Chapter 7

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"Ava, I'm not going to carry you, please wake up." I opened my eyes slightly to see Luke, wearing a blue hoodie and his hair sticking up in different directions.

"Are you awake?" He said. I rubbed my eyes and yawned. "Yea, I am now."

"Hey, don't be so grumpy. We were going to leave you in this car." Luke laughed, as if leaving me in a car was the funniest thing in the world.

"Haha Luke, you're so funny." I said sarcastically. I managed to get out of my slouching position, with the help of Luke. I jumped out of the car and grabbed my duffel bag. John had chosen a small brown hotel, a little outside of LA. Gardens of yellow and white flowers surrounded the hotel and in front of it were some matching brown chairs and a coffee table. Michael was fast asleep in one of the chairs.

"So, you let him sleep for a few extra minutes, but not me?" I said, pointing to Michael. Luke scratched the back of his neck before saying, "Uh....yes?"

I rolled my eyes and stepped into the hotel, following Ashton and Calum. They checked in for us, and then we went into the elevator, still carrying our bags.

"When we get to our rooms, I'm going straight to sleep." Michael said.

"We all need some sleep." I said, rubbing my eyes. The elevator dinged, which meant that we were on our floor. I checked my room key that read Room 26. "What room do you guys have?" I asked them, as we walked down the hallway. There was a part of me that wanted to have the same room as Luke, but I tried to ignore that selfish voice in my head. John told us that each room had two beds, so we all didn't have to sleep in the same room.

"I think you're in the same room as Michael." Ashton said. Michael checked his room key and nodded. "Yeah, we have the same room. How fun." Michael said.

"Hey, compared to the rest of us, at least I'm neat." I remarked.

"I know, I know, I was kidding, Ava. You can't take a joke, can you?" Michael then put his arm around my neck and ruffled my already messy hair.

"It's too early to take any jokes right now, Michael." We continued to walk until we finally reached our rooms, which were across from each other. Ashton and Luke went into room 25, while Calum went to room 27. I unlocked our room and immediatly flopped onto my bed.

"Aren't you going to take your shoes off?" Michael questioned. I got up from the bed, which was surprisingly comfortable, and took off my shoes. I didn't care if I slept in my regualr clothes because the one thing that I wanted was to close my eyes and drift off to the dream world.


I woke up the next morning covered head to toe in blankets. I wearily opened my eyes to see that it was still pretty dark, which explained why it was freezing. Even though it's California, where it's always sunny and warm, their mornings were kind of cold. A sudden creaking sound came from the hotel door. I shot up in fear and squinted my eyes to find an extremely tall figure. "Luke?" I whispered. Another crash sound came, and I pulled the blanket up further to cover myself. "Stupid lamp," I heard Luke mutter.

"Hey, it's only me." Luke whispered, as he neared my bed.

"Why are you in my room?"

" was cold in my room."

"Well, it's cold here, too."

Luke's eyes averted mine and went to my bed. "Can I-I uh," he scratched the back of his neck. My heart was beating so fast and I knew that friends don't really share beds together. I didn't want to be mean to Luke though, and he also looked really pale, probably from the chilly air. I lifted the covers on the other side of the bed, enough space for him to fit in. Luke immediatly jumped in and was about to cuddle next to me, when I stopped him. What is going on with us? I thought.

I took a deep breath and said, "You have to stay on your side, though."

"Ok, that's fine." He shrugged.

After what felt like an hour, I couldn't fall back asleep. I tossed and turned, careful not to wake Luke, who had moved closer to me. I then grabbed my phone off the nightstand and checked the time; 5:52 am. I groaned and then fell back onto the pillow, not being careful enough. Luke then mumbled some words and turned to face me. I held my breath, hoping that he didn't wake up. He tossed again, but then fell quiet. I let out my breath, but sucked it in when two arms suddenly wrapped around me.


"Hey guys, we're currently in a hotel. Say hi Calum," Ashton's voice boomed through the corridors of the hotel. I moved my hair out of my face and looked towards the windows. "At least I got some sleep," I said to myself.

"We only got like 4 hours of sleep, though." I jumped at Luke's sudden remark. I had almost forgot that he spent the night here.

"Luke-I-uh," How do you reply to someone that you spent the night with?

"I can go now." He said, picking up his pillow. I grabbed his arm, stopping. him.

"Luke, can I ask you something?" Luke didn't look straight at me, like he usually did.

"Sure." He ran a hand through his hair.

"When you said that you wanted us to stay friends, did you really mean that because from the looks of it, you seem different about us."

Luke ran a hand through his hair again, before saying, "No, Ava, I'm not different. Nothing's different. I really wanted us to be more than friends because I really like you, a lot, but I know how much you like the other boys too and I want all of us to stay friends and-"

"Luke, stop. It'll work out, we just have to try." I stood up closer to him, so I could see his amazing features. A smile suddenly broke out onto his face.

"Ava Harper, would you like to go on a date?" He took my hand in his and smiled again, showing his teeth.

"Unless, you don't want to, then that's fine. I just thought that it would be cute like in the movies-"

"I thought you'd never ask, Luke Hemmings." I said. We then went our separate ways to change our clothes to meet the boys downstairs for breakfast. I knocked on Luke's door, and when he opened it, he was standing against the doorframe wearing his famous Nirvana shirt and black skinny jeans. We then took the elevator downstairs, still holding each other's hands.

A/N: First off, thank you all so much for 90 reads! Second off, are you guys happy that Luke and Ava got together? So, the update might be slow this week because of school :( Anyways, thanks again for reading!

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