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【 ꜰ!ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ 】❝ 𝘭𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵―𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘴𝘵/𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘳𝘵 ❞▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃

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【 ꜰ!ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ 】
❝ 𝘭𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵―𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘴𝘵/𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘳𝘵 ❞

                        Luciel sympathetically patted Yoosung's back, the college student comically crying while forced to watch a girl his age laugh and smile at a joke the male cashier told her. "This is so unfair...I'm the one who called (name) down here to hang out but someone else caught her attention..." Yoosung continued whimpering in jealousy that the female he'd been trying to make his girlfriend completely ignore him. "What am I going to do, Luciel?!" Yoosung clutched two fist-fulls of his friend's jacket, his eyes becoming bigger and glossier from all the tears welling up inside of them. "I― I want to confess my feelings to her b-― b-but I don't know the first thing about real girls!"

"Don't worry, young one~" Luciel adjusted his glasses as a sly smirk overcame his features. "I know exactly what you got to do: First," he flipped his pointer finger up, "once (name) finishes buying her stuff, you have to compliment her looks like her hair or her outfit. Second," he flipped another finger up, "romantic gestures is a NEED! Chivalry isn't dead, so hold the door open for her or offer her your jacket if it gets cold out ― stuff like that." He waved three fingers in front of Yoosung's face. "The third is the atmospheric mood. When you two are alone, all the thoughts of what you've been doing for (name) will stick in her mind and she'll start feeling butterflies in her stomach. That's when you make the first move of holding her hand then finally confess your~" Yoosung nodded to everything Luciel listed off a male should do to win a young lady's heart, eyes sparkling in wonder and amazement at how the older male knows so much.

"I never knew you were this talented with girls, Luciel~!" However, Yoosung's happy mood crashed down the moment it appeared. "B― but what if I fail?! I― I'll make a fool of myself then (name) will never like me!" A very, very messy predicament both boys are in right now. Yoosung wanted to do whatever it took to have (name) become his girlfriend but was way too shy and insecure to do anything Luciel listed off. Then there was Luciel who wanted to do whatever it took to help his younger friend out in getting the love of his life, except he didn't want to suffer through this aching pain surging his heart any longer. "Maybe I should give up, heh~" Yoosung laughed dryly, scratching his cheek. "(name) and I...we just don't click, I guess. She'd be better off with someone like you."

Luciel's eyes widened from everything Yoosung said. He thought there could be no way Yoosung decided to give up on winning (name)'s affections as easily as he sounded to infer, it was all because he lacked the full comprehension of how to go about this the right way so he was saying what he thought could be the right decision. He just needs the right push...a reason to keep trying. Luciel grasped the perfect chance to grab this opportunity all for himself he otherwise would enact...but his soft heart won't allow him to, thinking about his friend's heartache that would occur if he were to so selfishly act out.

Luciel crossed his arms tightly, feeling a little hesitant about revealing the information he is going to share for the sake of Yoosung's confidence. "Listen to me carefully." His eyes narrowed. "You need to keep on trying to make (name) your girlfriend." It's for the best...


                 "Sorry that took so long, guys~" (name) carried four bags of various household items she'd been meaning to buy. Three days ago, she moved into a new house after finally graduating from medical school, so with all of the money she earned, she decided it was about time to move out of her shabby, old apartment for a brand new house. When Yoosung called her asking if she was interested in going out in the town, she saw this as an opportunity to both hang out with a dear friend and shop for new decorative artifacts. "Huh? Yoosung...are...are you okay?" Yoosung stood motionless wearing an unreadable expression while Luciel nonchalantly stood around. Okay, perhaps I took a lot longer shopping than I needed to...

"Ah! N― no, I'm fine~!" Yoosung quickly reassured his crush. "So, what did you buy~?" Change the subject, change the subject! There was no way (name) could know what Yoosung and Luciel were discussing. I can pretend all I want, his colorful eyes peeked over in Luciel's direction, but what Luciel told me changed everything.

"Some last-minute decorative stuff and kitchenware," (name) answered. "For the last three days, I've been eating take-out so the only forks and plates I own are plastic." She smiled charmingly at her two friends. "Was there anywhere else you two wanted to check out? I bought everything I've been missing in my house and I'm sure it'd be okay for me to spend a couple more dollars on some food or a cute outfit." As the female spoke, she nonchalantly placed down the bags she already felt like she'd been carrying forever. Yoosung noticed (name) rubbing her reddened palms, most likely because of how heavy the items she purchased were especially when they were stacked atop each other.

"Then we should stop somewhere to eat," he happily suggests, still feeling that same amount of anxiety loading his insides. "O― oh, do you need any help with those bags? They look heavy!" Romantic gestures, Yoosung remembered. Crap! Rrule number two, right? Then what's number one? His panicked attitude almost caught f/n's attention. Number one is to ccompliment her! Concurrent with (name) planting her attention back on him, Yoosung resumed grinning. "A― also you look r― really pretty today, (name)~" God he can feel a blush coming on. I sound like such a loser!

"Thanks, Yoosung~" (name) giggles. He doesn't give compliments often, huh? Her stare became tender. "You're too cute sometimes, you know that~?" She happily handed over half of her bags to Yoosung who blushed increasingly red after getting called cute. As for Luciel who has been purposely keeping his distance so as to not ruin the fluidity of (name) and Yoosung's conversation, he silently analyzed their interaction.

Shit, he mentally cursed. There is yet another heart wrench he, unfortunately, was accustomed to every time he witnessed Yoosung's lovestruck stare. Except, this go around, Yoosung wasn't simply admiring (name) from afar. At least, they'll be happy. There was still a fifty-fifty chance of her rejecting Yoosung's feelings if and when he confesses them to her,...but would it be right of Luciel to wish for Yoosung to fail in forming his happy relationship with someone because they happen to like the same girl? If only it was a stranger who fell in love with (name), then Luciel wouldn't hesitate to rip her out of their dirty hands.

But you can't always do what you want in life.

"I know a great place we can all go to eat~" (name) exclaimed. Her innocent, joyful smile made both males feel the same skip of a heartbeat.

"Actually," Luciel finally said "I have to head home. Saeran texted me saying he needed help with some personal business." The girl's delighted attitude dimmed upon hearing Luciel's explanation. Don't look at me like that. Her eyelids lowered, displaying a saddened exterior reminding Luciel and Yoosung of a kicked puppy staring back up at its abuser as if asking them why they hated it. Luciel forced himself to look away leaving Yoosung to question his morals on their current dilemma. "I-I promise I'll make it up to you~" Luciel returned meeting (name)'s eyes. "You know if I had a choice, I'd totally stay~"

"No, it's okay, I understand." Her disappointed look transformed back into a soft exterior. "I'll text you later. It was fun seeing you again. Maybe sometime all of us could get together?" Luciel mindlessly nodded since he didn't trust his voice not to crack. "We'll see you later, Luciel!" The two already started distancing themselves away from where Luciel remained, (name) energetically waving Luciel goodbye.

Finally, when they disappeared, something warm and wet spontaneously spilled out of Luciel's uniquely colored eyes hidden underneath his scraggly, red bangs. Iit's for the best...

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