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【 ꜰʟɪʀᴛʏ!ᴍ!ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ 】❝ 𝘴𝘶𝘨𝘨𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘷𝘦 ❞▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃

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【 ꜰʟɪʀᴛʏ!!ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ 】
❝ 𝘴𝘶𝘨𝘨𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘷𝘦 ❞

                               "YOU FOUR GET BACK HERE RIGHT NOW!" booms out behind four colorful inmates who, for who knows how many times, escaped their cell. They simply cackle at the threats as they continue running. "WHEN I GET MY HANDS ON YOU, YOU WON'T EVER SEE THE LIGHT OF DAY!"

"Hajime's really mad this time!" The largest inmate, Rock, says after looking over his shoulder to see the guard's furious expression. "We're in for it now!" They collectively laugh again. Their feet continue carrying them through Nanba prison's halls they've already tracked almost a hundred times since their initial sentence, all of which ultimately resulted in having Hajime snatch them up and give them a violent punishment. But that doesn't stop their pursuit of freedom.

"Oh no!" The smallest smaller inmate, Nico, brings attention to the forking hallways ahead. "Which one do we go through?!" They don't dare to stop running to figure it out though, so they quickly check Hajime's progress behind them. Their faces fall ― the bald guard is right on their tails, meaning they have to make a choice. Quick.

"No time to think about it! Just choose!" A long-haired inmate, Uno, yelps before running ahead of his companions into the second hall. "Knowing Hajime, he'll probably find some way to catch us even if we're split up!" Upon earning no response, Uno frantically looks around, realizing his three friends chose the other hallway. "Shit..." Uno rubs his neck, finally halting his steps. He starts grinning. Hajime followed their lead. "Looks like I won. Sorry boys~" He does a close-eye smirk. Leave his friends to the wrath of the angry gorilla while Uno is safe and sound all by himself. 

But what to do now...? Without Jyugo here, Uno'll have no way of escaping any trap he might trigger. He concludes he just has to be slow and cautious while keeping an eye on his surroundings. He rushes from one wall to another, each time looking back in case there are any surprise attacks from Nanba security (Hajime is bound to catch up sooner or later). So far, so good, however; Uno bravely sprints forward down the next corridor that leads to the next cell block.

Hell yeah! So long, suckers! Hajime will become the least of his worries in no time! He impends a sharp turn, his long braid flying in the wind behind him as his heels whip his body to the right. He can just taste the freedom.

Instead, he feels his body crash right into something ― or someone ― causing them both to tumble down. He awkwardly straddles the unidentified person to brace himself from contacting the hard floor. Uno glares down at the person. 

"Hey! Watch where you're―" But they immediately snap wide open.

"Is that the first thing you have to say to me? I'm hurt~" The now discernable male smirks up at a frozen Uno, remaining still on his back. His pupils dilate, no doubt "excited" to reunite with this particular escapee currently staring at him in what can only be described as utter shock. "What~?" The male uses his hands to slightly lift his upper half. "Don't I at least get a 'hi'~? It's been ages since we last saw each other...Uno-chan~"

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