How it has to be

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Olympia saw her standing on the mountains her eyes ablaze, red suns tore through the stubborn grey. Her white dress fluttered like a flag of surrender. Little did they know that this pure white dress would be dyed with blood, tears and sweat. Her scythe was in hand, like a shadow and omen.

She looked like the grim reaper.

They heard her cry and they knew the universe had started to quietly implode in on itself. The balance had shifted.

A rumble shook the heavens like an earthquake, dust filled the air. Zeus's temple had crumbled to the ground. The war drums had reached their doorsteps. They had ignored it, pretending not to hear it. They had acted like it was background noise, a mistake, part of their shared delusions. Now you stood there ready to wage war.

They all turned to Zeus his blue eyes sharp as ever but he seemed so old now, wrinkles sat deep into his skin like scars that came with time. Stolen time.  Two figures joined the eight on the hill and stood beside this grim reaper.

The Grim Reaper in white.

Your red eyes added colour back to the landscape that had been devoid of it for weeks now. An eerie song fell on your lips and reverberated in the valleys of heaven, the melody was lonely and empty. The taste of their fear danced on your tongue. It tasted bitter and felt like sand between your teeth. Raising your scythe to the sky you split the heavens in half as a storm brewed and rain poured preparing to wash away sin and treachery.

"Zeus god of sky and lightning, I am here to take what is mine"

Zeus stared up at the only woman he had ever thought he had loved. You were as beautiful as the day you died. You were supposed to be his...and yet you chose a mere servant as yours. He saw his grandson next to you, tall and proud and it clicked. A cruel smile tore apart his tired face. The evil that had laid dormant for years resurfaced and became blue flames.

"This not yours anymore Astarte...whilst you were whoring out your body I have taken care of the universe just fine." A wicked glint in his eye was unmistakable.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

The rhythmic beat of war drums. Another Earthquake shook the heavens as the universe lost its balance and continued to implode on itself. You turned to your Jin and pleaded silently

"Stay alive for me."

"Evil has come and met us at our doorsteps we must defend what is ours and our home," Zeus announced to his people

No sooner had he spoken another voice had interrupted him. A betrayal or a voice of justice? Who knows the fates would decide.

"Don't listen to him!" Hera cried. "Zeus is not the rightful ruler of this kingdom! He's an imposter."
It dawned on Hera this was the first time she had openly spoken against her husband. How bittersweet was that moment? She was free at last, she could say she did the right thing. Hera's final breath

Zeus had never respected his wife, but at that moment he almost did.  However, it was short-lived.

He held her beautiful fair face in his hands as he stared into her sparkling amber eyes, her brown sun flecks dusted her cheeks it looked almost like someone had painted stars on her white skin. It was a shame about something so pretty. As he held her face his hands seared her neck burning her dainty and slender column. The smell of burning flesh filled the air the smell similar to the smell of sacrifices that humans used to make for them. Zeus inhaled the smell smiling to himself as he remembered the good old days.

Her body collapsed to the ground and he raised her lifeless head to the sky. Tilting his head back he let out a guttural cry. A bolt of lightning struck the former goddess's head.

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