Chapter 35

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Luke’s shirt, a rather favorite of mine, was still in my drawer. 

“God, I swear I gave him back all of his shirts!” I said, as I rubbed my temples. The frustration disappeared and, without thinking, I took the soft fabric in my hands and slowly traced the white letters on it. I ran my thumb over each letter carefully, as if the shirt would melt into my hands. A special scent filled my nose, and I knew that it was partially Luke’s cologne and the fact that it’s been in my drawer for a while, not being washed. I immediately threw it on the bed, leaving a reminder to wash it, and then proceeded to find my tank top. After searching for the next five minutes, which felt like ten, I was fully dressed. I checked the clock again, which read 3:39, and quickly ran a brush through my hair to try to control the mess on my head. Grabbing my bag and shoes, I left the house early enough to try to beat the LA traffic. However, as soon as I started driving, paparazzi riding motorcycles and some driving in cars began to follow me. 

Suddenly, my phone buzzed and after stopping at a red light, I picked it up and read a text from Rachel saying “Hey, I’m going to this new Chanel store that just opened, care to join tomorrow?” I smiled, as I read the text in her voice. I kept my gaze on the road,  but I stopped at a Starbucks on my way, to grab some coffee. The line, of course, was pretty long and I managed to get a spot between a middle aged man and a business woman. A couple shrieks came from across the room, and when I turned around, a crowd of people with their phones were running up to me. 

A bunch of fans came up to me, asking for pictures and my signature. I took most pictures and signed almost anything they threw in front of me. A teen girl, maybe fifteen, approached and asked for a picture.

After she snapped it, she asked me, “Are you and Luke together?” I felt my stomach drop, but it felt embarrassing when I got butterflies at the mention of his name. 

“Um-uh-we are just friends.” I said, blushing. She gave me those “Are you sure about that?” look, and I just laughed out of embarrassment. She laughed too and then walked back to her table, shouting to her father that she just met me. More fans came in, but I managed to make it out in time for work. I got to my car, with a coffee in hand and drove the rest of the way to set. 

I arrived on time to the makeup trailer, since the location today was in a parking lot. I opened the door to the trailer and stepped in, greeted with a hug by my makeup artist, Nicole. 

“Ah! You’re finally here! I swear Martin is going crazy today. He had one too many coffees and is now yelling at everyone. He almost ripped my head off when he didn’t see you in the makeup chair.” 

“Well, I’m here now.” I said laughing. The thought of Martin, our usually calm and collective director, going on a rampage was pretty funny.

Chase then popped his head in the room and said, “Scorsese wants to start filming our two-shots now.”

Nicole rolled her eyes and said, “Tell him that she’ll be done in about five minutes.” She pushed me into the chair and started wiping my face with a makeup cleanser. Soon, after my makeup and hair was done, John, our camera man, dragged me into the parking lot, angry that we were wasting time. Martin then went into a long lecture about how we were professionals and that this movie was going to be big. Chase just rolled his eyes and sighed, waiting to begin. He leaned in and whispered to me, “It’s ironic how he’s talking about us wasting time, when he’s wasting time telling us this nonsense.” I laughed, maybe way too loud, because Martin then faced the both of us and stared for a while, until he yelled, “Let’s get those two-shots everyone!” He still held his stare as he walked back to his directors chair, and as soon as he faced the other direction, Chase and I burst out laughing.

We said our lines for about 4 hours and soon we went into break. Martin left the room to get some water to calm his nerves, while Chase and I walked around the parking lot. 

“So, I was thinking of getting my girlfriend a charm bracelet for her birthday.” he said to me in a serious tone.

“Chase, I’ve seen her before and from the looks of it, it seems as though she already has a ton of charm bracelets.” I chuckled. 

“Well, I’m sorry if my present sucks. I mean she’s very picky and I want to get her something special.” he whined.

“She’s a supermodel, get her a bikini or something.” I said laughing, while he just glared at me. “Im serious! She has the body, might as well-“ I laughed, while Chace was rolled his eyes. I was then interrupted by my phone. I reached down to my pocket and grabbed it. Michael’s name was flashing on the screen. I picked up and said, “Hey Michael.”

“Hey, what's up?” he replied. 

“Nothing much. What about you?”

“Eh, we're stuck in the studio and we haven’t eaten in like 5 hours.” he exaggerated. 

“I’m sure it's not that bad. You should see Martin today.”

“Please Ava," he scoffed, sarcastically. "the rockstar life isn’t that easy. First off, they don’t feed you. And second, they said no pizza in the recording booth?! Like WHO DOES THAT?!” he yelled. 

“Sounds great Michael.” I replied, giggling. 

“Hey, you should stop by the studio. We all miss you.” I felt the heat rise to my cheeks, as he said that. 

“I highly doubt that.”

“C’mon, you’re like our sister, well, except to Luke because you two-"

“Yeah, I get it Michael. But I’ll-um stop by after we finish. If I have enough time." 

“Okay, thank god," he paused to turn away from his phone. "GUYS, SHE SAID THAT SHE’LL BE HERE.” I heard him shout to the other boys.  "AVA, WE MISS YOU!” I also heard Ashton scream through the phone. “CAN YOU TELL HER TO BRING FOOD?” Calum yelled. I let out another laugh, and turned around. Martin was back outside now, so I quickly said, “Hey Michael, I need to get back. See you later?” 

“Okay, bye.” I took a deep breath and then went over to Chase, who was reviewing the film. 

Luke’s POV

"WE COME BEARING FOOD.” Ashton yelled through the studio door. I looked up to see Ashton and Calum carrying Nandos in both their hands. Since we were all hungry and were in desperate need of a break, they left Michael and I in the studio to finish writing. Everything had been especially crazy this past week; we had festivals coming up, more concerts, and we were currently working on a new album to hopefully release in 2015. I scratched the back of my neck, and continued to write. 

“THANK GOD.” Michael said, running up to the food. I just chuckled, and continued to work. I then hit the desk in frustration, since the sound of three boys chewing loudly wasn’t helping. 

“You know what, I’ll finish the song later.” I said, grabbing the take out box of Nandos. The food was so delicious and we haven’t eaten in so long. “So”, I said between chews, “is Ava actually coming?” 

Michael swallowed and then said, “Yeah, well she promised, so she should be here..” he trailed off. 

“Okay, whatever." I said cooly. 

Ashton put down his fork and said, ”So, you don’t care if we, like party with her and have fun? It doesn’t bother you-“

“Well-I mean- I miss her, and it would be good to see her after everything.” I said, and continue to eat.

The boys look at each other, as if devising a plan. I look up from my food again and say, “Guys stop, seriously.” They shrugged their shoulders, while I went back to savoring my food. We all continued to eat  in peace, until Michael interrupted, "I still don’t get why we can’t have pizza in the recording booth.”

A/N: Sorry it's been so long! This story hasn't been getting as many reads lately, so I took a small break, if that's alright with everyone! But, I'm still so happy for the people that continue to read to my story, even though some parts kinda suck. 

In other news, 5sos are working on a new album and I'm still not over the first one. 

Thanks for reading! 

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