Chapter 15

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I opened my eyes slightly to see the sun rising through the curtains in Luke's room. Luke's room, I smiled to myself, remembering last night. It was the perfect night before I had to leave to Toronto, and then to Rome for the movie premiere. 

I looked over my shoulder to see Luke snuggled into my neck, his warm breath hitting my collarbone. I watched his chest rise and fall slowly.

"What are you looking at, princess?" Luke whispered, only opening one eye. The sight in front of me was so cute, that I turned back over to the other side of the bed, covering my face with the covers. Luke reached over me and pulled the covers to his side. 

"Hey!" I said, as his eyes roamed my exposed body. I leaned over to him to try to pull the covers out of his grip, but it was no use. I sighed, and then swung my feet over the side of the bed to look for my clothes. Luke lifted his head, noticing that I was frantically searching for my clothes. 

"Uh, I think I found your bra.." he trailed on. Luke was indeed holding my bra in his hand. I quickly walked over to him, taking my bra in hand and putting it on. I thankfully found my underwear, and then dressed in shorts and one of Luke's shirts. 

"Wait, why are you putting your clothes on? It's still early." Luke said, sticking his bottom lip out. 

"So, if you pull the covers from me again, I'll be clothed." I laughed. I got back on the bed and moved closer to Luke, placing my head in the crook of his neck. 

"I love you so much," he whispered, placing a kiss on the top of my head. 

"I love you, too, Luke." I sighed. "You know I'm going to be travelling for the next two months, right?"

"Please don't remind me," he groaned. "I would rather spend time with you, just laying in bed. You're so warm and I love you so much, and I love hugging you," Luke then stopped talking and gave me a tight hug, which caused me to giggle at his adorableness. "and I love kissing you," he kissed my lips and then pulled away. "and I just love everything about you. You make me smile." He then smiled, his dimples showing. 

"Luke, I don't want to leave either, but I have to. And travelling the world is kind of fun." I added. 

"Are you saying that travelling the world is more fun than sleeping here with me?" He said, acting hurt. Luke snaked his arms around my waist and in no time, he was hovering over me. He had both of my wrists in hand, while his legs were tangled in mine. 

"Ava Harper, admit that sleeping here is better than travelling." he teased. 

"Well, I mean they have their pros and cons-" I was cut off by Luke's fingers tickling my sides. "Jeez, L-Luke, I-I was j-joking," I said in between breaths. 

"You better have," he smiled down at me. Luke then flipped me over, so I was on top. I gently rested my head on his bare chest, as he began to twirl a piece of my hair. I closed my eyes and reminisced about that day on set with Chase. He really is special, huh? Those words stuck to me, but everytime I thought of what Chase said, a smile grew on my face. I was truly happy. 

"GUYS, STOP SLEEPING AROUND. WE'RE GOING OUT FOR BREAKFAST AND UNLESS YOU WANT TO COME, GET UP." Calum yelled throughout the whole house. Luke and I jerked our heads up, the both of us startled by Calum. I honestly felt bad for their neighbors. 

"OK, CALUM. WE'RE COMING, JUST WAIT." Luke yelled back to him. He released his grip on me, and the both of us got up to first find Luke's boxers. After that, we walked to the living room to find the rest of his band. Ashton was leaning against the countertop with his phone in hand, Calum was sprawled across the couch, and Michael stood there with a smirk on his face. 

"How was it?" he asked, that smirk never leaving his face. 

"Why is it, that whenever something happens, you're always on top of it?" I asked. 

"I'm actually not sure about that, but I bet you were on top of Luke last night." he snickered. 

"Not your best, but respect." Calum said, before fist bumping Michael. I just rolled my eyes at them and went to grab a glass of water. 

"So, where are we going for breakfast?" I asked Ashton. 

"We were going to go to this cafe nearby, but you two wouldn't stop talking this morning. We heard the whole conversation." Ashton said. 

"That wasn't the only thing we heard," Michael muttered. Calum laughed with him, and they fist-bumped again. Though I had to admit, it was a good joke. 

"Fine, we'll get dressed, and while we do, is there some way to duct tape Michael's mouth?" Luke laughed. I high fived Luke as we walked down the hallway, the boys laughing behind us. Luke put on his usual black skinny jeans and a dark blue shirt. He looked so attractive. 

I quickly put on a pair of skinny jeans and a black graphic shirt. We quickly put on our shoes and met the boys outside. Michael, Luke and I squeezed in the back, while Calum rode in the passenger seat. Ashton took us to the quiet cafe downtown. The floors had the black and white tiled pattern, and the front had a huge glass display case full of food. 

"Let's sit here!" Luke said, dragging us to a table in the back. A waiter soon came to our table and took our orders. He came back soon with our drinks and our food. I picked up my fork and began to cut up my scrambled eggs, when Ashton said something to Luke. 

"So, have you thought about that contract-" Ashton was quickly interrupted. 

"No. I haven't." Luke muttered, his eyes glancing in my direction. 

"What's wrong?" I asked Luke. 

"Nothing, Ava. It's fine." He put an arm around me and smiled. Ashton, Calum, and Michael then sent Luke a look that said, are you serious, dude? I was very confused, and was definitely left out on something. I decided to just shrug it off, and to just enjoy my breakfast. Thankfully, Calum changed the subject. 

"I heard Liverpool lost yesterday. It was heartbreaking." We all continued eating our breakfast, almost forgetting about earlier. I decided to pay this time, but I literally had to fight the guys for it. Once we got home, I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth, making sure I didn't have any food stuck there. I was around the corner, when I heard Calum talking to Luke. 

"It came yesterday. They're still waiting for an answer, Luke. Tell her."

"How do you tell someone that, though?" Luke said, running a hand through his hair. 

"I don't know, figure it out." Calum said, this time with more anger. Their brief conversation honestly kept me up at night, and lead my mind to questions I didn't want answered. 

A/N: Hey guys! I'M AT 400 READS! LIKE WHAT?! Thank you all so much for reading, you are all so awesome. And if you want to, can you please read my new Calum hood fanfic I uploaded? It would mean a lot. Thanks again!

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