𝗺𝗼𝗺𝗼 𝘆𝗮𝗼𝘆𝗼𝗿𝗼𝘇𝘂

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【 ᴀꜰꜰᴇᴄᴛɪᴏɴᴀᴛᴇ!ꜰ!ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ 】❝ 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘥𝘺/𝘧𝘭𝘶𝘧𝘧 ❞▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃

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【 ᴀꜰꜰᴇᴄᴛɪᴏɴᴀᴛᴇ!!ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ 】
❝ 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘥𝘺/𝘧𝘭𝘶𝘧𝘧 ❞

                          As their pair of lips get lost in their passionate kiss, Momo squeezes her eyelids shut and tightly holds onto her girlfriend's shoulders, her cheeks long stained with a bright red. (name) casually rested her hands over Momo's waist before bringing them up to intertwine their hands, swinging them beside their bodies before (name) slowly broke the kiss. Momo took a moment before reciprocating the gesture since she worried that her hands were too sweaty.

"You're so shy, it's adorable~" (name) giggles in a hushed whisper. They inconspicuously stood in a hallway just near their classroom. "Whenever we kiss, you let me take the lead." Her soft breath tickles Momo's already tingling lips she wasn't sure was due to her heated blush, (name)'s kiss, or both. All she can do is mutely listen to her girlfriend's teasing words while her heart continues pounding against her chest while one thought crosses her mind:

"I wish I had more confidence..." She hopelessly sighed to her friends. It was no secret to them that before (name), she had never dated anyone, nevertheless kissing or even holding hands. She was a virgin in every sense of the definition, and it frustrated her a lot. (name) confidently holds her hand whenever they walk to classes together, hugs her the moment they see each other, and kisses her (cheek or lips) when they head their separate ways. But Momo? She would just blush and splutter ― quickly run away if the girls gush over their wholesome relationship or the boys lament over the fact they don't have someone like (name) dating them, or (name) herself.

Of course, she loves and appreciates her girlfriend's delight in invoking wholesome touching since it makes her feel loved and cared for, which she rarely received from her parents due to their busy schedules. But it's also because of how affectionate and bold she is that Momo wishes she could be the same; rather than be the initiator at least once in the relationship, it's been (name) showing her unconditional love toward Momo who can barely look her own girlfriend in the eye after a simple kiss.

It was obviously no fault of (name)'s. Momo simply lets her insecurities get the best of her, thinking she isn't providing enough for the relationship.

Then again, they aren't "simple insecurities" if they lead to consecutive sleepless nights because she's absolutely fearful of having (name) think Momo doesn't love her.

A million times yes she loves (name), more than she can possibly express: Except that's the problem. Whether through kissing or holding hands, Momo is too shy to express her love.

It's practically (name)'s instinct to do so, never hesitating for a second before ambushing her girlfriend or even friends with some sort of physical touch to express how she feels. It's a great aspect of hers that many people enjoyed, both for their own benefit and since (name) grew up lacking any love or affection from her family.

At the same time, however, it also crushes Momo's heart with guilt and anxiety that she seems to be unable to ever match (name)'s energy.

"Then why don't you just kiss her?" Mina deadpans at Momo from across the table with a mouth full of ramen and rice. All five girls decided to eat together after (name) announced she wanted to catch up with some of her male friends in class. She assumed Momo wanted to do the same with her friends, so she barely waited for Momo's response before quickly joining Denki's side, the blonde boy immediately wrapping an arm around her shoulders in happiness.

Call her ridiculous, but the fact (name) always had a knack for befriending any and every guy she met often worsened Momo's insecurities. It mostly surrounded the fact it might mean (name) wants space because she is unhappy around her.

Fortunately, the red on her cheek conjured by Mina's words momentarily distracts her from that particular thought. "I― it isn't that easy..." She looks down at her fists lying on the table. Yes, it is, her subconscious argues. And she knows it's right. Her mind easily conjures a picture of (name) sitting in Mina's place, reaching over to grab Momo's hand, Momo intertwining their fingers just like (name) always does. An incredibly easy action anyone can do.

It's her stupid insecurities thinking she'll somehow fuck up that one thing.

"A― am...am I a bad girlfriend for feeling so...scared and hesitant?" The question churns her stomach into something awful. "I love (name), a― and I know she loves me, but...I have no idea what I'm doing." The other four girls give her reassuring smiles as Tohru and Ochako, who sat on either side of her, place their hands over Momo's fists.

"Come on, don't talk like that." Ochako pumps her free hand. "(name) is the most opinionated girl I know!" She literally called out how unrealistically fast Ochako developed a crush on Izuku with the most "what are you, a love interest in a harem?" face.

Kyouka leans both arms over the table. "Besides, I've seen you two communicate during stressful situations better than most married couples. If she thought you didn't love her or that you're a bad girlfriend, I'm sure she would have said something."

"And I'm sure she would understand your anxieties," Tohru adds. "I mean, how do you know she doesn't have the same worries?"

I...never would have thought that. After all, (name) always seems confident and barely hesitates when it comes to expressing her affection to either males or females. Assuming (name) is worried she doesn't show Momo how much she loves her is like someone being scared that the sky will fall.

But just like Tohru says, there is that chance (name) might think Momo thinks (name) doesn't love Momo. In that confusing case, beating herself over this honestly silly worry that isn't based on solid facts is no help to the situation.

And Tohru's right: (name) would understand Momo's worries, or at the very least support her in her time of need. Why is now any different?

"Thanks, girls." She gives them a tearful smile to which they return, Tohru and Ochako pretending to be coddling mothers drying her tears as Mina fake cries while stuffing her mouth again. Hitoka just subtly shifts her chair an inch away from the pink girl. They're a couple of clowns short of a circus, but their words were precisely what Momo needed to hear after days of failed self-assurance. It's almost as if it restored the passion and adrenaline she felt when (name) first asked her out.


                           The cafeteria is promptly emptied once a majority of the students finished their lunch or chatting with their friends, save for some loitering students and staff. Mina and the rest of the girls practically ran out of the room once they and Momo saw (name) waving goodbye to the BakuSquad before turning to walk in their direction. (Each girl winked at Momo and gave her a thumbs up.)

Now, the couple stood face-to-face, both smiling at the other which grows when Momo softly slips her fingers through (name)'s webbing. "Do you...want to go on a date this weekend?" she asks through her bashful smile. "My aunt owns a nice restaurant near the town's art center. I thought we could get a nice dinner and look at the pieces." (name) giggles at her shyness, the cutest trait about her, and nods.

"Sounds perfect." Momo leans in for a brief peck on the lips. "Save some of that desert for Saturday~"

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