The power of Attraction

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He didn't repeat himself again

You faltered, you hadn't been caught earlier but this was still a bustling workplace. Jin was the manager, someone could walk in on you at any time. Jin didn't try to persuade you, but he watched you waiting for you to make a move. The men had all encouraged you to have fun. When was the last time you had fun? Like really just let go. You bit your lip thinking about it for a second. It was then you decided to throw caution to the wind.

His eyes followed you as you shoved work off his desk and perched yourself on it. A smirk rose on your glossed lips. It was impossible to miss the sexy glint your eyes as if testing him. If it was a test of restraint he had surely failed. He pounced on you his lips interlocking with yours, his hands trailing down to your thighs squeezing them gently. You were his poison, he knew that you would bring him nothing but destruction and pain, as he looked at you he saw your swirling ruby eyes. Something he was sure you weren't aware off.

Jin's fingers to wander up your skirt delighted to find that your panties had gone missing. A smirk of his own graced his plump lips. He placed a soft kiss on your lips enjoying your scent. You had lingering scent of glorious wild flowers and fabric softener, it was intoxicating and inviting. Firmly he pushed your skirt up, he trailed kisses down your neck marking you again for the world to see before coming face to face with your sex. He watched it intently as if fascinated, you weren't used to that. Normally men would stick themselves in without a second thought, but here he was seemingly marvelling at you. He peppered kisses on your inner thigh as you allowed yourself to imagine how his lips would feel on where you needed him most... he continued teasing you his breath fanning the most sensitive area. Until at last he placed a feathery kiss on your clit. You let out a loud moan, the feeling was serendipitous.

"Jin more please." You whined, grabbing a handful of his hair. Jin was in no hurry to
Clean you up as he placed open mouthed kisses all over your slit enjoying you squirm above him, he couldn't lie he  also loved the sensation of you pulling his hair. It was when you felt him take your pearl in his mouth did you feel your eyes roll back, your back arched as you moaned his name...

"Shit Jin." You moaned.

Too engrossed you didn't notice someone come in.

"How can I help you Jungkook?" Jin asked casually, your neck spun to the point of snapping. Jungkook stood behind you holding a pile of work.

"I just wanted to hand back these", he threw the documents down near your ass causing you to jump .

"You didn't have to ignore the locked door." Jin sighed.

"But I normally do," Jungkook replied easily his eyes roamed over your back turned on by your arched figure earlier on.

"There's a reason the door is locked. please lock it as you leave."

The young god shrugged, leaving. Jin moved your skirt up finishing what he started. You regrettably arched back into him, not as phased by the interruption as you should've been. Their charm had been mentioned several times, but you were starting to realise it wasn't their charm that attracted you to them. Particularly with Jin. It all just felt so right , like you already knew them...

You were soon unable to think as you felt your impending orgasm, his tongue was working it's magic as he continued to apply pressure to your greedy pussy, your chest was heaving as you started seeing stars. With one more flick
of the tongue you cummed all over his face.
He pulled back, as you tried to catch your breath.

"You taste sweet, how surprising."

You blinked not expecting to hear that twice in one day, maybe it was a compliment?

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