Chapter 5

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The waitress slapped down the bill in front of Ashton. I tried to tell the waitress that I will be paying for my own, but she was already strutting away from our table. Ashton smirked at me, probably feeling proud that he got to pay for my meal. With Ashton, it didn't matter what situation he was in; he liked to win.

"We should get going now, I'm stuffed and we're going back to set tomorrow." Michael groaned.

"Yeah, as soon as our snobby waitress comes back." I muttered.

"What was that, Ava? We couldn't hear you." Luke said, holding up a hand to his ear. He let out a genuine laugh, as I rolled my eyes and covered my face. I could feel myself blushing, as I muttered again, "The snobby waitress."

Luke shook his head in disappointment, "Ava, I said a little louder." He smiled again.

I pointed a finger at Luke and then to all of them, who were still laughing. "This is harrassment."

"No, it's not." Calum said.

"But, you're still teasing me." I looked around the restaruant for the waitress. "Jesus, when is this annoying-" Luke suddenly cleared his throat, and I turned around to find the waitress behind me, with the bill in hand.

"....Cheesecake. Hey, do you guys want cheesake?" I said, perking up. They all shook their heads, and covered their mouth with their hands to stop from laughing.

"So, no cheesake for us. Thank you." I said, and with that the waitress walked away, rolling her eyes.

When we reached the car, they wouldn't shut up about how oblivious I was. "Can we just drop this? Gosh, Calum falls out of the makeup chair." I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Wait, who told you that?" Calum questioned.

"Uh...the makeup artist?" My voice slightly got higher, which was what usually happened when I didn't want to tell the truth.

"Ok first off, that happened once because I was really tired and I didn't see where I was going. And second," Calum squinted his eyes. "I knew that you couldn't trust Danielle. She spills all of your secrets. But, I will get you back for saying that."

I raised my eyebrows, "Oh really? Good luck with that." And with that, the rest of the car ride was just filled with conversations about the teenage mutant ninja turtles.


I woke up on the couch once again. I lifted my head towards the kitchen and saw Ashton making breakfast.

"Well you could've at least carried me to my bed or wake me up." I said to him. Ashton turned around, and after a few seconds, he realized that I had slept on the very uncomfortable leather couch.

"Oh, sorry Ava. I really am. We get really tired after watching a movie."

"It's fine, Ashton." I replied, scratching my head.

"Well, now you know not to have movie nights with us." he giggled. I walked over to where he was standing in the kitchen. I stood on my toes and looked over his shoulder. "That looks good." I said.

"It's vegemite." He replied.

I scrunched up my nose. "Oh."

He took a big bite of it right in front of me and chewed loudly. "Do you have a problem with Vegemite?"

I reached up to one of the cabinets and grabbed a case of Nutella. "Nah, I just prefer my Nutella."

"You're a monster without it."

"i know." As I was spreading the Nutella on the toast, Michael came groggily down the stairs. He used the sleeve of his sweater to wipe his eyes. "Oh hey guys." He then took a spoon out of the drawer and took some of my Nutella. "Hey? There's not much left, don't eat all of it." I said.

With food in his mouth he said, "Yeah, yea whatever. Oh, John just called me and said that we're changing locations for the music video this week." I unplugged my phone from the charger on the counter and checked my messages. John had texted me in the morning that we needed to leave immediatly after the boys' show tonight with One Direction. I read the text aloud to them.

"How are we going to do this?" I said. "Today I'm working until only 7."

"So, you can bring all the stuff that you need in a duffel bag and come to the show. You can watch until we're done, and then we can leave. The show starts at 9, and we're playing for about forty minutes." Michael said.

"That is a brilliant plan, Clifford. You guys should start packing now before the show. I'll wake up Calum and Luke." I ran up the stairs to Calum and Luke's bedrooms. I stopped at Luke's bedroom first to see him peacefully sleeping. His blond hair was all ruffled and sticking up in different directions. The circles under his eyes were now less prominent, and his eyelashes were more visible, too. I put a hand on his shoulder and shook him. He stirred and tossed, and then completely stopped. I thought that he had fallen asleep again, when two strong arms grabbed my waist and pulled me down. "Luke!" I yelled. He nuzzled his head into my neck, and I could feel his warm breath on my skin. "Luke, we have to wake up."

"But it's so warm in this bed..." I couldn't help but agree with Luke on that one.

"But, you have a show tonight."

Luke lifted his head quickly before saying, "Oh shoot, I almost forgot about that. But the show is at night, so we have plenty of time, right?" I rolled my eyes.

"Not really because the venue is at least one hour away." Suddenly, I felt hands on either side of my waist tickling me. "L-Luke, s-stop pleeease." I dragged on, while laughing. I kept laughing until he stopped all of a sudden.

"Are friends supposed to do this?" He said, with a worried expression on his face. I wasn't even sure what Luke and I were because sometimes we were flirting, and other times we were acting as just friends. Luke got up from the bed and went to his dresser.

"John said that we're changing locations, so we have to pack. Michael said that I can come to the venue before the show because we have to leave as soon as possible." I said to him.

"Ok." Luke mumbled, obviously embarrassed of what had happened less than five minutes ago.

Just then, Calum walked in looking like he just woke up, too.

"Did you just wake up?" I said. He shook his head. "Nah, I woke up like ten minutes ago and went downstairs. Michael and Ashton told me the game plan for today." He held up a thumbs up and then walked away. For the next hour and half, I helped the boys pack for this week, and soon they left. I stayed in the house for another thirty minutes to pack my bag. After I was done, I left for work.

A/N: So, I decided to do a double update today, since the other chapter was so short. I'm sorry if the last three chapters have kinda sucked, but thanks for reading! I'll promise to do better for the next chapters. And sorry if there are any typos :(

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