The Rogue sun god

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The wave of ice-cold water caused an ear-piercing scream to echo through the marbled bathroom. You flailed uselessly to try and stop the torrent but you had no idea how to work the damn shower. You were resorting to colourful language to try and soothe the nerves but even that was barely working.

"How can I help?" The smug voice came.

You let out another shriek.

Jimin had someone made his way back to the bathroom, he was soaked but fortunately for him, he wasn't wearing a top(?). On his face was a triumphant smile, as it became more evident that you did needed his help.

"The shower." Was all you could manage.

He raised an eyebrow before reaching for the knob and simply turning it anti-clockwise before hovering his hand over a movement-sensitive pad.  At last, the relentless crash of water stopped, taking a minute you used it to catch your breath, your fingers and toes were numb.

"Are you okay?" He laughed a little.

"Mmm."  You mumbled, "what happened to your shirt?"

Your brows were raised in suspicion. He explained that he was changing as he had been wearing the same thing for days. As he spoke his eyes wandered down to your breast. In the freezing cold water, your breast seemed every more supple and perky whilst your nipples stood to attention. You were still naked. He ran his hand in his very wet hair and finally met your gaze, his lips caught in his teeth, he tried to subdue the imagery of his lips wrapped around your delicious-looking nipples.

"I know you think I being a perv but I really did come and see if you're okay...I forget that you would be..." he struggled to keep his eyes in one place "I mean if you do need help"

"Maybe if I wasn't freezing cold." Your eyes ran over his abs and his defined chest, now you understood how Eve felt looking at the juicy too good to be true forbidden fruit. Jimin was a walking embodiment of that. His trousers were just low enough to see the "v", you loathed his trousers for not dipping any lower and revealing more skin.  You turned away ashamed at your own thoughts.

"Sure!" He grinned "but before I go..."

He placed an innocent kiss to the cheek a soft and brief kiss that caused something so warm to illuminate inside of you, it felt like the gentle heat of the summer sun on your bareback. It was so nourishing and smooth and filled your heart with laughter. The aches that weighed you down were no longer an issue as suddenly you felt as light as air. 

"A bit of my summer's warmth." He winked before leaving again "New clothes are on your bed." He called before you were alone again. Again you were filled with regret...

"Wait Jimin..." you knew he wasn't going to hear you.

"What's the matter?"

He had.

He looked directly into your eyes daring you to make the next move. Your arms crossed over your chest to protect yourself from his hungry stare but his eyes didn't dare roam your body. He had meant what he said he was no perv, he only responded to your desire. He had allowed his urges to get the better of him before, he should have been thankful that you were receptive to his advances but he was still a gentleman and he would prove that to you. Yet you could not miss the longing in his eyes.

"You heard..." you whispered.

"Yeah..are you okay?" He breathed doing his best just to maintain eye contact. Animalistic urges swirled languidly in his eyes, if nothing else would hold him back at the very least he had to remember that you were his queen.

"Would you like to join me...?" you whispered quieter.  "Just in case I need help."

Jimin had gained an invitation, there was only so long he could resist. His eyes had already started wondering again, as he watched the water drip from your body. There was no doubt in his mind that you were a goddess, the queen at that. He had never felt "lucky" to be engaging in sexual activity with anyone. Jimin attracted anyone and everyone. He slept with men and women and those who refused to be identified, simply because he could. There was no challenge and honestly, he liked it that way. He hated people who played hard to get, there was no point resisting his charms, but you had him holding his breath. He wondered if you would give him that opportunity once again. He didn't want to be rejected, not something he had to think of before.

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