You can't Run You Can't Hide

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Zeus noticed a shift, so minute that one blink would have meant he would have missed it. He had also started noticing the cracks, very slowly but surely snaked their way up his white marble pillars. Was it the wear of time or a threat? The prideful god could not decide and besides he had thought himself as unbeatable. Even then a swirl of doubt was starting to blossom in his chest where there was once a heart. His mind wondered to the young god Jin and his wretched father Dionysus...

You were finally coming into your role, your body stopped aching and you could somewhat start to control your powers, although you were still getting massive surges that left you exhausted. It seemed that if you didn't become immortal quickly you would be torn apart from the inside out. You weren't becoming immortal quick enough, which Jin had blamed on himself. He had broken the seal too quickly, he had been way too impatient. Even now that he had forced you to stay at his home, he felt uneasy. He couldn't keep you hidden forever not with the amount of power you possessed. You had a room to yourself which you had never seen since your entire stay consisted of you being unconscious, you were always in and out of limbo, looking for something, wandering, lurking...

Jin guarded your sleeping figure, in the early stages you thrashed in your sleep, beads of sweat lined your brows, as you took shallow breaths straining against the mattress, now though, you were at peace. An odd thing that often happened when you slept like this was flowers would grow and bloom spontaneously around you, the room had become a garden that Namjoon had lovingly started to tend. What was even stranger was the odd foreign song that would exude from your body, almost like a hymn, no one knew the language or even how to decode it. It echoed eerily at times the melody almost tragic but always so beautiful like something you would imagine a siren luring a sailor in would sing.

Just as Jin was about to leave-

"Jin?", you asked

Your hair danced against your cheeks a beautiful cloud of curls, fine threads of gold beamed proudly from the dark mass on your head, on your body vines of small white flowers where tattooed, your eyes were a mellow lilac. You had a new body now. You were now fully god, this meant that the seal was obliterated. Your powers would pour of your body freely,  an anomaly was establishing itself in the universe. A sinking feeling bloomed in Jin's stomach, he couldn't hide you anymore. Your power signature was out there for any Olympian to stumble upon.

...Nyx stirred in her slumber as an earthquake rumbled through Tartarus...

"What's going on Jin?" Your mind was still cloudy, your thoughts were out of reach as everything seemed to just evade you. Through the shadows you saw one person moving towards you, you heard the jeering of the crowds, the blue eyes in a storm. A voice echoed as darkness seemed to shroud you. Then another voice...

"Nour!" You cried suddenly before everything became clear again, you saw Jin looking back at you. You felt a feeling of betrayal pour in your heart as you stared into his gentle eyes. His lips were parted slightly they formed words you didn't quite comprehend. You reached out and touched his face, the gesture feeling quite familiar. Too familiar.
Time warped around you...

Jin's hair was a chestnut colour that was darkened slightly by the wax used to slick back his hair, in his chest pocket, hung a gold timepiece, he had a white collar that was maintained by a burgundy bow. He didn't have his piercings nor did he have that underlying sombre energy that he usually followed him around. He seemed sort of naïve and unjaded. You looked at a magazine lying somewhere disregarded and crumbled the magazine date read: December 1889 edition 35.

Blinking, all of that was lost, you felt slightly giddy as the words Jin was saying were starting to make sense. He felt your warm fingertips brush his skin, he tried to decode your expression, it looked like you had seen a ghost as you sharply pulled your fingers back. Familiarity rushed back into your eye. You recognised his voice and what he was asking, everything went back to normal. A clock persistently ticked tocked overhead and from the window you could see the woods at a distance, naked branches dancing in the wind.

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