The visit

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"Why didn't you visit?" You asked unreasonably "The other gods do."

He chucked softly, explaining that he wasn't sure you would appreciate the intrusion, he believed in reserving your privacy unless you asked otherwise.

"I request for otherwise." You looked up at him pleadingly. Seeing your pouty face made him soften as he kissed the tip of your nose in full view of the whole office.

Somewhere Yoongi was livid at his younger brother for being so stupid. He couldn't believe Jungkook slept with you, it was a dangerous move on his behalf. It wasn't even because you weren't really mortal but more because if Jin were to find out, his younger brother would be dead. Jungkook was obedient but simultaneously defiant; he liked to push back a little sometimes. Yoongi wondered if Jungkook had pushed back too far. Yoongi was the second oldest and although Hosoek was second in charge at the office. Yoongi was the second in charge. Jin hardly ever bothered about Yoongi they were only couple months apart, it wasn't enough of a gap for Jin to claim authority over him.

As for Jungkook he was the very youngest and sometimes he was given a pass as he was very loveable, especially by Jin who was particularly fond of him. Jungkook was a good person, like mentioned earlier he was kind and he was obedient, he was a model god, but he also had rash, compulsive, anti-authority streak that would land him in trouble. Fortunately for both Yoongi and him you weren't pregnant. You would have found out the day later if you were, due to the god's gestations period being far more shorter than the human 9 months. That meant at least Jin wouldn't kill Jungkook so brutally. Maybe he would make it a quick death.

"Don't push it Jungkook." Yoongi warned.

"Don't try to." Jungkook replied easily.

Jungkook had no regrets, he didn't feel remorseful, you had given the gift that was your body and it was the greatest gift he had ever  been given, he was never going to have sex like that again. Yoongi could sense that and wondered if keeping him and Jin away from each other would be best. Jungkook had removed his scent but anything Jungkook would try and pull would be futile. Jin would know. He had marked you as his after all.
The silence was heavy before he lifted his eyes to Jungkook

"Was she worth it?"

Yoongi tried to pose the question as a sarcastic rebuttal but even he couldn't hide the curiosity in his tone, he looked too eager to hear the answer. Jungkook smirked leaving, before he closed the door he turned one last time to his brother.

"I am dismissing myself I think we are done here."

Yoongi was frustrated, Jungkook was acting out of character and he was no closer to understanding you. He wished he had the guts to the do what Jungkook had done. The image of you moaning haunted him and only amounted into a problem tenting up in his trousers. Yoongi willed himself to try and work and pretend he wasn't aching for you but, the more he tried the more flashes of your arching backs and soft moans filled his head. Folding, he palmed himself, there was only one way to remedy the problem.

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Unaware of the chaos you were causing in your wake, you carried on the duties of a manager's assistant.  Surprisingly you loved your job, you loved the control you had over everything, down to the tiniest detail. You took pride in your ability to even organise a haystack. You had an uncanny eye for detail. Perfectionism was something that ran in your blood. If it wasn't up to your impossibly high standards you didn't want it near you. In fact the workers would joke despite your sloppy appearance, that in your heart you were like Miranda from the movie Devil wears Parada.  That afternoon you worked tirelessly answering phones and replying to messages in the place of Jin who had simply vanished. It was only when you stopped to look at the time you had noticed Jin was missing and for a long time.

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