
339 19 2

(This isn't a new chapter, I just wanted to tweak this part a little)

(Y/N) faltered a moment, her moment of adrenaline wearing off. "Damn it." She cursed.

Everyone had pushed past their injuries to fight against but (Y/N) found herself locked in place. It felt like she was nailed down in one spot, no matter how much she tried she couldn't get her body to move.

'So....hungry." She thought. (Y/N) could feel her fangs peak out further wanting to eat. The urge to feed upon the blood that tainted the air around the fight was overbearing.

Tanjiro skidded back, looking over at the struggling Demon. "Are you alright?" Tanjiro asked, his eyes still glued to the enemy. (Y/N) grabbed Tanjiro's wrist, her hunger starting to get the better of her all over again. Tanjiro looked back at (Y/N), startled at how tight her grasp was. Any tighter she might snap his wrist. 

"I am barely healing....and blood smells so intoxicating." She growled. It was weird Muzan's blood didn't have a longer hold on (Y/N), she had never struggled so badly with her hunger after ingesting Muzan's blood.

 Tanjiro stayed quiet then, feeling her grasp tremble visibly and saw the confliction waging war behind her eyes.  Tanjiro sliced his hand open in front of (Y/N), holding it in front of her face. "We're all pretty lifeless, we can't heal like you can and we all have sustained critical injuries. I won't let you lose yourself like earlier, I promise." Tanjiro said with a smile. (Y/N) felt her mouth salivate from the sickly sweet fragrance wafting from Tanjiro's blood. Her mouth uncontrollably cranked open, wanting to taste it. "Drink it." Tanjiro ordered. He was the one in charge of the Demoness, so technically she couldn't refuse his orders.

"That is probably the stupidest idea of the night." (Y/N) stated, her jaw clenched.

"We almost got them. We are all almost exhausted of power. You finish this." Tanjiro said bringing his arm closer to me. (Y/N) growled lowly to myself.

"I don't want to." (Y/N) said.

"I believe in you, in your abilities. You are going to kick ass and come back to us." Tanjiro smiled. (Y/N) held the blood pooled and in hers then finally, sun her fangs into the flesh. The was addictive.

Sweet, savory, delicious. Even the way her teeth sunk into Tanjiro's skin felt so good. 

She wanted more but something in the back of her mind instantly stopped her.

She released Tanjiro's arm and embraced him. He was visibly weakened but had still smiled at (Y/N). "We got this." She whispered into his ear. She parted the embrace and held his hand in hers.

The air around them shifted from the heat given off by the flames around them and became frosty and chilling. Her muscles were tense, her vision almost completely fogged over from the blood. 

"Master will be most pleased when he hears of this." Scrawny said.

(Y/N) glared at the Demon, intertwining her fingers more with Tanjiro's. "Maybe but you won't be the one telling him." She said in a lowered tone. "There's no way I can tune down the power rush, so good luck." She added.

"Let's get this over with." Tengen said, walking up beside the two.  (Y/N) nodded, slipping her hand from Tanjiro's then lunged forward. In one single blast the entirety of the Entertainment district around them was frozen over. (Y/N) grabbed both Demon's with the ice and crushed them tightly. Her lips wanted to twitch up in an extatic grin but it made her feel disgusting inside. 

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