Who Are We?

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You woke up to the shrill sound of the alarm. You wondered bleakly if you could've afforded a day off. It was just you simply couldn't stomach working with your boss another day, you found him nauseatingly arrogant somehow. Quickly doing the maths and checking your upcoming bills you reluctantly got out of bed.

You could not afford a day off.

Sliding out into the shower, you regretted not wearing clothes to bed. The chill of the early morning made you even more resistant to part with the warm comforting covers...not that being cold was truly the problem. You knew this day was going straight to hell the churning of your gut told you so.  You turned the shower knob and let the steamy hot water caress your tired skin. Hopefully, it would revitalise you for the day.

An hour and several cups of coffees later, you were ready. Once again you found yourself wearing makeup, not something you were accustomed to, but had started to enjoy doing in the morning. Grinning proudly at your reflection, you grabbed your keys and bag,  sprinting for the bus you were seconds from missing. Nearly missing the bus every morning now that was something you were definitely accustomed to, in fact, it was a norm.

By the time you got work you were out of breath and flustered, despite just making the first bus you missed the second connection bus to work and had to run for the tube instead to get to work in time. You glanced at your reflection relieved you were still "somewhat" intact, although you coils of hair were slightly out of place and healthy sheen had appeared on your forehead.

"Good Morning."

The voice startled you, causing you to sharply spin on your heels. Seeing it was just your boss Jin, you allowed yourself to relax. Just a little. He shot you one of his signature smiles that the office so adoringly lapped up and you found painfully irritating, you couldn't miss the arrogance behind it! It didn't take long to notice that he held the small of your back to steady you since you had turned too quickly stumbling a little (almost to your doom down a flight of stairs). This made you uncomfortably close to his face, although you had to admit even at that proximity he was perfect, flawless. It was very difficult for you to admit though. Maybe it had something to do with the fact that he was silently making fun of you, well, at least his perfect smile gave you that impression.

Try and be careful." He pleaded softly "I don't think you can afford a day off."

You felt your self frown. That statement felt very deliberate...Too deliberate. There was no way he could have known that you were planning to call it a day, and then to know you were too broke to even consider it.

Or could he-?

You shook your head firmly, it was just a coincidence.  He couldn't have known ...Right? The uneasy feeling cropped up again, only when you went to ask about why he had said something so pointed he had already disappeared around the corner. Huffing to yourself, annoyed, you hurried after him deciding to just drop it. You sounded crazy anyway.

Stumbling into the office you instantly noticed the blinds were all closed again. A little confused you turned to Jin, a look passed between the two of you causing you to swallow deeply. Something was wrong...he had such a pained expression on his face as if he was wondering if he should do what he was going to do next. Light seemed to move oddly as if it were rippling water, shadows danced and flickered. A headache pounded like a war drum in your head, a sharp pain at the bottom of your skull paralysed you. Blinded, you tried to look for Jin, but your mind couldn't quite focus...

In the middle of the chaos sat Jin. Despite your mind being fuzzy and your eyes being unable to focus and process anything you could see that Jin was absolutely memorising, of course, Jin was incredibly good looking on a normal day, you weren't blind, it was just the truth, but right now you saw a glimpse of heaven in him. He was breathtaking. His eyes stirred and melted into a beautiful but striking honey colour, that was so clear that you would have sworn his eyes were pools of glass. The underlying buzzing that seemed to irritate the corner of your vision and your thoughts swarmed until you could no longer bear to think and then...

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