It takes two balance a universe and two to love

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The concept of Ying and Yang or darkness and light was something that outdated even the conception of gods. This was how the universe had been created, without this balance everything would fall to pieces. Without Nyx, you could not exist and without you, Nyx couldn't exist either. At first, there was just darkness nothing, just Nyx lonely and on her own, floating in a cold and empty abyss.

Soon you were born, a speck of light in the sea of emptiness, you had embraced her, full of heat and passion, you gave her purpose and for your trouble, Nyx grounded you the same way you had lifted her eyes to the hills.

"You've always been there." You felt relieved after the realisation of who she was hit you all at once.

The three of you wouldn't speak at first. You let the familiarity wash over you, everything was falling into place and you relished in this mini victory, the fog was lifting. The other two noted that you appeared to them now as you appeared to them back then, the only difference was your eyes, they had been stripped of any naïveté, you certainly were going to fight now, there was a ferocity that burned deep into your soul and charred those who dared to look too long. The universe was finally going to see the spring once more.

"The mirror has been destroyed," Ariadne stated to no one in particular.

"Good, the seal is broken," Nyx replied.

You were after all fully god now, Ariadne didn't need to watch the universe anymore, the role had been restored to you.

"Nyx? Ariadne?"

You paused mindfully, saying his name out loud felt like blasphemy. Someone like you wasn't worthy of speaking his name. Because of had let him down and now he was lost drifting in obscurity.

"We're missing Nour." A breeze disturbed the blooms, forcing their perfumes into the air. "I can't do this without him."

Nyx hadn't heard his name in a long time, you had been willing to throw the universe away for him, the reason you had refused to even fight was because of him. Ariadne had never understood why you had been so careless when it to came to Nour. Insanity, that was the best way she could describe your love for him. Then again that was love. It was mad and unpredictable and it would undo even the most powerful of people. Ariadne had learned that when she had met Dionysus.

"He's still missing?" She asked quietly.

You simply nodded not trusting yourself to speak, a sob worked its way to the surface as you felt the first pinprick of tears.

"I promised him..."

"I know."

"He's not dead." You announced. "I don't think- I know he's out there."

"Namjoon, Yoongi, Hoseok. Please leave us." Ariadne urged.

This time when she spoke it wasn't light and whimsical, it was a snapped order that did not allow any room for protest. There was a time her words were gospel. Ariadne turned to you, her expression was serious; pain and frustration danced openly in her eyes. The relationship you and Nour had was destructive it quite literally destroyed the universe.

"Your highness...please I beg you let him live the life he's currently living don't pursue him anymore, let him go."

This feeling of anger and betrayal felt like something resurrected from the ages, an old scar had been reopened and now you felt something so visceral and primal leaking out. This was what they had said to you back then.

"Give up on him"

"That's enough Ariadne, watch your tongue," Nyx spoke up.

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