Chapter 31

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After the meet and greet, we all went to the boy's house for a little party.

"We should drink to Ava for getting the part in the new X-Men movie!" Calum yelled. They all clapped their hands and as we took our drinks, Luke whispered to me "You got the part?"

"Yeah." I whispered back.

He squeezed my waist and kissed my hair. "Congrats." I couldn't be happier to have my dream career and amazing friends. But, I still couldn't detect where Luke and I were. Just a few days ago, he wouldn't even talk to me, and now he can't stop talking to me.

"Aw." Ashton says. "Lukey, I want a kiss too." We all laughed, as Luke gave Ashton a bone crushing hug, which caused them to both fall on the ground.

The whole night we played games, and soon ended up watching a movie. They all agreed on watching House at the End of the Street, which was a horror film.

"Oh, come on guys, really?" I whined. 

"Yes." they said, in unison. I sat on the couch between Luke and Michael, while Calum and Ashton sat on the floor. Luke then motioned for me to sit on his lap and so I did. Surprised at myself, I didn't hesitate at all.

The night was going perfect so far, nothing could go wrong. Every time there was a jump scare or something popped on the screen, I squeezed Luke's hand, unaware of it.

"Ava, you're going to break my fingers off." he said chuckling.

"Oh, sorry." I blushed, pulling my hand away. Half way through the movie, Michael and Ashton had fallen asleep, while Calum was still drawn into the movie. I felt my eyes growing heavier as I tried to concentrate on the screen. I decided to close my eyes, since Luke was still watching the movie. 

The world felt different as I opened my eyes, and looked next to me. Luke was gone. I got up from the couch and called his name. In fact I called all the boys' names.

"Hello? Why isn't anyone answering me?" I shouted through out the house. I then saw Luke standing behind me. He had a frown on his face as he said," I'm sorry."

"What?" Was I dreaming?

"I have to leave you."

"You're leaving me? You've got to be kidding me?" I asked. 

"Actually I'm not. You know how important the band is, and our fame. I would really appreciate it, if you stop complaining once in a while. I have a life, too, you know."He said while a smirk formed on his face.

My eyes started to burn, which meant the tears were coming. No, you can't cry in front of Luke.

"Luke, you can't be serious." I said, almost whispering. My hands began to form fists at my sides, while I was shaking. I decided to let it all out, since it was only Luke and I. "You  can't do this again! You just leave without a warning and don't even bother to call me, or let me know you're alright. Christ, I'm tired of you repeating your stupid actions towards me. I was miserable for months because you weren't calling me. I came to work tired and depressed because I spent the night before crying and worrying about you or mostly us, until I saw the pictures of you having fun in all these places around the world with different girls surrounding you guys. I had a huge premiere in New York that I almost missed because I was so upset with you!" Angry tears stained my cheeks and my breaths became shorter. I looked down at my shirt and saw that I was sweating. The world became blurry and I fell to my knees.

I wanted to leave now, but I couldn't. My eyes were screwed shut.

I moved onto my back and sat up. Heavy pants came out, as I felt my face heating up. "Ava, are you okay?" In front of me was Luke.

I placed my hand on my forehead and said "I-I don't k-know, i-I j-just-"

"Hey, it's okay, we'll talk about it later." He said. Luke then took me in his embrace and I placed my head on his chest. He gently rubbed the small of my back, and ran his hands through my hair, trying to comfort me. "Luke," I said sniffling, "we need to talk, and just get this stupid thing over with." His eyes widened as he hesitantly nodded, and kept rubbing my back. 


I woke up in my own bed the next morning, and stared at the clock. It read 9:43 am. I groaned, but then remembered my audition. I decided to call Chace, who had the director's email address, and got most of his notifications. I got out of bed and frantically searched for my phone. I then remembered I was with the boys last night, so I went into my closet to find my jacket from last night. And surely, my phone was in the pocket I had left it in. I scrolled through my contacts until I found his name and dialed it.

"Please pick up, please pick up." I thought to myself.

He picked up on the fifth ring. "Hey." he mumbled. 

"Hey. Um, Chase where are you?" I asked, confused. 

" my house....having breakfast...where are you?"

"Shouldn't you be at work?"

"No, I got an email from Martin saying they rescheduled to 12." Oh thank god.

"Oh my god, okay good. I woke up late and panicked. Thanks." I sighed. 

"No problem. See you later."

"Bye."I said, hanging up. At least I wasn't going to miss the audition. I walked into the bathroom, smiling that I still had about 2 hours until work. When I walked in there, I looked in the mirror and saw that I was wearing a gray Nirvana shirt and green sweats. I didn't even know how I got into these clothes, but it didn't matter now. I brushed my teeth, washed my face and tied my hair into a ponytail, and then headed to the living room. My eyes widened at the sight in there. Luke Hemmings was sprawled out on my couch fast asleep. 

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