Mirrored & Masked

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There was nothing.

Not a star in the sky.
No rustling of the wind
Not the thrashing waves of this sea
Nor the light of day and slivery beacon of night.

When the Universe began there was nothing. No matter where you turned, no matter where you looked, it was empty you couldn't even describe it. How could you begin to describe nothing?

It was just you and your steady breathing. In. Out. The steady rise and fall of your chest. In the that deep silence you heard the electrical currents in your nerves fire, you could hear the electrical pulses in your heart controlling it's rhythm. You could hear blood rush, your heart pump. You could hear everything but simultaneously nothing.


In the nothing there was a glimmer of red light in the distance.  It was faint however, you could barely see it in all that nothing. For a second you thought you had imagined it. Spurned on by your curiosity you followed the small light into a deep darkness. The closer you got the warmer you felt, the more a feeling of reassurance weighed you down, your feet felt firmly planted the ground. The closer you got the more the butterflies in your stomach rejoiced. The closer you got you saw it was a red mass of  plasma, surrounded by red smoke that danced out of it. As if waving cheerfully.

A strong wind whipped at you slapping you in the face, it smelled like the sea. The wind of  the East. Another wind from the opposite direction rose as the smell of burning filled your nostrils. The wind of the West. Another gentler wind breezed through, it smelled of greenery, Earth and flowers. The wind of the South and another wind rose like a Tornado  rippling through, it was ice cold as you shivered. It smelt of nothing. The wind of the North.

Slowly but surely more glimmers appeared. One by one distant balls winked in and out of sight. Some were blue, green, orange ,purple, you name it! They all appeared in the darkness. All lighting up the nothing. You turned to look in awe, a relieved smile slowly made it to your face. You were scared of the dark after all, but now the silent glimmering balls of light made you feel at ease.

There were seven balls of lights that were particularly bright as they glimmered above you.

This feeling...


This was the feeling of pure peace. You felt safe here. So safe.

Wait...Seven. The number seven...that was important.

" It will be seven that will be your undoing and it will be eight who will rise for the revolution"
A voice snag. You gaze lowered from the orbs above you, searching for the owner of the voice.

You were face to face with yourself.

This mirror version of you wore a white lace dress that trailed out of her like the petals of flowers. The dress pooled around her like water ripples after a rock had disturbed it's surface, it was laced with brillant gold threads and precious gem stones were sewn to the bodice of her dress. The skirt was made of the most heavenly chiffon, it clinged to her in the right places, as a silhouette of her delicately curvy figure was revealed to you. Her skin had ethereal golden glow to it, she was radiant like she was siting in the sun during golden hour. Her coils curled into a magnificent wisps around her face. Her hair looked so soft to touch like the most premium pure cotton. Nestled in her coils was a golden crown daintily moulded into beautiful vines that were encrusted with diamonds. As for her eyes there were piercing ruby colour that glistened like the gem itself.

"W-what did you say?" You asked trying to look at this version of yourself in the face.

"It will be seven that will be your undoing and it will be eight who will rise for the revolution" she repeated smiling her eyes dancing under the light the of orbs.

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