It's Just You're a Demon

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You looked at your beside clock. Shit you only had 45 minutes to get yourself looking half decent. You wrapped your duvet round yourself and made a run for the bathroom trying to get everything done in less than 15 minutes. Finally emerging you grabbed at a shirt and  a pair of trousers. Aggressively tying your hair in a bun as Hoseok watched.

"You don't have to rush too much, I'll give you a lift."
With a bobby pin still in mouth you looked at Hoseok furiously, asking him why he had bothered waking you up. He shrugged and explained he loved teasing you. You decided to not let him get to you and did you hair and make up, grabbing a bag to shove your keys, bus and train card and other things you'll need during the day

"So What are you the god of?" Taking in the same mystical glow that danced around him

"I am the son Hemera the goddess of day making me a god of The Sun and pleasure, the king of Hope whilst Jimin, my blood brother, is the second Sun god he controls different aspects to me."

You were so entranced by how his eyes seemed to brilliantly change from a forest green to a shining hazel, like a pot of paint being stirred up. Nothing could have prepared you for your next move, you reached up to his face dragging his fingers across his skin. A warm tingle travelled to the tips of your fingers, causing every nerve to fire at once.

"Ah I see..." you muttered

He grinned brightly: "You've accidentally blessed yourself."
He seemed so kind and lovely and bright, like the sun, he was so warm. His eyes danced with joy and his mouth was pulled into a contagious smile, he lit up the room literally and figuratively.

"Your carriage awaits." He teased.

In his car he sang along with the radio jokingly imitating the voices of each singer, dramatically flailing his arms, as you laughed in response soon getting drawn in and singing yourself. When you sang he was surprised to hear that you had a beautiful voice, a bewitching voice. It made him listen to words, like you were feeling all those things earnestly, it made his heart lurch. A red haze emitted from your throat as you sang. It caused a memory to creak in the depths of Hoseok's mind, he suddenly felt desperately nostalgic.

"Ahh that's my favourite song." You sighed happily. A beautiful bright smile crossed your face, causing you to simply glow from the inside out. For a second your beauty rivalled Aphrodite, He couldn't believe that he had actually thought that about a seemingly ordinary girl. He didn't bother think about it too long as you pulled up to work. On your way in you passed Yoongi who smiled at you before disappearing round the corner.

As usual Jin sat behind his desk, it always came back to him. He raised his eyes to acknowledge you, only no one said anything you just stared at each other.

"Morning Astra..." the way his voice smoothed over your name caused goosebumps to appear on your arms. It always felt like he could see right through you, like he could even see all the darkest desires in the corner of your heart.


A small smile appeared on his lips, amused you seemed to refuse him a good morning if you could help it. The little things like that made him all the more fond of you. You tentatively sat in the seats in front of him. Wondering if you should even bother tell him. It was crazy but you were sure they had something to do with all this....

"I have dreams..." you started.

He cocked his slightly at you, confused at why you felt the need to tell him that.

"N-no I mean...I have the same reoccurring dream every night..." You continued wishing you could have accounted for how crazy you would have sounded. "But...recently they've been stranger..."

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