Chapter 13

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"So, is everything alright between you two?" Michael asked, as he took another bite of his pizza.

"More than alright." Luke stated, wrapping an arm around me. He then leaned in for a kiss, smiling into it.

"Guys, you're cute and all, but cut the PDA when you're around us." Calum said. We continued to eat the pizza, until Calum proposed an idea. "Let's go see a movie!"

"Now?" I questioned. Calum turned around and looked out the window, only to see darkness.

"Well, we can watch a movie here. I think we kept Anchorman here, or in Australia-" Ashton said. Calum then immediately got up and ran downstairs to find the DVD, tripping over each step.

"I'll help him. You know, before he hurts himself." Luke said before getting up to find the wild Calum. Michael and I cleaned up the room, while Ashton followed Luke. I took both empty pizza boxes in hand and carried them downstairs, while Michael picked up the napkins and paper plates. "Have you seen Anchorman?" He asked me.

"Well, considering how much you guys love that movie, I'd rather not say..." I trailed on.

"What, you haven't seen the movie?" He chuckled. "I mean who hasn't seen Anchorman...." His eyes widenened at my pink cheeks. "Oh my god, Ava hasn't seen Anchorman! GUYS, AVA HASN'T SEEN ANCHORMAN!" Michael yelled out.

"WHAT?!" I heard Calum yell back. We reached the bottom of the staircase, where Calum ran up to me.

"You're so lucky, Ava Harper," He said, out of breath. "that I found this DVD, because it is the best movie ever." I just laughed at him, not knowing how to reply.

Later that night, when we were about half way through the movie, Ashton pulled out his phone. I was seated in the middle of Luke and Ashton, while Calum and Michael sat on the floor, way too close to the television. I looked over Ashton's shoulder to see him open the Keek app. I watched as he ruffled his hair, and began to speak into the phone.

"Hey guys, so we're watching Anchorman now." He then pointed the camera to us. "Ava has actually never seen Anchorman, so it must be exciting for her," He giggled. Ashton then made his hand into a fist to be a 'microphone.'

"So Ava, how is the movie so far?" He asked in an interviewer voice.

"It's pretty good actually," I said.

"You know what would make this Keek more interesting?" I looked over at him with an eyebrow raised.

"You two should kiss!" He giggled. Luke was so drawn into the movie that he's probably seen so many times, that his reaction was late.

"What?" He said. I laughed at his reaction, and so did the others. Luke's cheeks were turning red, his eyes frantically searching for mine.

"Perfect, Luke." Ashton said, uploading the Keek.

"Oh, you mean us." Luke said.

"Of course, Lucas. Who else would I be talking about?" I said, sarcastically.

"Well, I'm still here," Michael said, with a smug grin. "I mean if you want to kiss me Ava, then that's fine with me." He then puckered his lips.

"You're an idiot." I said, throwing a pillow at him.

"Wait, we need to film this pillow fight!" Ashton yelled. He and Calum pulled out their phones, ready for recording. Michael threw back the pillow pretty hard at my face, but I caught it just in time.

"Ava, you were scared for your life when I chucked that pillow at you. You scrunched up your face and everything." He said, laughing with the others. I laughed, too, because I was scared for my life.

"What, you think I couldn't handle a pillow fight against you, Clifford?" I questioned.

"This is good." Ashton mumbled. Michael stood up next to me, and then gave me a look saying, you know I'm taller and have a much bigger build than you right?

"It's on, Clifford." I said, standing on my toes to at least look him straight in the eyes.

"Attack, guys!" My eyes widened and I shrieked when Luke had already lifted me up in one swift motion.

"Where are you guys taking me?" I questioned nervously. Before anyone could reply, Luke dropped me on my bed and began to tickle me. "L-Luke s-stop i-it!" I yelled, while laughing.

"Not until you say that I am more awesome than you." He stopped for a second to look into my eyes.

"Well, nobody is more awesome than me, so technically that statement that you are asking me to repeat is invalid-" I was cut short by Luke's fingers tickling my sides.

"I can't hear you, Ava." Luke teased me.

"Fine, you a-are m-more a-awesome than m-me." I said inbetween breaths. Luke stopped tickling me and drifted his gaze from my eyes to lips. He then leaned in and connected our lips. The moment became heated in a matter of seconds. By this point, I was straddling Luke's waist, as he trailed kisses down my neck. He then found a spot right below my collarbone, and focused on that specific place.

"Oh Luke, yeah. Harder. Harder." I heard a high pitched 'girls' voice coming from the door. I suddenly picked up my head, and Luke turned around with wide eyes.

"Get out guys!"

"Well, geez Lucas. We gathered all of the pillows that we could find to defeat her. You can't make out with the enemy!" Calum said, laughing.

Ashton then walked in with a surprised look on his face. He had tied a blanket around his shoulders as a cape, and he had about three pillows in each hand.

"Luke, this was our chance to defeat her. You really had to spoil it, didn't you?" Ashton sighed. The night ended with a more laughter and a bunch of pictures and videos posted on Instagram.

A/N: Hey guys! I'm sorry that this chapter is short and it kinda sucks so sorry :( Thanks for reading though!

By the way, I was thinking about writing a Calum fanfiction, what do you guys think? Tell me in the comments if I should!

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