The Goddess Awakens

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During the rest of the day, you would get several interruptions from each of the gods. They would take their time to have an easy conversation before ducking out to complete their work. Of course, they came in twos. You noticed that the pairs of gods had powers on opposite ends of the spectrum. Like Jimin had said, it was to keep the room polarised and neutralised. The only god who could come in unaccompanied was Namjoon because he explained he was pure neutrality. He wasn't light or dark he was the middle ground.

It was a nice gesture, of course, they were keeping an eye on you, but you could also tell that they were trying to stop you from getting lonely. It didn't matter how many people came in. You were waiting for Jin. Every time the door would open you would look up hopefully only to see that it was someone else. You could barely hide the disappointment anymore.

"Happy to see you too.", Taehyung had commented snarkily.

After a long day, you had accepted that Jin wasn't coming to see you. Signing off, you gathered your things. The sun was setting as you watched the colours of the sky. The orange and, pinks streaked where there had been blue. The sun started to dip into the horizons a final bow before it disappeared. You sat on the desk admiring Hoseok and Jimin's work. One day you hoped to witness how they created such art. The colours of the sky were cast on your face, revealing that your deep coloured eyes were actually an earthy almond colour.

You stared for another 5 minutes before at last turning away from the large window, bending to pick up your bag. Bracing yourself for a long journey home. When you straightened up again. Jin was standing in the middle of the room. The dying sun caused a shadow to obscure half his face, making what he was feeling impossible to read. Looking into his striking eyes caused your blood to run cold, your heart raced with fear. He wore a black jacket, his hands were dug deep into the pockets. Everything was telling you to run.

You took a step towards him because your heart was telling you to stay.

He could destroy you a thousand over but you somehow knew you would end up back to him. Something brief flashed before your eyes as new different types of recognition burned in your chest. You took another step towards him. He was so ethereal, his beauty was paramount. You couldn't even begin to describe it. His hair had grown recently, but you could still see the glint of silver from the earrings he wore in his left ear. Your eyes scanned his expressive eyebrows that framed his face perfectly and his pink plump lips that felt so good against yours. The closer you got the warmth only gave off enveloped you. Tears streamed down your cheek as if you found someone who was lost. You knew Jin somehow before this. This had to be the reason why you were running towards him now, as you abandoned your bag on the ground. A loud clatter reverberated in that empty space. Just 2 warm bodies, his arms were there to greet you as he wrapped his arms tightly around you. You could feel his heart beating against your cheek. He smelled so beautiful, like hope, dreams, wishes coming true, the creeks up in the mountains.

All was at peace for at least for a minute. Something was reset. He inhaled breathing in your shampoo. Your reassuring warmth, how you smelled of summer meadows, and rain. He never wanted to let you go again. You were the only one he had ever needed. The familiarity of your skin, the smile, those eyes. A memory started bubbling up in the darkness of mind, but the moment went. The trembling hadn't stopped. You were still scared of him, but he understood that. He had so many dark secrets, he knew you could probably feel it. His darkness.

Your hearts started to synchronise.

"I love you," Jin whispered as the wind outside picked up.

Those words...wait... a rush of melancholy rushed through you. It felt like you had waited decades to hear those words. You swallowed heavily, like...why did you feel like you wanted to cry?

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