The silent man and the stars of night

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Jin has been surprised at your willingness to trust Dionysus. The last encounter with him had been less than fact, it had been a dangerous one. He never really understood what was going through your mind but now more than ever he had no idea what was going on up there and it was scaring him. You both made eye contact and he couldn't even decipher what was behind your stare. Maybe this what he got for keeping secrets from you, the power balance had shifted and you now seemed to see through him and you were keeping your own secrets. He could tell that you knew he was lying about something. Yet he had to keep it to himself because he didn't want to lose you. Again.

"The Belle of the ball" Dionysus exclaimed brightly baring his sharp canines as he smiled at you.

"So you're the fabled Dionysus." A rueful laugh escaped your lips.

This would have been your second encounter although it felt like perhaps you had met many times before. He had lowered his illusion so you could see the horns protruding from his head, grapevines snaked past runes engraved in his horns. You wished you knew what they said...his eyes were midnight blue reminding you of the depths of the oceans. They made it difficult to look away, you were sinking deeper and deeper. His skin was tanned into a perfect caramel, that glistened and glowed with each movement. His hair was as wild as Jungkook's, the main difference being his father's hair was a  dirty blonde. At his feet snakes hissed around his calves watching as intently ready to strike, they writhed with power as they had a certain majesty to them. He was also wearing a loose robe with a gold sash, that hung off him, you couldn't mistake the bulge of  his muscles that fought against the loose fabric. He was bewitching, and if you were honest you were terrified of him.

"I am indeed, the god of wine, intoxication and king of Chaos. I rule madness and I am the guardian of secrets." he smiled down at you, he was much taller than you remembered.

Standing next to him made your heart race, you felt slightly giddy and you weren't sure if your vision was betraying you.

"I know you don't  really trust us." He started slowly, his voice dropping causing goosebumps to erupt on your skin "I can understand we aren't exactly known for our loyalty."

You smiled, remembering the myths you had studied when you were much smaller, the gods were cruel, conniving, reckless and senseless. It seemed that they did things for their own sport not to help the humans that they swore to protect.

"But I must ask you this..." he said, he looked a bit melancholic, tired even.

"You must protect my sons, I must beg that of you."

How much did he know about the future for him to beg for his son's safety?

"You're already too late," you told him watching how they had all gathered around Adriane like children. Dionysus raised an eyebrow

"I've already sworn on my life to protect them" you mumbled.

"Please keep them in mind...especially Jin. Jin is a powerful god far more powerful than any of us Olympians you're the only one who I can trust to look after him, he needs you far more than you need him. So please protect my eldest son. You may be suspicious of everyone and anyone but please never be suspicious of Jin."

It was now your turn to raise your eyebrow at the Olympian in front of you. How powerful was Jin? Who was Jin really? Why did it feel like yet again you and Jin were connected outside all of this? Dionysus seemed to have great respect for you despite the fact that he once tried to claim you as his own.

"I never thought I would be alive long enough to meet you. You're as awe-inspiring as rumoured" he laughed to himself.

"You're immortal."

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