Death, Flowers & Brothers

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You had always blamed yourself for their death, it tormented you. That was why you had desperately ran away from your home town. Yet, for someone to confirm it, to say it out loud that it truly was your fault was unbearable. Hot tears welled in your eyes as your vision of Yoongi waxed and waned behind a wall of tears. Your cry was silent, you willed him to take it back.

"Yoongi...that isn't fair...", you tried weakly "How can you tell me they weren't real, my mum gave birth to me and my dad-How can you tell me I killed them like that...?" 

The fight left your body, all you wanted was to die there and then. It would have been easier to end it all. This was a cruel joke orchestrated by the gods. A lump in your throat caused you to swallow heavily. Yoongi hated that he had to be the one to tell you this. No matter what you were, your heart was still human, hearing something like this could destroy even gods. Of course it was difficult to hear that your life was a lie, Yoongi empathised with you, but you would have had to find out eventually.

"Think about it, think about it properly what was odd about your parents...?"

There were lots of strange things you noticed about your parents. It was the little things like the gaps in their time line or why they could never agree on when they got married and the details on how they first met. They just seemed to appear, they never spoke about their past or their childhoods....they seemed to exist and exist as two perfect beings. Too cookie cutter now you thought of it.

"You were an orphan after they died but what were the odds that on both sides you would have no one, no grandparent, no family beyond that, no nothing?" Yoongi continued quietly.

You remembered the authorities had looked into their families,  they looked at birth certificates, everything, even DNA analysis and found no one. Not a soul, everything only linked back to your mum and dad. You were the sole survivor of the family. Tears scorched your skin, you didn't want to believe them. They loved you and right now someone was messing with their graves. You had once overheard your neighbours joking that your parents were like  ghosts even before they were dead and you, you had remembered seeing those same neighbours at the funeral and loathing them for jinxing it.

Namjoon turned to you somber.

"Someone else is also tampering with your timeline, your life is an anomaly it doesn't fit in anywhere. You're impossible-"

"I need to see my parents." You interrupted

"They aren't real." Hoseok whispered.

"LET ME SEE MY PARENTS." You screeched as time creaked up with a start surprising Yoongi. He wasn't the one who started- he looked at you, his lips parting.

"Namjoon, Yoongi escort her to see her parents she isn't in the best place right now to be kept here..."

Yoongi and Namjoon reluctantly agreed. You were unpredictable, your energy was chaotic. If anything were to happen would they have been able to contain you?  It was becoming more and more apparent that you were very powerful. One look at your broken expression made them relent. It was unfair that you had been reduced to a mortal who had to carry an immortal pain. They had seen how humans handled tragedy. Nothing good every came of it. The least they could do after traumatising you was to bring you to your parents resting place.

Jin and Hoseok were left alone. Hoseok himself seemed restless drumming the desk he was siting on. Clank...Clank....Clank-Clank, Clank clank clank. The same rhythm over and over and over again it was driving Jin insane. He snapped and Hoseok to stop. Hoseok did so sensing Jin's souring mood.

The silence made Hosoek think about when he had visited you. You distinctly smelled of flowers. A fresh and sweet scent, it was very distinguishable because it would leave a bitter sweet after taste, it was the type of smell that made you instantly nostalgic so much so that if forced even gods to swallow tears. Only the flowers that smelled like that could only be found it one place.

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