The issue of Trust

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Jimin left you on your own in the four walls of the room. Jimin had warned you against leaving because he was afraid that your powers would put the very mortal employees in danger. There were also rising concerns among the brothers that your massive power surge would raise suspicions above in Olympus. So still concerned about everyone's well being Jimin created a force field in the room to protect you, the employees and his brothers. It was lonely, you tried to keep your mind noisy so you wouldn't have to sit there with your thoughts.

Your mind drifted to Jin. He hadn't come to you see you again after the incident. The image of the face he made when you flinched still haunted you. Could you trust him? That was something you had to ask yourself. This was something that you constantly had to ask yourself.  Of course you did, in this world where you felt so indifferent about everything, he felt so familiar, he felt right...On the other hand your body screamed to get away from him, he was suspicious and potentially dangerous.

Your thoughts and memories were shambles, as your mind swirled with tons of fragmented memories. Especially one.  You sat on that throne, the Rose on your lap as a man kneeled before you. It become painfully apparent that you had been desperately trying to solve the puzzle that was Jin, when you didn't know who you are. Who were you? What were you? That person that had blown up in front of your managers wasn't you, it couldn't be you. Yet she stood in front you then. A spitting image of you.

"We are so different." She muttered, this was the mirror you. A person who claimed that she was you, but also claimed you weren't her.

"I thought you were dying?" You asked dryly. Annoyed that she had provoked the fear that you now had for him.

She stared back at you for along time, you were cold but she seemed far more colder. She was different from when you first met her. In her was hate. It was the very definition of it. It was like she created the concept of hate herself.

"I did." She told you evenly "First, I have to make sure you have awoken, you have to start remembering quickly, time is against you."

Once again this mirror you was incredibly cryptic, another flash of pain flared up in your temples as you gritted your teeth. Why was no one giving you tangible clues?

"Why do you hate Jin?" You asked your tethered self

She shrugged easily and answered: "He is an Olympian"

You furrowed your eyebrow at the response, what did that have to do with anything? You wanted to laugh, how could you hate the gods? It didn't make sense, but then again knowing the Olympians's track record, you knew they had a habit of being ruthless. Had you angered them in your apparently extensive past? Did they punish you because of it?

"But you're scared of them?" You mumbled.

"No, we are scared of them", Your mirrored self crossed her arms impatiently.

The sound of the door opening meant now you were standing in the middle of the room by yourself looking crazy. Turning to the door you saw it was Jimin who was peering in. This was mortal Jimin with black hair and dark eyes. Despite the buzzing sensation at the back of your mind you were so happy to see him. His hair slowly started to fade to silver. His eyes also swirled into an icy grey colour , as he started getting more comfortable around you. His energy was now gentler too.

Jimin was the personification of relief. He made anyone and everyone feel relieved, the same relief you felt after you took of your heels and bra after a long day. It's like he entered a room and carried away everyone's burdens just so everyone could relax even if it was just for  a minute.

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