Black and Blue

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You slept easy waking up before the alarm this time. The morning went well for once, you made it time for both buses, plus you looked gorgeous today although you yourself didn't notice. This time you made it to work in time and intact, the only thing you had missed was breakfast and for that your stomach growled in protest. It became very apparent that perhaps breakfast was a non-negotiable. Well, you couldn't be perfect. Bracing yourself you knocked on your boss's door twice before entering.

This time he was behind his desk eating his breakfast, the same breakfast you had just missed. You mumbled a weary good morning, avoiding eye contact, oblivious to you internal struggle, he greeted you with a dazzling smile. It wasn't like you paying attention to him anyway. The smell of his food had drifted over to you causing your stomach to noisily curse you out.  You cleared your throat in embarrassment.

"W-where did you get that from?" You asked deciding you would sneak off later to buy some for yourself  

"I made it." He told you simply. Just like that, you felt that maybe your day would be worse than yesterday.


He stopped eating a grin beamed from his face.

"Have some if you want, grab a fork and join me."

You didn't even bother to hesitate as you raced to the kitchen grabbing any cutlery and rushing back. He ushered at you sit to at his desk. You were surprised at him for being so generous before a feeling of guilt overshadowed it. You could have maybe resisted his offer a little bit. There was still the possibility that he was just being polite.

"I am sorry about yesterday." You mumbled. It took him a few moments before he realised what you meant. A small smile bloomed one his face.

"I was rejected, I guess I just have to keep trying. Maybe one day."

"Do you get rejected a lot?." You asked surprised at how cheery he was being about it.

"You're the first." He told you again easily "I'll just learn from it."

You didn't want to sound arrogant, but you wondered if your rejection even had any impact on him. He mused for a minute trying to find a way to answer the question before explaining that it hurt his pride a little and it did a little damage to the ego, but it was an interesting moment for him. He failed to mention however,  that your eyes had become a vibrant red and you had suddenly seemed so powerful. He wasn't going to lie to you anyway or push you if you didn't want to, but it felt like if he had done, that would have been the last thing he would have ever done.

As you were eating you allowed your eyes travel across his features. He was the son of Aphrodite, that alone should've been enough, to have just given in, you were sure he would have given you one hell of a session. At least that was you were thinking as you were processing how gorgeous he was. Immediately the thought entered your head you noticed a small smirk appear on his lips...when he met your eyes his face morphed into an innocent expression. He reached out to your neck where you were wearing a scarf tracing it.

"I bruised you that bad huh?"

You swallowed heavily you heart beating aggressively through your chest. He was so close to you, you could see the imperfections he didn't have, his skin was so smooth and clear. He leaned in closer leaving a soft kiss on your lips. Leaning back he smiled sweetly.

"Sorry,I should compose myself better." He told you easily. "However, you're going have to beg on your knees for what you're craving right now. Payback for rejecting me the first time."

"But I-?"  You started. There was no denying that you wanted him so much right then.

"Also I can smell Yoongi on you." He smirked, saying nothing else. You flushed he was definitely going to think you were an office whore-

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