Chapter 29

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I was awoken the next morning by Luke. "Hey, we’re gonna be late if you don't wake up now." He said and smiled. There was a different side to him today, more cheery. Or maybe too cheery. I chuckled and got up. I changed my clothes and put on a little makeup to not look like a complete zombie.

We arrived at the airport and soon boarded the airplane. We had a three seat space in the middle of the plane, where we planned that I sit in the middle of the two boys. Luke starting putting his suitcases above his seat, while I put mine on the other side of our three seat space. 

“Ava, it would make more sense to put your bags on this side since you're sitting in the middle.” Luke said. 

"Actually I'm going to sit on the end.” I retorted. 

"But that's Ashton's seat." His cheeks turned to a shade of pink and he ran a hand through his hair, which was what he did when he was nervous.

"Well, here he is now. Hey Ashton, do you mind if we switch seats?" I asked casually. 

Ashton looked confused. "Um...yea sure." We then took our seats and waited for the plane to move. 

"Ashton switch seats." Luke stated after a few minutes. Great.

"Luke you can't make me-" I said.

"Ashton just switch seats with her." he demanded. 

Ashton nodded, seeing a different side to Luke. I then sat in the middle of the two boys, like we had originally planned. When the plane had ascended, I pulled out my phone and started scrolling through twitter. Luke then took my hand, which caused me to blush, and entwined it with his. I looked up at him and he smiled, his eyes lighting up. 


With only a half an hour left in the flight, I felt sleepy. I tried so many ways, but couldn't fall asleep.

"Oh my god, look at Ashton" Luke whispered, laughing. I looked over and started laughing with him. Ashton had been sleeping the whole fight, with saliva drooling down his face, as he snored softly.

"Wow, I can barely even get comfortable in this airplane seat." I said, still laughing.

Luke then lifted the arm rest between us, and patted the small space that separated us. "Sleep here." 

"Wouldn't the flight attendants yell at us? We're about to land soon."

Luke quickly looked around and said, "Well I don't see any flight attendants around now, so they wouldn't really mind I guess."

I laughed and slowly rested my head on his shoulder while he still had my hand entwined with his. I liked this side to Luke much more. Thinking I was asleep, he whispered in my ear "I'm sorry for everything," and kissed my forehead. 


We had finally landed and I barely got any sleep out of the whole flight. I had awoken abruptly to find myself sleeping next to Luke and his arm around me securely. When I tried to sit up because we were landing, his grip around me tightened. I woke him up and told him that we were landing.

"Did you sleep well?" He asked, stretching. Yes, I slept amazing after you offered your shoulder. "Fine. What about you?” 

"Fine." I looked over at Ashton to see he was still sound asleep. I was glad that he was catching up on sleep, however I barely did. The pilot turned off the seatbelt sign, allowing us to take off our seat-belts. All of the passengers began to carry their bags, while Luke and I tried to wake up Ashton. I took my pillow and smacked Ashton hard. He jumped up, scared. Luke and I burst out laughing at him, but then Ashton took the pillow and hit us both. More passengers were leaving and soon the plane was almost empty. When we finally stopped laughing, we got our bags and headed out of the plane. "I'll get you guys back." Ashton said, still laughing.

"Good luck with that." I smirked. After we made it out of the terminal, right in front of us was our driver with a "5 Seconds of Summer" sign. We followed him out the airport and got into his small car. I decided to take the window seat and have Ashton sit between Luke and I. Even though we were together on the plane never meant we were on good terms all of a sudden. I stared out the window the whole ride until we reached the hotel, where we found Michael and Calum with 3 pizza boxes in their arms.

"We've been waiting with this pizza in our arms for like 10 minutes." Michael said in discomfort. We all said our hello's and sat down at a quiet table in the lobby, and ate our pizza.

"So how do you like Australia so far, Ava?" asked Calum.

"It's so beautiful, much different from New York and LA." I said.

We were all enjoying our pizza until Ashton said it. "What happened between you and Luke on the plane by the way?"


"We-" Luke and I said at the same time. Luke took over and said, "Nothing happened between us." 

"Oh, yeah right," he started. He then turned to Michael and Calum and continued. "You won't believe it, so Ava wanted to sit on the end, but Luke wouldn't let her and they were both so mad. But I guess you two made up 'cause you were all over each other.” 

"What are you talking about?" I interrupted. 

"Well I opened my eyes for like one minute and saw Luke's arm around you, and your head on his shoulder, sleeping.” 

"I thought you slept the whole flight?" I questioned. 

"Well, I woke up for like 5 minutes and went back to sleep." he said. 

"Are you two official again?" asked Michael. Luke grabbed my hand under the table, and I could feel his sweaty palms. He usually took my hand when he was nervous.

"No, we're not." I stated. Luke's breath stopped for a second as he stared at me. Were we even a couple? The whole trip was so confusing and filled with twists and turns. Calum sensed the tension in the air and volunteered to throw out the pizza boxes and napkins. Without letting go of my hand, Luke led us to the elevator. The whole way to our rooms, the boys told their stories about fans, music and anything else they could think of. 

A/N: Sorry for the lack of updates for all three of my stories. I got really sick out of nowhere and I haven't gone to school either, so I have to catch up with work. Anyways, thanks for reading! 

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