Chapter Seventeen

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The trio had been out training since the early morning rays. Rehabilitating their bodies from the fight against Rui. One of the key things they were being told to work on was their full concentration breathing techniques. The three were more determined than ever to work out their weaknesses.

(Y/N) has been training as well, one on one with Tomioka. The Hashira were the only Demon Slayer's she could go toe to toe with strength wise. Sure Inosuke wanted to sparr every so often but she would always hold back at least half of her true strength so as to not unintentionally hurt him.

Tomioka critiqued (Y/N)'s weaknesses and helped her work on her blind spots. Tomioka had to admit going a few sparring rounds with the Demon Girl actually exhausted him some. He could see she was truly giving these training sessions her all. You could see the guilt still hiding in (Y/N)'s (E/C) eyes but there was also a building swirl of complete and utter determination. Her resolve was sharp and it wasn't going to be broken.

"Let's take a break." Tomioka lightly panted, wiping the beads of sweat running down his face. (Y/N) too was out of breath but after a week or so of repeatedly doing this training regiment, she wasn't nearly as exhausted.

"You think I'm making progress? I can slowly feel these matches getting easier bit by bit." (Y/N) said before downing a bottle of water.

"I think you have improved your reflex and counter attacks. Gaining speed but it is still evident where your blind spots are. If the fight goes on for too long I have noticed a twinge of evident annoyance that makes you sloppy." Tomioka critiqued.

"I prided myself on my stone cold poker face. Man, I put myself to shame sometimes." (Y/N) shook her head with a dry chuckle.

"It is an easy fix. You are a trained natural born fighter. Unlike those three buffoons. I still tend to be stuck training them and it continues to bring me headaches." Tomioka sighed then took another sip of cold water.

"I believe Inosuke is more natural at fighting than the other two. Granted he runs off of natural gut instincts more than his actual brain." (Y/N) spoke. "It could be a flaw or it could be very beneficial given the situation he may be put in." She added.

"Don't get me started on the difficulties I have trying to tame that raging Boar Man." Tomioka pinched the bridge of his nose. "Alright, one more match then we will call it a day." Tomioka added, wiping his face of any remaining sweat.

The two trained in a closed off training room. The interior is made of stained dark colored wood. The large windows were covered in heavy velvet textured drapes to keep the sunlight from entering the room. The wooden floor boards were nice and cool on their bare feet. The whole room in general was a bit colder than it probably should have been but Tomioka and (Y/N) found it easier to spar in that temperature.

"Whenever you are ready." Tomioka spoke, tone flat but sharp. (Y/N) breathed in the crisp, chilly air in the room then after holding it a few seconds released it. That same second second flashed up in front of her sparring partner, sending a physical attack right at him. Any and all second guessing or hesitation was no longer an issue.

(Y/N) was finally grasping at her full potential. Being able to fight so well while being almost completely on autopilot. This was good.

Tomioka countered with just as much velocity. He was too stone cold to admit it but this Demon continued to impress him. She fought better than most of his comrades and even after the hellish battle with the Spider Demon he still believed in her abilities to be useful.

Droplets of sweat splattered on the polished floorboards as the match prolonged. Both parties clearly fatigued but remained focused. (Y/N) had created a strong electrocuting rope with her lightning while Tomioka drew his wooden sword from his side. In one swift, final movement, they had each other at checkmate. (Y/N) let out an exhausted and partially exaggerated sigh, dispelling the lightning.

"I think that proved helpful, thank you, Tomioka." (Y/N) said, patting down her sweat drenched face with her hand towel.

"There is another big mission coming up. I believe they should send you on it. You should be at full strength now, correct?" Tomioka asked.

"All my injuries are merely scars that will fade and my power seems to have replenished to where it is supposed to be, so I would say yeah." (Y/N) said, clenching and unclenching her fists. She could feel the raging Demonic power coursing through her veins stronger than before. She was regaining the lost bit of confidence in her abilities once more.

Tomioka stared at the Demon Girl for a moment then a random idea popped into his thoughts. "You ran a bakery before you came here, right?" Tomioka asked. (Y/N) blinked a couple times at the random question then nodded. "It is Shinobu's turn to babysit you but I thought of something. Bake some treats, you will be sent out any day now. Some much needed down time before you are sent to fight." Tomioka said, heading for the exit.

"Baking...." (Y/N) whispered to herself. Then her face lit up. Baking was one of the only things that comforted her in her prolonged existence as a Demon. "I think I am more shocked than all the people who suggested such a fun idea. Will Miss Shinobu let me? Maybe the Chef would find disdain towards a vile Demon in the kitchen." (Y/N) said.

"Shouldn't be hard to convince her." Tomioka muttered. They had arrived at the medical wing where Shinobu was stationed. "Your turn." He grumbled at Shinobu before walking off again. Shinobu just stood to her feet and walked over to (Y/N).

"Just in time, I don't have much else to do here for the remainder of the day." Shinobu smiled.

"I have a request, if you don't mind." (Y/N) spoke, shoving her hands in her pockets as the two began walking down the hall.

"And what might it be?" Shinobu questioned.

"Everyone is getting ready to be sent off to exterminate another Demon shortly. I am hoping you would allow me to bake some treats for everyone. Minus a few altercations.....everyone has been kind to me. It would be a 'thank you' as well." (Y/N) explained. "I actually quite love baking, was the only escape I got being that bastard's dog." She added with a heavy exhale.

Shinobu thought it over a moment then happily clapped her hands. "Sounds like fun!" She agreed. "First though, you might want to clean yourself up." Shinobu gestured towards (Y/N)'s sweat ridden form. The Demon Girl agreed and headed back to her room. Shinobu waited outside as (Y/N) went inside her room, grabbing clothes to change into, then heading for the shower.

Doing the normal shower routine, she rid herself of the Filthy she accumulated during her training. Once satisfied, she turned the shower valve off and got out. She dried herself off with the fresh, fluffy, white towel before clothing herself. (Y/N) had grabbed some dark grey sweatpants, a loose fitting black tank top and finally a (F/C) flannel on top.

(Y/N) rolled up the flannel sleeves up to her elbows. She looked down at the marble countertop, smiling to herself as she gazed at the charm bracelet the trio gifted her. Since she would be baking, she didn't want to muck up the pretty piece of jewelry so she put it in one of her flannel pockets.

(Y/N) slipped on some socks, ready to get some baking done. She exited her room a moment later, walking with Shinobu to the kitchen. (Y/N) almost tripped on her own two feet brainstorming what baked goodies she should make.


-Hey there! Hope you enjoyed the chapter and are excited for the next chapter as well!! Please comment some ideas on what (Y/N) should bake, it would be helpful. I have a few in mind but would like to get some ideas from you guys either way ^_^. Even if the suggestions aren't used in the next chapter I can still use them for future chapters too!

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