Face your Fate pt 2

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"How did you learn how to use your powers." You asked Yoongi.

It had been a while since you had a power surge, where a rush of power would escape out of your body. Since you were now a goddess your body could contain your powers far easier than when you were transitioning. However, your powers were still unpredictable. The only thing you had really mastered was keeping intruders out of your  mind and if you were being honest it didn't take much.

"We didn't learn to use our powers they were gifted, the idea was they're supposed to fit like a glove, most gods instinctively know how to use them," Yoongi replied.

You sighed frustrated. It had taken you a week to learn to conceal your own energy. It was killing two birds with one stone because it also now meant you could come and go as you pleased as opposed to sitting in their home all the time. Sometimes you would disappear and take long walks in the city, basking in the mundanity of life. It was hard to even think that the woman chasing after the bus was you a couple of months ago.

"Let me try again." You insisted. "Both of you stay still or I will zap you with lightning again...I am looking at you Tae"

Closing your eyes you inhaled deeply, something moved in the darkness behind your eyelids, that voice...He was smiling at you for once his stoic expression was broken into a smile. You remembered that day, it has just been the two of you and-

It was Taehyung who noticed at first. The power hovering around you was immense, it could either kill them or you would finally be able to harness your powers in the right way. It was a risk he was willing to take. Sometimes you just had to see it all through. A small smile curved your lips up and a warm breeze encircled the room, reaching out her hand a dusting of gold escaped. Finally, your eyes opened revealing not the usual blood red, but instead a pastel lilac colour. You whispered something to yourself and finally when the haze disappeared.

"We're human!" Yoongi exclaimed unsure if he liked the sensation of being completely powerless. Their own powers merely disguised them, yours actually made them human, which was once again was something Zeus could not do. The only ones who could do that were the fates although they were known to never do it.

There was a well of untouched power in your body and you finally found a bucket and a rope long enough to reach.

"Please change us back...this is weird," Yoongi spoke again, deciding he hated it.

You took a deep breath deciding to not tell them that you weren't sure if you could even change them back. Once again you closed your eyes as you let your powers overtake your body. You felt the winds pass through...you could hear wind chimes dance, a light melody rung through. You heard a laugh and then yours and voices tumbling in after the other. This feeling was new, you felt happy? This was true happiness, wasn't it? Had you ever felt that before until now? Opening your eyes you felt disoriented, almost unsure of where you were.

"You did it." Taehyung smiled encouragingly.

At the back of your mind, you remembered something about the four winds of the universe...was that what you had harnessed?  It didn't matter, not right then because you had proven you could control and use your powers. That was all that really mattered.

"I am coming, Nour"

Anticipation bubbled under the surface, you didn't remember this Nour well, you barely remembered how he sounded or what he looked like. All you had to guide you was this feeling that was similar to butterflies in your stomach, the mere mention of his name brought you such joy and happiness, but most importantly peace. You remembered how invincible you felt when he was at your side, you could do anything with him, that's why you felt like you needed him. His touch and his voice would centre you. Maybe it was because you were both literal soul mates whatever that meant.

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