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【 ᴅᴀɴᴄᴇʀ!ᴍ!ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ 】❝ 𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘳𝘵/𝘧𝘭𝘶𝘧𝘧 ❞▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃

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【 ᴅᴀɴᴄᴇʀ!!ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ 】
❝ 𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘳𝘵/𝘧𝘭𝘶𝘧𝘧 ❞

                          Nighttime arrives, which entices a certain dancer to leave his sleeping quarters and stare up at the shimmering stars lighting up the otherwise pitch-black sky. Such mystical, wonderous beings were used as his inspiration; the random twinkles, despite being random, somehow move synchronously with their friends. The male always finds himself staring up at those stars from a child-like point of view, his eyes reflecting every shimmer and shine. His feet slowly move across the dewed grass in the hopes he can express the haunting beauty of night for others to see and appreciate as he does.

Tonight, however, is not one of those nights where he aimlessly roams around in the hope of finding new inspiration for his performances. (Joker has told him his current ideas and performances were fine, if anything too perfect. But (name) didn't want to start slacking in practice.) Rather, it is a night that he looks forward to every week when nobody has to worry about waking up early the next morning to scramble around for the show's preparations, and (name) can visit the person he cherishes most of all.

Every other night he was only able to say a quick "good morning" and "good night" with a soft smile that told his lover they would be able to see each other soon ― the distance does make the heart grow fonder, as they say. The literal distance between them is not that much since they often practice around the same time and perform together; it is instead the emotional distance of not being able to kiss each other good morning or generally show their love for one another, or even say "I love you".

Fortunately, he'll be able to do all of that, and more, the closer he is to the tent his feet instinctively stop right in front to avoid triggering the poisonous boobie trap. Once his body comes to a full stop, his knees lower him near the dirt as his eyes catch two scaley reptile heads peeking from the shadows: Emily and Oscar.

He extends both of his arms for the snakes to slither around and comfortably nestle between his neck and jaw, which they do. Very quietly he travels farther into the dim-lit tent where another pair of cold, seemingly dead eyes glow from deep within. He re-extends his arm as if he is offering the snakes to the being. They slithered away to return to their master.

"Hello again, Snake." (name) smiles as little hearts fill his eyes at the sight of his beloved. "Did you miss me?" Snake accepted his friends who now sat above his pale shoulders "his" nightshirt barely covers (he stole it from (name)). Emily hisses.

"'Yes, he did―'" Before Snake finishes answering in a high-pitched voice, (name) gently pushes a finger over Emily's mouth.

"I'm sorry, Emily." He bends down to give her an honest smile he then points at the human. "I'd like to hear what Snake has to say." (name) says his name in a certain way that clearly delivers his message. A peach-colored blush covers Snake's inhumanly pale cheeks.

He shyly averts his eyes sideways. "...y― yes," he says, blushing another shade darker from hearing his own voice. They become blood-red after (name) stands up and kisses his forehead.

"I'm glad. I couldn't stop thinking of you earlier today during my performance." An artistic take on the tragic story of Othello, a man who kills his beloved out of jealousy only to realize he was duped and took his own life. The murderous tones are obviously not what (name) is referencing, but the anguish and regret Othello felt at the realization he was manipulated. The concept is similar to the weak heart (name) developed when he was apart from his beloved any longer than usual ( it is still in no comparison to someone learning he killed his girlfriend for literally no reason).

Still, he is not alone in terms of his desire to reconnect with his love. His face may be one of shyness, but Snake greedily takes hold of (name)'s warm, calloused hand and places it on his blushing cheek.

"Can you...stay with me...tonight?" he shyly requests, never getting used to (name) not sleeping beside him. Their bodies press together in a comfortable position under the covers to share just enough body heat which does not make it too hot but they are not so distant they become cold. He also wants to sleep with his dear love who would be Desdemona in their story.

(name) is an extroverted, kind, and confident young man who tries to get along with everyone without seeming overbearing. Snake is a quiet, more keep-it-to-myself and an unsure person even if he does genuinely love the circus members like family... if said family becomes a bit too comfortable with their hot uncle.

"Oh," (name) softly gasps in shock at the uncharacteristic request. He soon smiles. "I'll be more than pleased to rest beside you, Darling." He intertwines his and Snake's hands. "If you will..." The red-hot feeling returning, Snake lowers their connected hands for Oscar and Emily to leave his shoulders before (name) leads him toward the bed. Snake enters the covers first. His body lands in a crisscross position as his fingers hold the blanket over the lower half of his shy expression.

(name) walks over to the same side for another kiss on Snake's forehead then softly lifts his colored complexion away from the blanket for a deep kiss on the lips. Snake happily returns the kiss, his heart beating loud as he squeezes his eyelids closed.

"I love you, Darling."

"..." (name) chuckles at Snake hiding his entire head behind the covers that have steam puffing from the top.

"I'm sorry, what was that~?" he teases the shyer male. Snake lifts his head to only his pout.

"...y― you heard me."

"Ehh, is that sass I hear~?" (name) continues laughing while crawling into the warm bed beside his cute, embarrassed Snake who boldly dives his face against (name)'s chest.

"...I― I love you too...a― a lot..."

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