Psychadelic visions

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Sorry, it takes so long between updates!! I am currently getting ready to graduate so I doing so many things at once!

The mood between you and Jin had been tense. Something was hovering above you just out of reach. Visions continued to cloud your mind, more and more of the past seemed to just seem to reappear like jigsaw puzzles none of them really fit. The Rose still remained at the back of your mind although you no longer sought to pluck it from its confines. You knew if you did the pain would destroy you. It didn't hurt you to admit that you were a coward.

His hands always lingered on your skin. At this point he didn't even notice he was doing it anymore, he yearned to be with you all the time any chance he got. He clasped your hands in his palms as he pulled you along with him, a bright smile animated his face making you smile back.

"Yoongi and Taehyung are making dinner tonight." He told you. Raising an eyebrow you wondered where on Earth seven gods learned how to cook? In fact, the more you thought about it the more bizarre it felt. He led  you back to your own room as more plants seemed to be bloom in your presence.

"Pick a nice dress to wear." He breathed, you didn't understand why you needed to however when you looked into his eyes you could see it was really just for his benefit.

"Jin if you're horny just say so." You whispered. A wicked smile tore through his face but he didn't say anything else as he told you he needed to shower and he would meet back up with you later.

Once again you were left on your own.

In his absence you retraced the steps you took in the morning to your own private bathroom and closet, momentarily you thought how odd that they had clothes that fit you and a bathroom ready just for you. You then reasoned that they were gods nothing was really stopping them from doing anything. Stripping down to nothing you stood in the shower, your mind cleared, for once there was just silence in your head. Closing your eyes you saw just a face. The fine specimen, eyes that were like molten chocolate, long eyelashes that curled beautifully framing his gentle eyes, his dark skin was astonishing, it was unlike anything you had seen before. The way your heart ached was similar if not exactly how you felt about Jin and you weren't exactly sure why.


Your voice echoed into the silence, you felt so alone all of a sudden.

Who was he why did it feel like every fibre of your soul yearn for this unknown man. Why did it hurt to even utter his name? You loved Jin but you knew you loved Nour once. For once you didn't want to push these unfamiliar feelings down, you had made a promise...maybe? It felt like you would be betraying someone if you had ignored the feelings clamouring in your chest.

You allowed the hot water to claim you washing yourself off. Jin was the here and now, you kept reminding yourself that. Without thinking you picked out a satin dress that was the colour of crimson blood, catching your own eyes in a reflection saw that your eyes had already decided to match with your dress.

It was clear the colour red was yours.

When Jin saw you he inhaled deeply. His mother Aphrodite could never match the beauty that was you, you demanded respect, you were poise and you were grace. Your deep red eyes danced, they were friendly but they also carried a warning; your eyes simply pleaded that you should not be messed with. Your smile was bright, charming, captivating. Your sex appeal had always been something quite striking but that night you were simply intoxicating. Gliding through the room you moved towards Jin a knowing smile curling on our lips.

"Did I deliver?" You asked teasingly.

"When have you not?" He chuckled lowly.

The boys gathered around the table, although they had called it "dinner" the real objective was the alcohol. Of course, the gods did not simply drink any type of alcohol. Jin poured you a mysterious pink liquid that bubbled playfully in your champagne flute. You watched Jimin instantly down his, but you were careful not to follow his example, after all, Jimin would drink battery acid and be satisfied.

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