sensed her until she spoke. Zenitsu hesitantly turned to look over his shoulder at the Demon. Every instinct was telling him to run.

"O-Orain, s-she's one of our new hires. S-she started the day-y before yesterday." One of the other girls stuttered, clearly scared to talk back to the woman as well.

"So? What are you doing in my room?" The Demon spat again.

"I heard a girl crying- I came to check and make sure she was okay and found her in this messy room." Zenitsu managed to explain.

"This room is rather messy, isn't it? If I'm not mistaken, I believe I told you to clean it up." The woman said, grabbing the crying girl and lifting her up by her ear. The girl sobbed lounder at the pain and blood began seeping out the new wound. "Stop that screaming!" The woman ordered.

"I'll clean this up, I promise Orain! Just please- let me down." The girl cried, begging.

Zenitsu stepped in, harshly grabbing the woman's wrist. "Let her go." Zenitsu said. The woman scowled.

"You're even uglier up close, what give you the right to order me around?" She said, venom soaking her words.

"I said, let her go." Zenitsu said once more. The Demon had enough and back handed Zenitsu and let go of the girl. Zenitsu flew through the bamboo screen doors, knocked unconscious.

"Orain, I beg you please leave her to me. I will see to it she is punished. Customers will be here soon." A man kneeled in front of the woman and begged. Her persona changed completely while speaking to the man and left it at that for the others to clean up.

Later that night

"I suspected you didn't come alone, Master informed me of your betrayal." Daiki spoke. (Y/N) lifted her head, glaring daggers at the Demon woman.

(Y/N) growled past the belt that restricted her movement and ability to speak. "I have a surprise for you, I found it earlier today in fact." Daiki said. One of her belts released a body from within it. Roughly dropped on the ground was a knocked out Zenitsu. (Y/N)'s eyes widened and she began ripping at the belt again. She burst into flames, launching at Daiki but was abruptly stopped before she could land a finger on her.

(Y/N) clawed at her throat, gasping for air. Daiki held the device that controlled the collar around (Y/N)'s collar. She fought hard past it but she could barely move. (Y/N) panted, staggerly crawling towards Daiki. The Demon laughed, squating down to (Y/N)'s level. "You are pathetic. I don't understand why Lord Muzan likes you so much. Caring for human's? Joining the Demon Corp?!? You are vile among our ranks, highest of the Twelve Kizuki, Highest Rank Zero." Daiki spat.

(Y/N) screamed at the title. "THAT ISN'T ME!!! KILL ME THEN, VILE BITCH." (Y/N) shouted. Daiki growled dragging her claws over (Y/N)'s face. She laughed while still suffering the pain from her collar. The blood from her face shot at Daiki and stuck to her face. Then began to melt her features. Daiki released the devise, screaming.

"My face! You ugly whore!" Daiki screamed. The Demon shot edges of her belt at (Y/N) cutting her to piece, sizzling then reforming to repeat the process.

Daiki smirked, her face completely restored. "Lord Muzan left quite the gift for me to give you." She said, reaching a large briefcase. Upon opening it, (Y/N) began fighting harder. "Hungry?" Daiki giggled, grabbing a syringe. She stabbed the needle in (Y/N)'s neck, injecting the substance into her system. Then continued with each and every next dose of Muzan's blood.


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