𝗸𝗮𝘁𝘀𝘂𝗸𝗶 𝗯𝗮𝗸𝘂𝗴𝗼

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【 ᴀᴅᴜʟᴛ!ᴘʀᴇɢɴᴀɴᴛ!ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ 】❝ 𝘧𝘭𝘶𝘧𝘧/𝘯𝘰𝘳𝘮𝘢𝘭─𝘢𝘶 ❞▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃

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【 ᴀᴅᴜʟᴛ!ᴘʀᴇɢɴᴀɴᴛ!ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ 】
❝ 𝘧𝘭𝘶𝘧𝘧/𝘯𝘰𝘳𝘮𝘢𝘭─𝘢𝘶 ❞

                          "Sweetie, do you mind getting me some water and turning down the T.V.?" (name) politely requests while gently wiping a tissue across her nostrils. Alongside running with minute boogers for a week, her nose has been rather sensitive, making her sniff endlessly almost twenty-four-seven. There is always a red tint, too, but she's just grateful the new tissues her husband bought her didn't leave a burning sensation like the stupid Great Value brands she initially used.

As of now, said "sweetie" brings her a fresh cup of filtered water with three crunchy ice cubes, one of (name)'s specific cravings, then lowers the television's volume. He knows how really under the weather his wife gets during these random bursts of sickness. One of them is she gets headaches from loud noises. It has been nothing but worse lately ever since she entered the third trimester of her pregnancy where your typical crazy-pregnant-lady symptoms reach maximum overdrive.

"'Nother baby fever?" Katsuki questions after taking a seat next to (name).

"Yeah," ― she sniffs ― "plus some abdominal pains and sleepiness because of the extra weight I put on in the last couple of weeks." There was (additional) panic on her side at the thought she gained more weight than normal for women her size while pregnant. She literally fell to her knees as she loudly sobbed during her shower. All she could think about was the aftermath of the pregnancy, specifically how her body would look once the baby was fully grown and then born.

It practically took Katsuki all day to calm her down by whispering affirmations into her ears about how, no matter what, she will always appear beautiful in his eyes and he understands it's just a natural part of pregnancy. Once she calmed down, he kissed her forehead, said "I love you," and guided her to their bed to cuddle and watch pre-recorded "Bad Girls Club" episodes.

Was it all worth it? Yes.

Will he do it again? It literally became their Friday-night date show, following their Tuesday's "RuPaul's Drag Race".

"Other than that and the headaches, any other problems?" He sinks right into the wide, leather cushions. The material makes it a little hard for him to scoot closer to (name) but managed. He always prefers wrapping his arms around his wife, but he knows she needs to be treated with caution, so he rests his arm over the couch behind (name)'s head.

"No, there isn't anything." She nervously smiles up at him. "But...that does remind me of something I've been meaning to tell you." Nervousness seeped out her body from the realization she had yet to relay certain news to her husband due to its...delicate...nature. She genuinely believes it might not result in as bad of results as her feeble mind presented, but she cannot fight the anxiety that her so-far well-behaved husband will suddenly snap at her.

The subject in question is quick to notice this hesitance and holds back a scoff. Not at (name), obviously. I promised I'd never make her feel scared. It was a true miracle (name) never left him after constantly enduring those worst parts of him.

He is (now) more than aware, and slightly embarrassed by, how unnecessary and incredibly immature his behavior during his youth was. The early stages of his and (name)'s relationship, however, exemplified just how bad he could get. The unruly rage, his shameless jealousy, and his extreme clinginess were prominent every day. He did come so very close to permanently driving her away, especially when he challenged Dek― Izuku to a fight over her because he thought the green-haired boy was trying to steal her.

But what made (name) stay with him, to everyone's extreme surprise, was that he always treated her with great softness he literally never showed any other person despite the less-than-ideal fits he acted out. He loved her, cared for her, and still treated her like the queen he had always seen her as since he first met her. So it pained his heart setting his beloved wife who would soon become the mother of his baby fidget under his stare and became hesitant to say what she wanted.

He gives her a stare of support, urging her to speak without feeling like she's stepping on eggshells.

"U― uhm...y― you know that baby shower we planned for next Wednesday?" Katsuki nods. "I...uh... may or may not have...invited...Shōtō and Izuku l-last night..."

"Oh, God..." The male facepalms hard hearing those two names slip past (name)'s already quivering lips. No wonder she was so nervous.

Despite how long they both have come in terms of maturity and social interaction, a part of Katsuki remained hostile toward "Deku" and "Half-'n-Half" because they were always close to (name) even after their relationship had become public. Jealousy was just a part of him, not just when it came to boys interacting with (name). But a part of him also felt extremely embarrassed by how far he took his protection over her and the relationship, not that he would admit that to anyone...except (name), of course.

"N― now, Suki, we both know th― that," ― (name)'s voice immediately cracks, followed by prompt redness coating her eyes from the eager tears racing down her sagging cheeks ― "y― you don't exactly like them, b-but they are my friends and...I...I―I haven't seen them since graduation b―because I've been so busy with work a― and now carrying a baby a― and..." Her words are nothing more than a garbled mess of trying to formulate a proper sentence through uncontrollable sobbing she desperately tries to subside. More tears only fall that her puffy hands can't keep up with to wipe away.

"Jesus, Babe...please don't cry." Katsuki fulfills his earlier wish of securing his wife's now trembling figure against his chest. "I'm not an idiot," Katsuki shyly starts, glad (name) doesn't see his flushed cheeks. "I...won't let whatever bullshit happened then ruin our happiness now...no matter how stupidly cheesy that sounds." He smirks at the end-part he said over (name)'s forehead he then softly kisses. He significantly relaxes hearing her small giggles.

"Thanks, Suki." She buries her embarrassed expression deep into her husband's chest, which rumbled from his own light chuckle. Stupid hormones, she internally whines. "I love you."

"I love you too, you emotional woman~" Katsuki lifts (name)'s face to kiss her forehead, nose, then lips that spread into the biggest grin she's shown all day. Fuck, I'm glad I married her.

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