Chapter 30

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When we arrived I was sharing a room with Calum, which was fine. Calum was always good company to have. As I unpacked some clothes for tonight, I got a call from an unknown number.

"Hello?" I said, a little confused.

"Hi, Miss Harper. This is Bryan Singer, director and producer for X-Men: Week of Tomorrow. We are lucky to say that you got the role and your audition tape was perfect."

My hand immediately clasped over my mouth to keep me from screaming. "Oh my thank you so much.” 

"We start filming in November, so we would like you to come in to auditions to help us find your costar." I was about to explode.

"Yes that's fine, I'll be flying back to LA in two days if that's fine.” 

"Perfect, Julie will send you all the addresses.” 

"Thank you so much again.” 

"No problem." And that was it. When I looked up, I saw a slightly scared Calum. My hands were still covering my face from surprise. Calum walked over to me, seeing my excitement.

"So what happened?” he asked. 

"Well...."I said, trying to keep my cool. "I got the part!"

"Really? Congratulations!" He enveloped me in a hug and said "What movie?” 

"The new X-Men movie." His eyes grew wide as I said that. 

"Are you kidding me? That's great! You have to take us on set. Ashton and Michael will flip! Did you tell Luke?” 

"Actually no one knows, except for you."

Calum then rubbed the back of his neck and asked, "If you don't mind me asking, what's going on between you two, because Luke seems…" 

"Seems what?” I immediately replied. 

"Sad, I guess."

I could feel my chest tighten again. "Oh." Calum looked confused, and thankfully he didn't know what was going on between us. 

"We should celebrate!" Calum said, lightening the mood.

"No, it's fine you guys have a meet and greet, and a concert tonight."

"Come to the concert!” he exclaimed. 

"No it's fine really…" 

"Please, you have to. We could get you an extra pass." As much as I needed to focus on my career and "relationship", going out could lighten my mood.

 "Uh......alright fine.” 

"YAY!" Calum said hugging me. "It's going to be so awesome trust me, there will be balloons and confetti......" Calum went on about how awesome their concert was going to be now that I will be in the audience. 

When we arrived at the venue, I saw the stage and the empty audience.

"10 minutes 'till show time guys!" someone called out. 

I turned around to make sure no one saw me as I walked onto their stage. I admired the lights and cameras everywhere. This concert was going to be filled to the brim with people. I then gasped, when suddenly two strong arms wrapped around my waist. I could tell that it was Luke, but I turned around just in case.

"Were you watching me?" I asked.

"Maybe..." He said giggling. He looked so nervous. "You look really pretty on stage with all the lights shining on your face." I gave him a confused look. " that sounded better in my head..." I blushed and once again faced the stage. The sudden realization hit me, though. Luke had his arms around me, his chin lightly resting on my head, while I allowed him to. 

As I was about to turn around to fully face him, his arms pulled me closer and soon our lips were connecting. He kissed me gently, but I roughly pulled away. What was I thinking?

"Luke, we still need to figure everything out."

His hand immediately went to his hair and plowed through it. "I know, I know. I really missed you."

"Typical hormonal boy." I chuckled to myself. 

"I'm serious, Ava. I'm sorry for everything. Yes I know I did something terrible, but you're always there for me." he spluttered. He then let go of me as someone called out, "5 minutes guys, 5 minutes!" Luke grabbed my waist and pushed us to the dressing room as the audience started to come in. All of the girls were screaming, waiting for their favorite band to come out. Luke, Michael, and Calum grabbed their guitars, while Ashton had his drumsticks in hand. Luke kissed me on the cheek one last time before he walked out in stage. 

The concert was amazing. They sounded even more amazing live, and the sound of their guitars blaring through the speakers perfected it all. After it was done, I decided to go see the boys backstage. One of their security guards, an older woman, held out her arm, blocking my path. "Do you have a pass?" She stated. I fumbled through my purse until I realized. Of course I left my pass in the dressing room.

"I have one...well it's not with me now...but I'm Luke's girlfriend.” That was the first thing that I thought of, and even though I currently wasn’t his girlfriend, it could’ve worked. The woman stared at me.

"Oh honey, do you know how many girls have tried that trick?"

"But I am actually…well, was…” 

"Ha, and I'm related to Oprah." She pushed me back towards the fans, when the band came out for their meet and greet.

"Luke!" I screamed.

He turned around and said, "Hey, what happened?" Worry filled his ocean blue eyes.

"I left my pass in the other room, and they won't let me in."

Luke looked up to the guard, bravely, and said, "She's with me." Then, he grabbed my hand and pulled me towards him. The guard just rolled her eyes. 

"Sorry I completely forgot about it." I said, as he dragged me behind him. 

"It's ok, she's very...overprotective and takes her job very...seriously, I guess." I laughed. This was the Luke that I loved. I said my hello's to the other bandmates and told them how amazing their show was.

"I told you it was going to be amazing. Except we couldn't get any confetti...or balloons for that matter." Calum said.

"Well, you guys sounded great without any confetti or balloons." I smiled. 

Michael nudged Ashton and his eyes went to me and Luke's still intertwined hands. "I guess our little Lukey is getting some tonight." Luke blushed and I just laughed awkwardly.

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