Till Illusions do us apart

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You tried to hide your surprise, you knew better than to be. It didn't stop you from wondering how he knew anyway. As far as you were concerned it was the "scent" that gave you away, but apparently not. Sighing a bit exasperated, you put your head down and carried on with your work. It was impossible task however, you were still a bit needy as your pussy pulsed. They had left you extremely sensitive. It didn't help that you panties were hijacked, so the fabric against your bare pussy was adding some type of friction. Not like you could do much about it, you were caught and Jin didn't look like he was going to indulge in your needs anytime  soon...

Several minutes later Hoseok appeared through the door, providing with a distraction. He was pulling along a startled employee in with him, roughly throwing him into a chair in front of Jin's desk. If there was ever a deer in headlights it was this employee. Hoseok had an eerily bright smile that lit up the room, but his eyes were ice cold, you could see he was the furthest he could be from happy. Manager Jung was furious.

"Our friend Clark here has been money laundering, haven't you buddy?"

Jin didn't even hide the darkness in his eyes, the light seemed to shift around and you suddenly felt like you were encased in an ice coffin, without thinking your crossed your arms over your chest shivering. Clark looked seconds away from crying as Jin simply told him he was fired.

"Clear your desk by tomorrow."

Clark was on his knees begging for his job, he had a family to provide for, he was struggling with the bills, he only wanted his children to
live a good and comfortable life. You looked at Jin desperately, you felt sorry for the man, maybe he could he forgiven? Maybe he could he given another chance to redeem himself? Jin didn't budge at all.

"Clark." Jin looked at the man properly. "Do you think lying at a time like this will help?"

You froze... Jin continued to hold eye contact as the man's words died in his throat.

"I wish you the best in the future, but you should've thought about that consequences before doing what you did. Now please leave my office."

The man left leaving only you Hoseok and Jin. You had never seen that side to either of them before. So now you knew that when Hoseok came over to your flat he really had no intention of firing you. You felt stupid for allowing yourself to be easily swayed by a sob story, not much about you had changed since then. It was nothing new, learning that the habit hadn't simply gone away made you temporarily bitter.

"How are you today?" Hoseok questioned acknowledging you at last

You couldn't help but allow a blush to creep in, his now gentle smile was miles away from
the ice cold one a minute ago, he actually seemed so warm now.

"I-I am fine." You stuttered unsure with what to do with yourself, the memories of last night resurfaced again in your head.

"Hoseok if you have any business with her take her somewhere else, not in here." Jin interrupted.

Hoseok grinned taking a seat at Jin's desk leaning his head on his knuckles. Explaining if he had "business" with you, you would have been gone a long time ago. You couldn't even protest in outrage as your phone rang. Instead Hoseok was rewarded with a dirty look for his betrayal before you rushed out to answer it.

This phone call caused your heart to almost stop beating, your body became numb as the person's voice on the other end faded into nothing, the words didn't mean anything to you.Tears fell, something you didn't let happen a lot. You nearly dropped your phone in shock. When the call ended you rushed back into the office hurriedly packing everything into your bag.

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