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【 ʜʏᴇɴᴀ(ꜰᴜᴛᴀɴᴀʀɪ)ꜰ!ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ 】❝ 𝘴𝘮𝘶𝘵 ❞▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃

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【 ʜʏᴇɴᴀ(ꜰᴜᴛᴀɴᴀʀɪ)!ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ 】
❝ 𝘴𝘮𝘶𝘵 ❞

                                    "You said you'd do anything for me, didn't you, Legosi?" Manipulative words were whispered seductively into his grey ear that twitched from the hot breath. "Go on, sign the paper, and give your body to me." The young wolf admitted there were complex feelings that decided to invite himself over to the wealthy, older female's single dorm room against his own better judgment; which, naturally, he purposely ignored. Now, all he can hear is his heartbeat eclipsing the short breaths escaping his lips as nimble fingers played over different areas around his body.

One hand firmly held his hip they lightly massaged up then back down to the most sensitive spot that made the wolf unconsciously throw his hips back while his face shone a bright red. The other hand placed itself over his shoulder; but its fingers, too, began moving as they traveled down Legosi's right arm whose hand tightly held a ball-point pen above what looked like a contract.

Doubts cascaded all around Legosi's mind, hesitant to accept (name)'s physical touches yet he felt unexplainable pleasure being given such attention he had been wanting needing craving since he unintentionally witnessed the tall, graceful female hyena actually mount the school's top student and future Beast Star, Louis the Deer. Unmistakable jealousy wrenched his heart tight within his chest because he wanted nothing more than to take the deer's place under her control.

Legosi had no idea why...why it was (name) who caught his eye. But she did. Her confidence, beauty, and professionalism she maintained no matter how heated a situation might get she would neither pick sides nor join the argument but instead settled all disagreement with one, stern gaze that even the toughest carnivore shivered under instantly grasped Legosi's heart. The wolf boy in question eventually found herself patrolling the halls in the hope of running into (name) despite her being a year older, desperately (and silently) pleading to get the chance to experience what (probably) many others had.

"Please~?" Her sensual whispers would not stop until the male, who finally seemed to get his chance, complied. "I want to finally feel your skin...or would you first want to feel mine? I know how much of a dirty boy you are~" (name) reads sexuality so easily that effort into hiding one's true feelings is fruitless. "Don't you want to see what it's like to be with someone who knows how to treat a body?" Lips Legosi fantasized passionately kissing against his nipped the tip of his ear. Such pure lips in the public eye speak encouraging words to fellow student body as (name) not once let her voice be tainted by vulgar language are nothing but lies (name) cultivated to hide the succubus skilled in manipulation and sex, awaiting for absolute stillness before invading your deepest subconscious then executing her dirty, dirty plan.

"I if I sign this..." Legosi gulped a huge chunk of saliva, "th that means...you will be mine too, riright?" He honestly still isn't entirely sure what he got himself into, but what he was sure about was his heart only ever belonging to this domineering female. (name) backed her lips off the younger's ear, intrigued. "This form...i it entitles we will be always together...nobody else will intervene unless both parties agree." No longer Legosi's hand clutched the blasted pen but was now laced around (name) hand on his hip. "I...want you to be mine, (name)... I I love you."

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