Chapter 8

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"Look what the cat dragged in," Calum said in an annoying tone, as Luke and I came to breakfast.

"Your eggs were getting cold, so we had to ask the waiter to reheat them. Your welcome, guys." Ashton said. We all sat at a table downstairs in the dining area, and the table was filled with breakfast foods. 

"This all looks so delicious. We have to thank John for choosing a hotel with good food." I said, as we ate our scrambled eggs. Luke kept glancing up at me, as I talked to the other boys. His face was glowing with happiness today, and his eyes were still the same, beautiful baby blue shade. At times, the other boys would stare at us like we were crazy, but they just didn't get it.

After breakfast our driver took us to the destination of the music video, which was only ten minutes from the hotel. We arrived at a park, something similar to the Grand Canyon, that was completely empty. John had mentioned that they would close down the park for filming, but the place was so peaceful and quiet without tourists and other people talking. "Look at the view!" Ashton yelled, running towards the cliff that we were using for the video. Calum ran after him, then Luke, and finally Michael. Next to the huge cliff was a trailer probably filled with makeup artists. An antique car was parked in front of the cliff, just a few feet away from the edge. A tarp rested on the hood of the car, where we were going to sit. I rolled my eyes at the boys, and soon joined them.

We stayed at the hotel for another week of filming, and then we were all back home, with our normal schedules. Luke and I had been dating for two weeks now, and I hated for it to sound so cliché, but everything was perfect. Luke was so sweet and kind to me that it was ridiculous. Sometimes, Luke got so nervous around me that he would fumble with his words, but I just pecked him on the lips, and all of a sudden he felt better. We actually hadn't gone out on our first official date yet, because of our busy schedules. To make up for it though, Luke promised that he had a surprise waiting for me tomorrow.

I put on a pair of cotton shorts and a tank top, and then went to the bathroom to get ready for bed. As I brushed my teeth, a pair of strong arms wrapped around my waist.

"Hi," He whispered to me. I felt his lips linger towards my neck, and my heart couldn't stop beating. I let out a laugh and said, "I'm kind of brushing my teeth here."

"Oh, yea, uh-sorry. I-I'll uh, leave you to that." He said awkwardly, as he raced out of the bathroom. I spit out the toothpaste into the sink and almost choked from laughing so much. I was dating a dork, I thought to myself. After I was done, I strolled into Luke's bedroom, finding him lying flat on his stomach. I jumped into the bed with him and snuggled closer.

"What are you looking at?" I asked him. He then turned his body towards me, resting on his elbow for support.

"Just twitter." He said, casually. Luke then moved closer to me, until our shoulders were touching. Electricity shot through my entire body at his touch. I still couldn't get used to the fact that we were actually together. I rested my head on his chest, while he played with my hair, that was full of hair spray from work.  "Hard day today?" He asked, not breaking his concentration on twirling my hair.

"Yeah, Josh, the director, was going crazy. I swear, Chase and I were scared to death." I felt Luke chuckle, his warm breath hitting my forehead. We continued to talk about our day's, until we grew sleepy. In no time, we both fell asleep, tangled in each other's arms.


"So, it's pretty late now, but we're not tired. Michael, what are you doing?! Oh god!" Ashton said, laughing. I opened my eyes and looked up. Luke was still sleeping, and I couldn't move because of his grip on my waist. "I guess I'll go back to sleep," I thought. I snuggled back closer to Luke and closed my eyes. Suddenly, the door barged open.

"Let's see where Luke is, he's always sleeping. That's what Luke's do, they just-" Ashton stopped mid-sentence as he stared at Luke and I sleeping together. "Well, this is new. Calum, Michael get in here! Luke is getting some!" Ashton yelled through the house. He closed his phone and stuffed it back in his pocket. Luke shifted a little, and his eyes immediatly grew wider when he saw Ashton and the others. 

"Is young Lucas getting some, with.....Ava?" Michael said. I rubbed my eyes and sat up, Luke doing the same. I opened my mouth to talk, but Calum was already walking over to the bed, sitting on the edge. 

"Say no more. We get it." Calum said.

"What?" Luke and I said at the same time. 

"We figured that you two would get together some time." Michael said. "It's pretty obvious."

"You guys need to shut up. Luke is happy with Ava." Ashton said, pushing the boys away from us. He then pushed Calum off of the bed and sat down. In a girly tone, he asked us, " long have you been dating?" 

"Two weeks," I mumbled. 

"Aww," all three of them said. Soon, we were all laughing. 

Calum sat back down on the bed and put his hand on my shoulder. "We support you guys. You're madly in love anyways." I looked up at Luke, and he looked back. I swear that I saw his blue eyes twinkle in that very moment. 

"Are you guys going to start making out or something?" Michael asked with a disgusted look on his face. I slapped my bare knee and laughed. Luke and the others soon joined in, cackling at Michael's comment. 

"Wait-wait guys," Ashton said between breath, "your ship name would be Lava. Luke and Ava. Lava. Haha." He giggled. They all chanted "Lava" for the next few minutes, until we all grew delirious and decided to sleep.

A/N: HEY GUYS! So, i hit over 100 reads, which is amazing, thank you all for reading! I didn't edit this chapter that much, so sorry if there are any typos or mistakes. :( Anyways, the updates are getting slower (im sorry) because of school :( I already have to write three essays for next week, all on different topics, and I have so many quizzes and tests this week. :( I will try to update, if not then just know that i'm probably studying, or crying in a corner because I hate school :( (this is a long A/N im sorry) Thanks for reading!

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