Chapter 18

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A/N: In this story, the boys have already toured with One Direction, so it's technically present-day 5sos

Chase, Josh, and I touched down in Toronto a few hours later. Josh called us a cab, and we arrived at the hotel, being our usual annoying and tired selves. We all went our separate ways to our rooms to get ready for this pre-party dinner, that I was not ready for. I unlocked my hotel door, and immediatly plopped down on the bed. In a few minutes, my makeup and hair artist was going to be here, and I was in desparate need of a shower. However, my heart ached for Luke. The last time he texted me was right before my flight, saying how much he loved me. I just hope everyone's ok, I thought. I quickly stripped off my clothing and got into the shower, before putting on my dress that my stylist arranged for me. It was a white dress, with silk squares as the pattern. The dress was beautiful, and I was so thankful to be able to wear such nice clothing. After my shower, I put on the hotel's robe and unzipped the bag, that the dry cleaners had put the dress into. I ran my manicured fingers over each square, humming to one of the songs that the boys were recording the other day. I shook my head and laughed to myself. I really needed to concentrate on tonight, because I could get a role in another movie, which was technically a job. Hundreds of directors were going to be here in Toronto for the festival, which meant that Chase and I could meet some of them and get some recognition. 

I was suddenly startled by a knock on the door. I jerked away my hand from the dress and walked over to the door, still in my robe. A man dressed in a nicely ironed vest, holding a bag probably filled with hair products, stuck out his hand for me.
"Hello, I'm Ralph, and this is Chelsea," he pointed to the girl just getting out of the elevator, carrying tons of makeup bags. "we will be your team for the next two months." he continued, smiling.
"Well, come in." I moved out of his way, so he could put down his bag and set up whatever he had to set up for my hair. I sat down in a chair, as he applied a cream, that smelled like coconuts, to my hair. Chelsea began to wipe my face down with one of her wipes, as I closed my eyes. A few minutes later, I could hear a faint buzzing sound coming from my purse.
"Would you like me to get-" Chelsea started.
"Yeah, um, yes please. Sorry, it's just that it might be my boyfriend." I put my hand over my forehead, as I  mentally slapped myself. 
"Oh, then of course I'll hand it right over." She walked over to my purse and handed me my phone. On the screen was a text that read, "Hope everything's alright! :)" It was from Calum. I still smiled because it was nice to know that they cared, but I was still wondering about Luke.
Around 7pm, I put on my dress and was ready to finally step out of the hotel room. Chase was waiting across the hall in a grey blazer with matching pants and shoes.
"You look stunning, little Ava." he said, winking.
"Wow, did you just compliment me? I don't believe this. We should really mark this time in history." I replied, sarcastically. "And now, I'm not little anymore, because of a genius named Valentino."
"What did they give you to drink today? You are just full of sass." he playfully pushed me, as we both laughed.
"I think it's the shoes." I shrugged. I kicked up my foot behind me, as I examined the white heels.
"Definitely the shoes." he nodded his head and laughed. By the time we reached the door, papparazzi were all over the hotel's glass doors, leaving a lot of fingerprints. Chase stayed close behind me, just in case someone attacked me, which has happened to many celebrities.
"Ava, look over here!"
"Are you two dating?"
"Are you still friends with 5 Seconds of Summer?"
"Are the rumors with you and Luke true?"
Chase and I quickly made it to the car, leaving the papparazzi in the dust. When the door closed, I let out a deep breath. "That was not crazy at all." I sighed.
"Yeah, but are you okay?" he reassuringly squeezed my shoulder. 
"I'm fine." I said, just as our driver sped away to the place where the pre-party was held.
Luke's POV
"Should I text her?" I asked Calum, suddenly.

"Yeah, she is your girlfriend." he said, dumbly.

"I know, but she's probably busy now."

"Then don't text her, if she's busy."

"But....what if she's not busy?" Calum then sent me a look that I never hoped to see again from my best friend.

"Then," he sighed in annoyance. "text her. Look, just make a choice please." He strummed his bass a few times, before returning to writing down the notes.

"Did you tell her?" 

"About....?" I questioned. My heart suddenly started beating a hundred times faster.

"The t-"

"What are you guys doing? All I hear is Luke whining." Michael interrupted, stopping by the kitchen to grab a slice of pizza from last night. I quickly spun around and pretty much ran to Michael. 

"Did you guys take the offer? Without telling me?" I yelled, my hand almost colliding with Michael's face. 

"I thought we all agreed that we were going to do this." Michael said, trying to calm me down, but it wasn't working. 

"This band is made of four people, not just the three of you!" I placed my head on my forehead, and I swear I was about to start crying any minute now. 

"Luke, I'm sorry, but you were the one who kept pushing us to do this. You wanted to go on this adventure, and you convinced all of us." 

"Yeah, and it's going to be good for the band." Calum walked over to me, as I sunk to the kitchen floor. I covered my face with both of my hands, as Michael leaned down to my level. 

"You didn't tell her, did you?" he said slowly, his face filled with worry for me. 

A/N: Hey guys! I attached a picture of Ava's dress, in case my description wasn't that good. Thanks for reading! And please, if you really like my story, make sure to vote!

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