Madness & Ecstasy

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As you slept that night you tossed and turned, you were uneasy and restless. Your body was  unable to settle down and unable to fully rest. Your body seemed to just be on fire each nerve was firing at once making you sensitive and unusually irritable, your mind was in a fog, which made you even more impatient with yourself.

Then there were the glaring blue eyes that seemed to peer out from the descending haze, it caused a red crackle to leave your body illuminating the grey heavy blanket, as you saw black silhouettes briefly uncloaked before you,  the haze fell again slowly circling your feet. Your body was repulsed yet intrigued as an uncomfortable feeling sank in your stomach.

"We really aren't the same." A whisper tickled your cheeks

"But we are."

You turned looking for the voice, what did they mean? Who were you the same as? You didn't understand, the only constant was the constant glaring eyes. You could feel yourself being drenched by sweat...another crackle left your body...

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You gritted your teeth at the sound of the alarm, you refused to open your eyes. The sound was too shrill, it managed to to drill into your skull, until the sound reverberated in your head causing you to clench your fists under the sheets. With a sudden white rage you threw the alarm at the wall. The splintering  of glass and the clang of metal caused you to open your eyes fully now.There was a dent in the wall, as you alarm lay on the floor in pieces...That certainly woke you up, as you contemplated just calling in sick and taking a bed day, but your phone buzzed on your night stand. The screen flashed with message from Jin. He bluntly announced he was driving you to work. You sighed cursing yourself for finding that you couldn't muster the strength to make up an excuse to not go in. You knew he would ask why and how and who and what. The thought made you  heavy at the heart.

Reluctantly you got dressed, a distant hum still persisted as you got ready, bouts of rage seemed to flash ever so often as you fought he urge to punch your mirror. This was so strange, you could feel electricity coursing through your veins. You stared at the mirror one last time and saw a mean face reflected at you, you looked frighteningly beautiful. A specimen too dangerous to approach  but so captivating that you had to watch. You were removed from earth. Yes, you were naturally attractive but today you had levelled up with nothing about you really changing. You turned away from the mirror taking a deep breath in, before rushing into the kitchen to grab something cold to drink. Closing your eyes there was a serenity as the voice traveled through the darkness

"We are not the same, but we are"

The doorbell rang as you rushed to open it.  It was Jin, he wore a proper suit  this time, he adjusted his cuffs before finally looking up. His eyes trailed your body as they slowly clouded with lust. You were wearing a nice champagne pink blouse and a plain beige pencil skirt,  You also wore plain gold dangly leaf earrings and a matching necklace that just enunciated your collar bones, your coils were scraped down into a low bun.

It wasn't  that wearing  you were anything special, you looked professional and elegant, yet Jin couldn't take his eyes off you. He pulled your closer as he leaned down to kiss you. His heart thudded excitedly in his chest, a feeling he wasn't very familiar with. His kiss was slow and sensual as he continued to try and bring you closer and closer to him. You were intoxicating but he had to stop. He pulled away almost breathless before wordlessly  turning.

Assuming it meant you had to follow, you quickly gathered all your things still stunned by the kiss. You had know idea what had brought that on but you weren't complaining, you constantly yearned for his touch, your waist was still burning from his hands. Districted you got into his car, after several seconds of silence he spoke

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