A Song That You Sang

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A familiar scent wafted to your noise, the wind stroked your cheeks reassuringly, despite the cold stinging your skin. The constant crash of water that once seemed so jarring to you comforted you, it steadily grounded your thoughts. Your feet were tickled by moist blades of proud green grass and under your feet soil dispersed under the pressure.

Ahead of you was your Rose, a striking beacon shone out of it, piercing the peaceful clouds above.

A painful song fell from the velvety petals, the invisible notes reached out to you gripping you and paralysing you.  The song was harrowing, it tore you apart inside, squeezing your heart as if wrenching the blood out of it. Your thoughts were tainted with sorrow and regret.
Yet couldn't even bear to cover your ears, you always seemed to be running, but today you stood still listening because despite how wished to turn away the melody was so beautiful

You wanted to hear every last note of this wretched song. Even if it felt like your heart was bleeding. The curse kept you out anyway, as the force field crackled. A step closer and you would be plagued with visions of destruction, death and decay. You didn't know if you could stomach it this time. Maybe if you stood still and tried to understand maybe you could break the spell.


Faintly you remembered, how the Rose once felt in your hands long ago. It nestled in your palms, the thorns gently pressing in your skin applying pressure but never piercing your skin. The Rose was reassurance and lay heavy like a loaded gun, ready for use at a seconds notice. That small and delicate flower was always with you and you always with it. It was taboo to even discuss your separation from it. There was great power in those soft velvet petals. What was it? What was the significance of this flower, why was it so difficult to reach out and grab it?

"When will I be worthy!?" You cried into the wind.

Suddenly exhausted you collapsed to the ground dying your knees with green and caking your nails with mud.  You allowed your forehead to touch the ground so it seemed like you were bowing.

Instead, you started sobbing.

When would you be worthy?

"Have you ever fought in a war?"

You were in that time, in the primordial darkness. At the very beginning of the universe.

A war?

You could always hear war drums. At first, it was distant, the beat was slow and steady.


It reminded you of marching.

Did you ever fight a war?

You hated the idea of war but when you looked around your feet there were so many carcasses that belonged to many living beings. What had been the epitome of life were now rotting flesh. Feeling a heavy feeling in your heart, similar to sinking to the bottom of a bottomless sea, you stumbled towards one particular body. You bent down to inspect it-

You awoke with a start.

You were getting more and more accustomed to having someone beside you when you awoke, that being the case you barely even so much gave Namjoon a side-eye. You felt disoriented and slightly nauseous. The light seemed to burn at your eyeballs momentarily.

A war?

Had you ever fought in a war? The carnage that you saw seemed visceral so real... All those deaths...it caused you to shiver. To die was an awful thing.

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