Hate is a strong Word

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Soon you were sat in Yoongi's car in silence wondering if Yoongi would get pissed at him stealing his car.

"Mmm most certainly." Jimin said out loud replying to your thoughts

"Then why-?"

"I am charming as hell I'll get away with it babe." He teased knowing the perfectly placed pet name would piss you off. As predicted you clenched your jaw, doing your best to bite your tongue. This behaviour was unusual for the kind Jimin, but it was your fault. He was the reason you had gotten the job in the first place...Yet, you annoyed him and that annoyance grew into a strong dislike.

"I liked the sunset you did today." You tired avoiding eye contact. That caught him a bit off guard, he hadn't expected you to try and make conversation, this made him smile a little.

"Thanks, I am glad you liked it." He replied.

"Do you do it every evening?" You asked genuinely interested.

He nodded, as the car descended into quiet, you twiddled your thumbs wondering how you would ease the awkwardness. You still hated being disliked by anyone so Jimin hating you made you extremely uncomfortable. If Jimin wasn't the worst for apparently no reason you would have found him deeply attractive. He was quite slender framed, he usually had  dark hair and dark eyes that went from innocent to smouldering and back again in a matter of seconds. Not that he smiled at you, but he had a gorgeous smile, it was so bright, it lit up the room. Even when he smirked, oh when he smirked it was hard even if you, disliked him, not to feel somehow sexually aroused. In his eyes you could really see his true nature...he loved seducing.

In the dim light of the car, you eyed all his features, his well styled hair that allowed his forehead to peak out, his heavily pierced ears . His full plush, pink lips and his sharp jaw. Your eyes trailed to his hands that were heavily jewelled with silver rings on his wrist his chain bracelets glinted prettily under the sliver moon.  You were so engrossed in his good looks you barley noticed you had parked somewhere quite and remote.

His eyes trailed you slowly,he was taking his time. At this point he didn't bother hide the fact he was checking you out. His intense eyes made you gulp, you were trapped here with him and of course you didn't mind at all. His filter completely dropped away as his beauty shone through like the sun peaking out behind the clouds. His grey eyes continued to you read you, as he easily ran his his hand through his equally silver hair.

"Listen, I am so fucking into you and lets be honest you're attracted to me..." he whispered. He was right, you were, the longer you saw him drive the more you were trying to tame your racing thoughts.

"Yet you mortals love hiding your feeling and intentions." He continued. "Why don't you be honest with me sweetheart? You know you can.."

"I-I am attracted to you too."' You stuttered out without thinking.

"Good..." he leaned closer to you, the smell of his sweet cologne blind-sighted you, you imagined how his lips would taste against yourself.

"Tell me what you Want?" He asked almost teasing you.

"I want you Jimin." You breathed.

A devilish smile travelled up his lips. He had wanted to hear those words from you for a long time. He knew you would never understand how much he had ached to have you like this ever since he had first laid eyes on you. Even if he couldn't really stand you.

"See if you ask you will get."

His lips finally connected with yours, cupping your face he pushed into you, asserting his dominance. It was everything you had imagined, his lips were light and pillowy. Intertwined, his hands roamed as cross your body, finally resting up your skirt squeezing your thigh. You moaned a little. Using that opportunity he slipped in his tongue in your mouth. His hands travel up your top lifting it over your head exposing your bra, the he ogled at you. It was surprisingly ornate and pretty, lace beautiful and intricate as deep red traveled across your bust, it was art. As for you, you noticed the huge angry bulge tenting in his slacks. Without skipping a beat traced your fingers over it, you were intrigued.

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