Chapter Ten

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Those two days the group had to rest and get ready for their next mission were spent training with each other, learning how to work better together. Inosuke was against the idea of training as a team because he is such a lone wolf but after getting his ass handed to him a few times fighting against (Y/N), he reluctantly agreed to it. 

"I can't believe you kicked my ass every time...." Inosuke pouted as the group walked to the front gate of the compound. 

"How many times? I lost count after six." (Y/N) snickered, putting on her coverings as they neared the Wisteria trees. The Master had given a new set of things to the Demon girl she might need to protect herself during the hours of sunlight the other day, so she had an entirely new uniform so to speak. Each Demon slayer wore a black, professional looking uniform, their own personal additions to what they wore. 

Inosuke wore the stretchy uniform slacks, with the jacket tied around his waist, wearing a loose fitting black tank top along with the odd choice in mask. Zenitsu had his pants cuffed at the bottom and a dim yellow long coat with the sleeves rolled up to the elbow. Then Tanjiro wore the uniform almost normally, the only unique things being the small tears sprinkled on the pant legs and the jacket he wore, being a slightly bulky zip up sweater with a green and black checkered pattern on the inside and of course the dangly earrings he wore. 

(Y/N) wore a pair of slightly torn black jeans, the button up uniform over shirt, a black leather trench coat with a dark (F/C) lining the inside and a baggy hood that covered her face from the sun, metal framed circular sunglasses and slender fit soft leather black gloves to cover her hands. She didn't enjoy wearing so many layers while fighting but will be simmered alive by the suns rays otherwise. Shinobu was standing there waiting for the four, a pleasant smile on her face as she greeted them.

"One more thing before we go." Shinobu turned towards (Y/N) and gestered for her to come closer. Being the subordinate she couldn't refuse. "We didn't want to be barbarians and treat you like some lowly animal and plant a tracker in you so we came with the conclusion to have you wear one." Shinobu said, holding up a collar. (Y/N) looked at the collar then at Shinobu and back again.

"Hah, kinky but you are still shackling me like one. Though who am I to refuse, you are my master~." (Y/N) snickered with a stupid grin on her face. Shinobu's smile lessened and her brow twitched, signifying she was aggravated but the pink on her cheeks said she was caught a little off guard by the suggestive comments. 

"Piss me off or go against my orders and there is a built in taser but I don't believe we will have any problems, hm?" Shinobu asked in her usual sweet voice. 

"Dominatrix? Even better." (Y/N) snickered. Shinobu sighed as she tightened the collar on to the Demons neck, making sure it was snug and not killing her.....yet. 

"I didn't know you swing both ways, Miss (L/N)." Shinobu commented. 

"Ah, that? Just depends on the person." (Y/N) smirked and slid her shades lower on her nose so Shinobu could see the wink being sent at her.

"We should really get going now." Shinobu said as she started walking out the gates.

 "What in the hell was that?!?!" Inosuke shouted. (Y/N) looked back at the boys and saw their mixed reactions to the conversation. (Y/N) almost couldn't contain her laughter. They were all wide eyed, Tanjiro though, his face had long since flushed red. Suddenly Zenitsu started coughing.

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