Chapter 32

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His head slightly moved, but when he noticed where he was, he immediately jumped up from his spot. "Uh-h...h-hey.."

"Hi" I mumbled, causing my eyes to avoid his gaze. I felt his blue eyes piercing through me. He had bags under his eyes and his cheeks were red. He looked almost like a lost puppy, waiting to find a new home, or in our case, waiting to be forgiven.

"I should probably go now...we have a recording session today and I can't be late, I'm never late...." he mumbled quickly as he grabbed his coat. I grabbed his arm as he was struggling to put on his coat. He looked up at me and his eyes lit up when I said, "Stay, please." I pulled him over to the couch and then we both took our seats.

"What happened last night?"

"You really don't remember?" He asked, sounding surprised.

I shook my head. "Not really, we were all pretty drunk on buttery popcorn" I pressed my forehead into my palms as a sign of frustration, while Luke giggled.

"Well, we had all fallen asleep after that movie, and then I woke up suddenly and I saw you crying next to me on the couch." Now it was coming back to me. The dream, or more so nightmare, was about us. I said what I really felt about his disappearance.

"Go on." I insist.

"Then, you wouldn't talk to me, you were really distraught, and I thought you would be more comfortable in your own bed. I carried you to my car and drove you here at like 1 am. Your neighbors were kinda pissed." He said, chucking. Luke wiped his still blushed cheeks, while his blue eyes creased. I missed him so much.

"I carried you to your bed and it was really dark, I couldn't find any pajamas in your closet, so I just grabbed those green sweats and one of my shirts." Luke continued, pointing to my outfit this morning. "Sorry if it doesn't match, but it was really dark." I laughed. "So finally when I was about to leave, I felt my eyes closing and so I kind of fell asleep on your couch." Oh Luke Hemmings, how I loved you. I gave him a hug, but immediately regretted it when he pulled away.

"I-I'm sorry...I just wanted to thank you so..." I stuttered. 

"No, it's my fault, I was just surprised." he said. 

"Well, that makes two of us, considering I remember almost nothing from last night." We both laughed until I remembered. "Shoot, I have to get ready for work." The clock read 10:13 so I knew it was time for Luke to leave. I directed him to the door, as I thanked him. 

"Thank you for bringing me home, I really appreciate it." Luke always thinks of others, a very good quality. Susan's words repeated in my head. I quickly shut the door and headed to the bathroom to shower. About 20 minutes later, I wrapped a towel around myself and then started to dress up for my audition. 


I came home from work on Saturday at about 11 pm to an empty apartment. Luke used to be sitting on the couch, waiting for me with How I Met Your Mother on the screen. I would just smile and soon join him. I would  lay my head on his shoulder, while he played with my hair, which had a ton of hairspray in it from work. Then he would complain how my hair was filled with hairspray, and how it didn't smell the same. Whenever something funny happened on TV,  I would hear him chuckle, while I wouldn't stop laughing for 5 minutes. He would look at me and shake his head, but then would whisper in my ear, "You look so beautiful when you smile." I would just ignore it, knowing I probably looked demonic.

Sadly, those perfect romances only happened in movies or books. The furniture in front of me began to double, until I gripped the edge of the kitchen counter. My breaths became shorter and heavier each second. I grabbed my bag to find my phone. What was happening to me? I pressed the call button and waited for him to pick up. It kept ringing and I was growing impatient.

"Hello?" he answered, finally.

"Hey, Calum...."

"Are you okay, you sound different-well not different, but not okay... I can get Luke if you want, we're almost done recording-"

"No Calum, it's fine. Um I just..." A chuckle escaped my lips suddenly. "I actually don't know why I called you. Weird right?"

"Oh....uh okay then, if you need anything just call me ok?" 

"Okay, thanks." I hung up on him and made my way to the bathroom. What is wrong with me? I mentally slapped myself and sunk down to the tiled floor. A cry escaped my lips. "No, stop it. You will not be that girl. He has his own life, you have yours. Actually your life has been amazing this past year, there's no need to be," I wiped my eyes and continued talking to myself. "T-to be s-sad right n-now. My world can't stop spinning because of some b-boy!"

It all came back to me now. I pictured Luke rubbing the small of my back and kissing my hair. He always did that because he knew I calmed from his touch. He would then lead me to the kitchen where he gave me a glass of water and then frowned. "It kills me to see you cry like that. Over some boy." The cries were now louder. I covered my face with both my hands as I let it all out. "How could be that stupid! I still love him...and then I just-I just let h-him go..." 


After we left the studio for the day, I was exhausted, but couldn't bare to come home. When I pulled up in the driveway, I opened the door and then it happened. Tears were falling down my cheeks and it was painful. How could I let her go after everything? I still loved her...I think.

I quickly ran up to my room and locked the door. My hands covered my face while I cried and cried. I didn't care who heard me because I deserve this. I deserve to be without her. God, I wish to just go back in time to when we were filming the music video. My love for her grew since then. I remembered her cheeks growing pink when she was embarrassed at something inappropriate that the guys said, or when she was mad at me and her brown eyes suddenly grew darker. I needed her in my life, but she doesn't deserve me.

A knock on the door caused me to snap into reality. "Luke, you alright mate?"

"Go away, Calum!"

"Luke, would you stop screaming and just open the door?"


"No, she doesn't Luke, just open the damn door." I shuffled over to the door, unlocked it and then went back to the same spot I had been sitting in. Calum walked over, clearly shocked at my reddened face and tear stained cheeks.

"Mate, you need to talk to her."

"How can I?" I cried more. "She won't even pick up my calls anymore, Cal!" I then pictured her now sitting next to me rubbing the small of my back. "Luke, stop it." She tilted my chin to cause me to gaze into her eyes. What was wrong with me?

"Luke you can't be this upset over a girl. Trust me you'll find someone out there that will love you so much that they can't go to sleep at night without you there-" she clasped her hands over her mouth like she had just told a secret.

"What?" I asked.

"I said she has trouble sleeping. You didn't know about that, did you?" Calum said, sitting in front of me with a worried expression. Why was I imagining Ava? I snapped out of the gaze and closed my eyes. It felt so real though, like I could actually see her and smell that perfume she always wears, but instead I was here in my bedroom crying with Calum. 

A/N: Hey guys! I wrote this part a few weeks ago so sorry if it sucks or if it's really sappy. But yea, they love eachother a lot, and love can be painful sometimes. That's all. Thanks for reading and remember to vote! 

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